First Class then the Holidays
Author: Annie Paul
Date: 04-22-03 06:02

As Orie and I sat in the History of Magic class barely listening to Professor Binn's lecture on the Great Goblin Wars, most of the class's minds were on the holidays. My parents were so eager to see me again and had so many questions to ask about school and if I made any friends.

I thought about Kelly and the girls from my old cricket team and my old school. Wouldn't they be surprised to see me again. I then looked at Orie. "Um Orie, would you like to come to my place for Christmas and your parents as well? I'm sure mum and dad won't mind."

"Miss Paul," came Professor Binn's voice as he floated next to me. "Do you have anything you want to share with the class?" I shook my head. "Sorry Professor," I replied, and he gave a sort of huff then floated back to his desk. "Boy, he gets my goat," I scoffed, and the class continued. Then five minutes later the bell rang signaling the end of the class.

It was like a stampede going out the door as everyone left and talked about what they were going to do over the holidays.

Christmas Decorating...
Author: Angelina
Date: 04-22-03 06:24

I truly love this time of year and for good reason. I had just finished up my last class and went to Greenhouse One before going to the Great Hall. All was ready, the poinsettias were nicely grown and the mistletoe was wonderful to see. Using the "Wigardium Leviosa" spell I levitated the flats the plants were on and headed to the Great Hall.

As I entered Professor Flitwick was already decorating one of the giant trees brought in by Hagrid and it looked beautiful. Gently placing the flats down I took each pot and levitated then to their positions arranging them as I went for the proper effect. Looking at the mistletoe I took a small sprig and tucked it into my hair which for the first time since coming here I had down in public.

"Merry Christmas Professor Flitwick," I greeted, and the little man returned the greeting. I looked at the eaves of the hall and gave it a thought. Raising my wand I muttered a spell and colorful red and green garland shot out intertwining with each other covering the eaves. I then placed the mistletoe at each junction giving it a colorful look. I then added some ornaments and stood back to admire my work.

As I stood there Hagrid came in with another tree, and I greeted the man with another Merry Christmas, to which he returned with a great smile and a glint in his eye.

Author: Remadi Ye
Date: 04-22-03 07:16

Remadi woke up Friday morning with a big smile on her face. Her classes (and exams) were finished for the semester.

Earlier that week she had received an owl from her father. He had told her before that he wanted her to stay at Hogwarts during Christmas break. This had made her depressed for about a week. Then she got the owl which had a letter saying that he had changed his mind and wanted her to come home after all. She was now on a high. She couldn't wait to step off the plane and see her father again. She had missed him a lot during the months in Hogwarts and spending Christmas vacation with him would revive her. It would be a nice break to boarding school, something she was still having to adjust to. Neko also seemed excited which just made Remadi's smile bigger.

She had given Christmas cards to most of her friends during the week and planned on giving the rest out during dinner tonight.

Her day was made even better when Jing-Mei, the family owl, dropped off a package. It contained yummy Chinese food prepared by her grandfather.

She checked her bag to make sure she had everything she planned on taking and then spent the afternoon relaxing and walking around the Hogwarts' grounds.

Long Days Ahead
Author: Majandra
Date: 04-22-03 10:42

Because she has four class on Thursdays, including Astronomy, and four classes on Fridays, Majandra had tried to get most of her packing done on Wednesday. Even still, there is much to do on this Friday so as soon as Charms was over, instead of heading to the Great Hall for lunch with most of her friends and classmates, Majandra returns to Gyrffindor House.

Majandra spends the time until her one o'clock class wrapping the last of the presents to give to friends and getting them passed out. Luckily, she'd already given out a number of the presents yesterday and this morning so at least she wasn't spending her entire free time rushing around the castle trying to locate people. Majandra also packs the last of the items she's taking with her for the break. About the only thing Majandra's not doing is thinking of how she's going to tell George it's best they don't get back together. It's going to be a long couple of weeks between now and then!

All too soon, it's time to grab her DADA books and rush off to class.

Gift for a Goddess
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 04-22-03 10:48

With no Friday classes, Py chooses to sleep in but once he is up he rushes to shower and dress. Py has Christmas presents to distribute to friends and wants to get that little job completed so he can spend some time with Isolde.

Pyrrhus scowls as he thinks of the holiday plans his parents announced to him (and to Majandra) in an owl. The Fines decided to spend a large portion of the holiday with the Muggle side of the family. That in itself is bad enough in Py's opinion but to make it worse, the family will be staying at one of the aunt's houses in the Bahamas. Py's part of the family won't be returning to England until the 30th and only then because Majandra has a Weasel wedding to attend New Year's Eve.

