Author: Prescott Clearwater
Date: 04-17-03 21:03

Prescott was sitting in the Ravenclaw Common Room troubled with thoughts of the past few months. Ginny Weasley and Prescott had broken up over what? No one really knew why these two had parted ways, but Prescott knew... So he decided to write Ginny a letter.

Prescott wrote:

Dearest Ginny,

I would close my eyes and see you again and again , your hair, your charm, your smile, your wit. Ever since you left my world its like the sun has fallen and has yet to rise again,oh to feel the radiance of your love once more..........

You must hate me but I had to free you, free you from me so that you could go after what might be your one true love. He is my one true rival and is better at everything I do beyond comparison, bravery, quidditch, popularity, and more. I could not compete any longer....All through our relationship I felt a competition with him because I felt that I wasn't worthy of you when compared to him. You deserve the best, and I so want that for you! Go get your Harry Potter! I shall always love you, and if he should foolishly turn you away, I will always be at your beckon call!


The knight of your heart,

Prescott Clearwater of Ravenclaw
Prefect of Hogwarts

Prescott sighed and looked outside of the window, something looked back! It was his owl Shiverwind (appropriate name). The snowy owl was shivering from the coldness outside. He gave a weak hoot.

Prescott patted his owl. "Poor owl, is it cold out there? Have an owl treat! Sorry "Shiv" old pal, you have to go back out!" The owl gave Prescott a mean look Prescott replied, "Want me to use a school owl?! That's what I thought! Deliver this to Ginny Weasley!" Prescott took the letter Shiverwind brought to him and gave him Ginny's letter, then sent him on his way.

Prescott mumbled while opening a letter from his mentor Percy Weasley. "Crazy owl."

The letter read:

Dear Prescott:

Whats up?

It's been a while since I've heard from you. I heard about the breakup from other family members. I must say I'm sorry to hear that and disappointed in both of you. I was looking forward to having you as a brother-in-law. Anyway I hope that you are keeping up with your prefect duties and reading from Prefects Who Gained Power and The Prefect Code Book! I'm counting on you to continue to uphold the prefect code and to become Head Boy next year!

If you keep up the good work, after you graduate I might be able to persuade my boss to hire you as my assistant in the Ministry! So don't let me down! Ok?

Work harder!

Your Friend and Mentor
Percy Weasley

Prescott cheered up a bit and immediately got up, grabbed his bag and headed out of the Common Room to his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Potions Exams
Author: Severus Snape
Date: 04-18-03 08:24

Professor Severus Snape swept into the Potions classroom, his robes billowing turbulently behind him. Finally, the last day of the winter semester had come; finally, a few weeks of vacation would grant him peace from some of his students. Regardless, Snape still had four classes to teach before his long-awaited freedom could take hold -- two sixth year groups and two seventh years -- and what better way to end the semester than with an exam.

"Clear your desks of all material," Snape ordered, his eyes scouring the room.

Everyone did as they were bade, some slower than others. "Mr. Longbottom, the longer you take to remove those books from your table, the less time you will have to fail my exam."

Snape only briefly caught the flickers of defiant looks on some of the other Gryffindor faces, particularly Potter, Weasley and Granger, but instead of handing out punishments -- a few points here and a detention there -- Snape simply curled his lips into a sneer and began to pass out the exams.

When he approached Longbottom, Professor Snape paused with an expression of blatant amusement on his pale face. "Mr. Longbottom, how do you expect to take my exam when you do not have a quill or a well of ink on your desk?"

Longbottom's bottom lip quivered as he sought to come up with an explanation. "Y-you s-said to cl-clear e-everything off..."

The Slytherins in the classroom snickered, and Snape refused to finish handing out the exams until Longbottom retrieved his quill and ink from underneath his desk. This wasted a few valuable minutes of test-taking time, because Longbottom managed to drop his bottle of ink, causing it to leak all over the dungeon floor. Granger quickly retrieved a spare bottle from her bag and slid it across the table to him, ignoring the stern look Snape shot her way.

By the time everyone received an exam booklet, nearly ten minutes were lost. Snape returned to his desk at the front of the room and only after scribbling down some notes on the parchment on his lectern did he allow his students to begin.

Looking Forward to Vacation
Author: Hermione Granger
Date: 04-18-03 17:29

Despite the decrease in time allotted for the Potions exam, Hermione still managed to finish it well within the time frame of class and before her classmates. When an extremely disgruntled Snape called time, the test booklets were passed to the front of the room and then the students were dismissed, save for Neville, who was forced to stay behind and clean up the ink he had spilt at the beginning of class. Hermione promised to tell Professor Flitwick that Neville would be a little late, and then she, Harry, Ron and Majandra filed out of the dungeons with their classmates and wandered to the Charms corridor for their next class.