By the time Py gets gifts delivered, in some cases simply leaving them on the person's bed, it's time for lunch. His stomach rumbling from having missed breakfast, Py makes short work of plowing through the food piled high on his plate. He'd hoped to have lunch with Isolde but he's told she'd left the Great Hall a few minutes before he'd entered. So, once done, Py goes in search of his goddess and finds her back at the Slytherin common room. After spending a few minutes on a couch kissing and snuggling, Py leaves Isolde long enough to go to his room to get her present. Upon returning, Py kisses Isolde hello as if he's not seen her in days. Next, he pulls from his robe a beautifully wrapped, oblong box. After another kiss he hands her the box and says, "Happy Christmas, Isolde."

Seeing Stars
Author: Isolde
Date: 04-22-03 12:55

"Happy Christmas, Isolde."

Startled, Isolde took the beautiful box from her boyfriend's hand. At his encouragement, she unwrapped it, careful not to damage the beautiful paper. When she opened the box, she found a document nestled within the midnight blue, velvety niche, secured with a matching ribbon.

Her brown eyes read over the text and the accompanying chart, widening as her mouth formed an o. "You bought me a star?" she asked, raising her gaze to meet Pyrrhus' jubilant face.

"A star for my star," he replied happily. "Do you like it?"

Isolde nodded, setting the box down for a moment as she embraced Pyrrhus, holding him tight. "I love it, Py. It's the most beautiful, thoughtful, incredible gift." She parted from him, returning to her box. "Do you think Professor Sinistra will give us extra credit for showing an outside interest in astronomy?" Isolde pondered, smiling.

"Maybe," Pyrrhus said, suddenly grinning impishly. "Here's an idea, Miss Isolde Farnon," he began, "Why don't we go up to the astronomy tower tonight -- it is Friday after all and Sinistra doesn't have any classes -- We can check out the Isolde star, your star."

Isolde nodded, smiling and exclaimed, "Oh, yes! That would be perfect, but let's try not to stay out too late tonight. We have any early train to catch in the morning."

After expressing some concern in a letter about Lia to her mother, Mrs. Farnon suggested that both Isolde and Azaelia come home for the holidays. It seemed some proper family time was in order, and maybe some time away from Hogwarts would do Azaelia some good.

Isolde kissed Pyrrhus and hugged him again, eternally thankful for his wonderful Christmas present. She pouted slightly afterwards and admitted, "You're going to have to wait until Christmas Day for your gift, Py. Can you wait that long?"

"For you, I can wait an eternity."

"Really?" Isolde asked, kissing him again. "Just stay away from those island girls, okay?"

Pyrrhus laughed.

Pre-Holiday Torture
Author: Mary
Date: 04-22-03 15:18

Mary couldn't think of a more terribly slow way to countdown the end of term than to spend it in a double history of magic class. Mary spent the two hours fantasizing about her future rule of the wizarding world, like Voldemort was now. Occasionally her daydreams where interrupted with a date or the name of a particularly violent goblin. Binns would be the last teacher to let the students of for something as trivial as Christmas, and he celebrated the holiday by continuing his incessant rounds of various medieval goblin rebellions.

Bored and anxious to be gone, Mary raised her hand. It took Binns a few minutes to notice her and he seemed irked to have to stop reading from his notes.


"What good is this information for the advancement of my well being?"

"Well Miss... Brown, History is important to learn so it is not repeated."

"Then shouldn't you be teaching goblins?" Mary retorted rudely.

"Miss Brown, your magical education..."

"Black." Mary said, "My name is Mary Black."

"Well then, Miss Black, as I was saying. Your magical education relies on the basic founding stones of magical history. Your forefathers..."

Mary stopped paying attention.

Happy Holiday
Author: H Potter
Date: 04-22-03 15:20

Harry shuffles into the DADA classroom and hides a grimace when his scar suddenly flairs with pain. Since the start of school, Harry's had several such occurrences with them coming more often and closer together. The problem is, Harry can't seem to put a finger on a common connection between each episode. They seem to happen at random and in different circumstances. Walking down the hall with a group of people. Out with Sirius, Dierna, Ron and Hermione strolling in Hogsmeade as the concert was letting out. Standing near Jet Obsidian one day while talking with several people about what they all wanted for Christmas. Borrowing a quill from Adriana, Professor Fairchild, in the library. In the Great Hall during the evening meal. Or like now, in Professor Somerset's classroom. Heck, even one day brushing past the very quiet, mild mannered Professor Sorcha had caused the scar to burn.

Harry's not spoken a word of this to anyone, not even Ron. With no commonality between the flair-ups, Harry doesn't want to worry people over nothing nor does he want to start sounding paranoid. Maybe over the holiday break he'll casually mention it to Sirius.

Thinking of his godfather and the first Christmas break ever to be spent away from Hogwarts brings a smile. Spending the start of break with Ron, Hermione, Gabe, and Ginny at his house brings an even bigger smile. The thought of Christmas day spent with Sirius and possibly Dierna, family other than the Dursleys, causes Harry to grin.

Minutes later when Professor Somerset begins the lesson, all thoughts of his scar hurting have vanished as Harry thinks about what a great Christmas this year's will be.

The Holidays are Upon Us
Author: Prof Flitwick
Date: 04-22-03 18:26

I hum a little tune as I watch the fairies stringing garlands of golden bubbles on each of the fir trees that Hagrid has fetched from the fringe of the Forbidden Forest.

"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.
Please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny, a ha-penny will do.
If you haven't got a ha-penny, then God Bless you!"

The main doors to the Great Hall swing open. I turn to look, thinking it is Hagrid with another tree. But no! It is Professor Logan with a platform full of poinsettias. She calls out a "Merry Christmas", which I return. "And a very merry Christmas to you, as well!" I smile. Then we both turn to our work to get the decorating of the Hall completed before the Christmas Feast.

Hagrid finally arrives with the last of the trees. I levitate it into position, giving it a bit of a nudge to compensate for a slight crook in the trunk. We both stand back and admire it as the fairies set to work.

Holiday Cheer
Author: Coco Nutt
Date: 04-22-03 22:40

Coco dances around, Pea hopping at her feet, as she makes sure she's packed everything that needs to go home over the holiday. Coco's so excited about seeing Papa Wal and the Bolts that she can hardly stand the wait to take the train tomorrow.

Her packing done, Coco skips to the side of her bed where she's got some presents waiting to be handed out. For Orei there is a copy of one of Coco's favorite records, or in this case it's actually a cd, "Hounds of Love" by Kate Bush. Coco very much hopes that Fritz likes the biography she got him about the life of the German scientist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen. As with Orei's and Fritz's presents, Coco put great thought into each gift she bought (with Papa Wal's help on getting the items on the list she'd sent him and owling each item to her).

The only presents Coco doesn't yet have are those for the Bolts and Papa Wal. Those she'll get tomorrow evening after the train gets into London. Papa Wal promised to take her shopping and to see Christmas decorations around the city. They'll spend the night in London then head for home on Sunday.

Nearly dancing a jig by this time, Coco, her hair now a lively green and bright red in the spirit of the holiday, takes the presents to be handed out and exits Ravenclaw House with Pea scampering merrily behind.

Santa's Elves
Author: Dobby
Date: 04-23-03 10:34

Dobby had gotten all the presents made in time, even if just barely. With the help of the other House Elves, Dobby have been passing out the presents to everyone so that now each student has a Christmas stocking with his or her house crest on it and every faculty member, even Argus Filch, has one with the Hogwarts school crest. To put a wonderful topping on Dobby's festive spirit, he also now has an invitation to pop in at Harry Potter sir's house on Christmas Day.

All his presents delivered, humming a merry Christmas tune, the colorfully clad for the holiday Dobby prances to the school kitchen to help prepare for the evening meal.

To Be (Conscious) Or Not To Be
Author: Aaron Miller
Date: 04-23-03 11:58

Somewhere in the far distance, persistent, annoying buzzing nosies occassionally turn themselves into snatches of human voices. Snatches such as

".... slowly gaining consciousness..." or

"How... longer?" and

"... finally stabilized... ."

At some point I also became aware of being cocooned in pain. Who knew that a barely imperceptible twitch of an eyelid could cause a massive, explosive headache?

The next thing I become aware of is just how bright rays of light filtered through drawn blinds can actually be. My barely opened eyes squint against the glare and I try to ask someone to close the curtains because I can't seem to move or else I'd do it myself. Thankfully a shadow blocks the light just then. A good thing because all the effort spent getting my eyes to open into tiny slits, then trying to shut out the light while attempting to call for help too a huge amount of energy. I decide it's time for a nap.

When next I manage to get my eyes to open a little, the room is a nice, calm dark gray. A moving shroud of even darker gray approaches and as it speaks in soft tones I realize it has Andie's voice.

"Aaron? You're in the hospital. Would you like a little water? That raspy feeling in your throat is from being intubated for several days."