While all had been more or less prepared for Snape's annual last-day-of-class-before-Christmas exam, nobody liked it...not even Hermione, who otherwise thought exams and tests weren't that bad.

Everyone was more than ready for Christmas to arrive, and since there wasn't going to be a Snow Ball this year or any other special holiday event at Hogwarts, the majority of the students were heading home tomorrow. Hermione, herself, couldn't wait to see her parents. She also needed to do all of her Christmas shopping, since she hadn't done any while in Hogsmeade last weekend. Perhaps buying Muggle things for her friends this year wouldn't be such a bad idea. Plus, she needed to find a wedding gift for Ron's brother.

Charms class was a breeze. Neville showed up ten minutes at the start of class wearing a grimace and ink stains on his hands; evidently Snape had asked Neville to do the cleaning the hard way. He brightened as the class progressed and soon forgot all about his Potions woes, thinking more about Christmas and a vacation from Hogwarts like most everyone else at school.

After Charms class, the gang all went to the Great Hall for lunch. Two classes down, two more to go and then it would be time for winter break!

To Stay or Not to Stay, That is the Question
Author: Australia Kingston
Date: 04-18-03 17:56

While sitting patiently in Charms class waiting for the bell, Australia quickly does a mental run-down of what her choices for the winter holiday are. Either she could stay here at school or she could go and spend the holiday with her mother's step-sister (whom she has never met) in America.

Finaly the bell to signal the end of class rang. She decided she would have to ask her brother about his choice at dinner tonight. Right now, she had to quickly get down to the dungeons for a horrific Potions test that she didn't want to take.

She knew she would fail it because Prof. Snape doesn't really like her. Come to think of it, she knew he didn't really like any of his students except the Slytherins. Oh well, she thought. Just another test I'm going to flunk in his class. And with that thought, she trudged off down the stairs to the dungeon.

Mission the First
Author: Voldemort
Date: 04-18-03 19:58

Severus has failed to provide me with information about the workings at the Castle failed as my spy. I knew he would, but he is unimportant right now. There is another there who is developing into something more than he ever knew he could be. He can provide me with the information I require. He can do it subtly.

Ethan is still full of questions, but most are left unanswered. Eventually he will stop fighting entirely, stop questioning and just accept what has happened to him. It is Ethan I now contact to begin his first assignment for me:

Ethan Somerset . . . are you ready for your first assignment?"

Ready and Waiting
Author: Ethan Somerset
Date: 04-20-03 09:22

Surveying the Great Hall from the High Table, Ethan's sapphire eyes took in everything from the twelve festively decorated Christmas trees to the smiling faces of each individual student. He smiled into his goblet, quite pleased that the holidays were around the corner, but particularly eager to go home to Canterbury to see his parents. He had much to tell them and much to ask. He didn't hesitate for a moment to think that they might not know of his changes; somehow he knew it to be quite the opposite.

His eyes briefly fell upon Professor Fairchild, who entered the room directly after Professor Snape. Professor Snape, true to form, bore a sour expression upon his face. Professor Fairchild, on the other hand, appeared to be cheerful and elated, smiling and exchanging Merry Christmas' with everyone she came into contact with. She paused at the head table, backtracking a few paces to speak with Ron and Ginny Weasley, and then found her seat.

Ethan nodded to her, flashing a grin, and then resumed his concentration on the meal and his thoughts. As he sat there, thinking and watching the activity within the chamber, the voice tapped into his brain and asked, Ethan Somerset...are you ready for your first assignment?

Nonchalantly, Ethan set down his goblet of pumpkin juice and thought, Yes, my Lord, hoping that he, too, had the ability to send telepathic messages as a form of communication. Even if he didn't possess that ability, Voldemort seemed to think that Ethan would readily agree to begin his first task. He explained his will, instructing Ethan on what he must do.

By the time the lunch hour was over and Ethan was returning to his classroom, he was formulating a plan in order to carry out his master's every demand.

Countdown to W-Day
Author: Helena Tufton
Date: 04-20-03 16:21

Helena cradled a steaming cup of tea with both hands as she sat outside on a white folding chair. The Burrow towered above and behind her, serving as a shield against the freezing blasts of wind generated by another northerly cold front. They were coming more frequently now that Christmas was almost here.

The blonde bride-to-be admired the setup of the backyard, which would serve as the ceremonial grounds for the New Year's Eve wedding celebration. White folding chairs already littered the lawn, which unfortunately bore no green color because of the winter weather, but would be charmed back to life for the ceremony.

A few lanterns were spaced around the area as well, though none were in their proper places as of yet. With the wedding just a little over a week away, preparations were in full-swing, even though time was still a-plenty. Just this morning, Helena had sent out notes to everyone with a major role in the wedding ceremony detailing the parts they will play.

Soon, family would be arriving at the Burrow and undoubtedly bringing chaos to an already chaotic house, but Helena didn't mind. She couldn't wait for New Year's Eve to arrive and certainly hoped that others were also looking forward to the grand event.

Time to Relax, at the Library
Author: Ledara Knight
Date: 04-20-03 20:02

Ledara had been studying hard, as usual. So many exams before Christmas was wearing out her mind. She had enjoyed seeing her Aunt Morgana at Hogsmeade, and enjoying meeting some of her Aunt's old friends.

Ledara had walked along the corridor towards the Library. She wanted to research on her Family History. She knew that some of the information was readily accessible to students there, and wanted to read up on how far back her family went at Hogwarts.

Her Aunt told her that Ledara was allowed to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas, as her Parents had gone to do work in New Orleans, and her Aunt would be away to join them. Something about a pesky poltergeist situation that called for the best there were to handle it. They would be there through New Years.

As she neared the Library corridor, she saw Peeves, the nasty poltergeist that haunted Hogwarts. How she hated seeing him. "Ledara Pedara, little 4th year shporth year. Peeves have fun with you."

Ledara stood staring him down and sighed. "Oh please Peeves. I'll just bet The Bloody Baron would like to hang you up on a tree, permanently. Don't mess with me, Peeves."

Peeves stopped his movement. "You little 4th year don't scare me."

"Then how about The Bloody Baron, 'cause he's right behind you."

Peeves laughed and then heard a noise from behind him. He turned to see The Bloody Baron floating a couple of inches behind him. Peeves shuddered at the sight of The Baron, then with a "pop", he was gone. The look of the Baron wasn't too frightening for Ledara as it was the first time she saw him.

"Good afternoon, Herr Baron." Ledara said politely.

He stared at her and then went about his way saying, "Good afternoon, Ms. Knight."

Ledara made her way towards the Library and approached the doors. As she reached for the doorknob, it opened on its own.

"I have to remember that it opens on its own sometimes." She said to herself as she entered.

There were other students as well catching up on some reading. She found her way to an empty table and pulled out a chair to sit. Her notebooks opened, she went over her list that her Aunt gave her, of books to read about her family. She found some but many others were restricted.

As she sat down at the table, she felt something brushing against her leg. She thought it was Peeves again, but, she looked under the table, and there was Mrs. Norris. She was wandering the Library looking like she was on patrol. Ledara looked about and saw Mr. Filch wandering about as well. Something about them both seemed strange, but it seemed always natural for them.

Starting Break Early
Author: Prof. Sorcha
Date: 04-20-03 22:24

Walking down the path after lunch, Sorcha was headed to Hogsmeade to meet James. She wasn't sure if he was gone or not, but it was still worth the trip, besides walking does good things to the body. The best effect was the slimming of the thighs. The best side effect was the strength now in her legs.

She had always been great at walking, but never as good as she was now. She could move when she walked, and she could run faster too. Sorcha was amazed at her own endurance nowadays. She could probably outrun everyone she knew.

Sorcha approached Hogsmeade and went straight to James's place. When she arrived at the door she knocked. And waited.

Author: James Simpson
Date: 04-21-03 09:32

Hearing the knock, he quickly quiets his music and runs a hand through his hair, pulling on a t-shirt and checking his reflection in the mirror one last time, he looks through the door, smirking a little and relaxing as he opens it, "Hey Christina...Come on in."

End of Term, Break and Giving a Gift
Author: Lawrence Masterson
Date: 04-21-03 11:17

Lawrence left his last exam and breathed a sigh of relief as he made his way back to the Hufflepuff common room to relax. He quickly went to his room and deposited his books on his bed. No sooner had he done so that an owl flew into the window and handed him a letter and a box. He recognized the writing of his Aunt. He smiled and offered the owl a bit of cookie from the box his Aunt had sent. He sat down and read the letter. "Well at least that question is answered." He said with a slight sigh. He would be spending the Christmas holiday here at school because his Aunt was going on a cruise to the Bahamas. It was a gift from her muggle neighbors. Why she would want to go on a cruise to the Bahamas Lawrence didnŐt know, but then again his Aunt always was a little strange.

He sighed and tucked the letter away and picked up the box of cookies, he would share them with Vera when he told her he would be staying here for winter break. He moved down to the common room and sat down in front of the fire and nibbled on a few cookies as he quickly penned a letter to both his Aunt and David back in Australia. There was quite a bit for him to tell them both since it had been so long since he had last written to them. He told them about Vera and about the Wizard's Chess Tournament and how he is in the second round of the tournament and about Vera playing Quidditch for the house team.

He had just signed the last letter when he heard Vera's voice coming in to the common room. He looked up and smiled. "All done?" He asked standing and pressing a light kiss to her cheek. She nodded and then slipped away for a few minutes to put her things back up in her room and then join him again. He offered her some of the cookies and they chatted for a bit. "Well, it looks like I am staying here for Christmas break. So I figured that I should go ahead and give you your present now." He said pulling a small box out from within the pockets of his robe.

He watches her as she opens the box to reveal a simple chain with a heart shaped pendant on it, with her name inscribed on it, along with a small emerald above her name. "What do you think Vera?" His voice soft as he spoke, he had told David to send it over as soon as possible. It had been here at school for about a month now.

End of Term and Where to Spend Break
Author: Oreileah McCoi
Date: 04-21-03 11:26

Orei raced from her last exam and back up to Gryffindor Tower. She quickly tossed her bag upon her bed and then left to meet Brett and his sister. She found them in the Great Hall and moved to sit next to them. "Hey Brett, Australia..." She said settling into a seat next to Brett. Orei had tied her hair up with red and green ribbons, as well as added a few gold colored ones to keep the colors of both the season and her house.

"What are you guys doing for break?" She asked, fingertips tracing a pattern over the table as she waited for their reply. "I'm going home." She said fiddling with something inside her robe and pulled out two cards, one was handed to Brett and the other to Australia. "Merry Christmas." She said with a cheerful smile.

The conversation continued for a few moments between the three before Orei slipped away and back up to the tower to pack what she would need to take home for winter break.

Last Day, Last Class
Author: Draco Malfoy
Date: 04-21-03 12:13

After a particularly distracting Defense Against the Dark Arts class (it seemed that even Professor Somerset had his mind elsewhere), Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and the other Slytherins parted from their Gryffindor classmates and went to Charms. With it being the last class of the day, everyone fidgeted and glanced at their watches, eager for class to end and vacation to begin.

By this time tomorrow, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle like countless others would be on the Hogwarts Express, heading home for the holidays. Draco had briefly considered staying at Hogwarts over the winter break, but he didn't want to risk being one of few Slytherins stuck at school if Clara wasn't going home either.

Ever since their breakup, things have been awkward. Clara was clearly hurt, if not angry by Draco's decision to end their relationship. Her other half, Tempest Aisling, seemed hell bent on protecting her best friend, scorching Draco with looks of pure dislike whenever they made eye contact in the hallways, common room or classroom.

Of course, contact with Clara and Tempest couldn't be avoided since they were all on the Quidditch team together. Sometimes Draco got the clear impression that they wanted to break his legs or intentionally beat him senseless with bludgers, but he also knew that they were serious about the game and wouldn't want to jeopardize Slytherin the Quidditch Cup by taking out the team's seeker and captain.

At any rate, Draco was thankful to be going home tomorrow. His father and mother were as eager to see him as he them.

Hurray for Holidays
Author: Dierna ní Cíaran
Date: 04-21-03 21:00

"Who cares if there's no tomorrow?
Now's the time to spread good cheer:
cinnamon and sugar around the table,
Christmas comes but once a year!"

I skip around the living room, finishing decorating my house. I have reason to be in good spirits: as of today I am on holidays until mid January, having accumulated a phenomenal amount of overtime. I had, of course, seen that Hermione's fireplace was connected to floo-powder network before leaving then given strict instructions to do without me until I come back (baring, of course, some cataclysmic event, for which I was absolutely needed).

I still haven't decided if I am going to staying Hogsmeade or go back to Dunsidhe. I had received invitation from both places for various social events, and even one from Michael's sister, Helouise, in France. I was also thinking of hosting an impromptu Ceili of my own, at whichever residence I decide to spend my holidays.

Using a fun charm I found in an old schoolbook, I cause the music from the WWN to come out in multicolored musical note and symbols - such as what is often shown in cartoons. The notes weave around the room a few second before vanishing into coloured tufts of smoke. Siabhra provides extra entertainment by playfully chasing after the floating notes. Laughing at my kneazle's antics, I pick up the large pile of gifts I bought for everyone and put them under the tree. My list was even larger this year than last - Sirius, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Nevvyn along with a few others were added. This was definitely a good thing - especially Sirius!

When my decorating is finished, I grab my cloak and head outside for some fresh air.