I try to reply but can't seem to get any words past the cotton balls it feels like someone shoved in my mouth and the sandpaper showed down my throat. Raspy feeling is a slight understatement. I'd tell Andie that if I can ever find my voice again. Even though it sucks a huge amount of energy to do so, I end up shaking my head up and down vigorously to indicate yes, I'd like some water. Well, at least it felt like I was shaking it vigorously, particularly given the new pains shooting through my skull, but based on Andie's next words I'm guessing I am wrong about that.

There seems to be a smile in Andie's voice. "It's not much of a nod but it's a very good try nonetheless. Let me adjust the bed a little bit to make it easier for you to take a sip."

The head of the bed raises to a slight incline and then Andie holds a glass of water with a straw to my mouth. It takes some effort on my part but finally the cool liquid is soothing my mouth and throat. When I've drained the glass of the small amount of water, I make another attempt to speak. It takes a couple of tries but at length I croak out, "What...?"

Now, this is not at all the scenario running through my head. In it, after the water has washed away the sawdust, I suavely have a conversation involving several complex, compound sentences on my part. Sentences such as, "I'm not sure exactly how I got here nor how long I've been here, Andie, so please fill me in on the details of why I'm in the hospital and why I was intubated for several days."

Andie, the nursing angel, beams a smile at me and pats my hand. "I think the whats and hows can wait till tomorrow, Aaron. This is the first time you've been truly lucid and I can tell just this little bit of effort has greatly taxed you. You'll be more coherent tomorrow. Now, why don't you settle back and go back to sleep."

Sleep. Yes, that does sound like just the thing right now. I'll have to remember to tell Bernie what an intelligent catch he made with Andie. Will do that tomorrow if he comes round for a visit. I drift off again while thinking that Andie's a genius for knowing that sleep is exactly what I need.

The Last Slytherin
Author: Alexis Black
Date: 04-23-03 15:32

Alexis relaxed in the common room, reading a book. She glanced over and caught sight of Isolde receiving her gift from Pyrrhus. Alexis, sworn to secrecy, had already heard what it was straight from Py, so she was anxious to see how her friend would react. Naturally, Isolde was positively delighted. How could she not be thrilled with anything her boyfriend had come in contact with?

But really, Alexis thought, it is a cool gift. She was trying to get over the down of being what seemed like the only Slytherin to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas.

Well, her and the creature, Mary. Thinking of her stupid, annoying brat sister didn't do much for Alexis' mood, so she turned back to her book.

The Tragedy of 1893 was the title, and it covered an incident where some thirty dragons broke loose in Britain and consumed Muggles and wizards alike; about 100 people in all died. What she found so fantastic about the book was the gory details, and it was not unlike her everyday daydreams of mass chaos. This was her third time reading it. She found it entertaining that only three other names were in the cover from checking it out, and they were spaced apart at least twenty years or more.

Little Presents for All
Author: Nevvyn
Date: 04-23-03 17:38

For the last several weeks, I have been wracking my brain, trying to come up with some kind of "gift" idea for all my best customers. Then, last week, Tom came up with a brilliant idea. "Why not give 'em somethin' of the Irish?" He asked. "Maybe somethin' wit' a harp or a shamrock or somethin'." Well now! Don't you know! That got me to thinking of something I had bought for the grand opening, and had completely forgotten about.

"Tom! Would you see if you can find that box of shamrock cards! I think they're in the back-left corner of the storage room. It's a bright green box." Tom trotted off and returned with the box a few minutes later. I opened the lid, and there they were... all 500 of them. A lovely little card to fit in the purse or wallet, with a gen-u-wine Irish shamrock magically suspended in a cut-out area at he center. On one side is printed the old "Irish Journey Blessing", and on the other it said,

Grand Opening
Nevvyn's Notions
And Potions

For the next several hours, were busy using an Eradicatus spell to remove the "Grand Opening" and replace it with "Merry Christmas". At last we were finished and ready to start wrapping the "gifts". In a box marked "Miscellaneous - Holidays" we found some rather festive-looking paper along with some red and green ribbon. The four of us spent the next hour, hunched over the work table in the back room. Two Toms were wrapping, I was making out individual gift cards, and the other Tom was tying these onto the packages. I went through my list of all the people up at the school, all of our new friends in Hogsmeade, and even a few business associates. I had to chuckle as I addressed the ones for Dierna and for Captain Electron. Giving them a shamrock would be like carrying coal to Newcastle. They were both Irish, through and through, and had most likely grown up wading through fields of them, as I had. Ah well, mayhap they will consider the thought behind my little gift. Many of the gifts, I sent off by owl post. However, for those up on the hill, I sent two of the Toms up with a box-full and specific instructions as to whom they were to be delivered. "One for each member of the staff and one for each of the students. There are extras in there for Dobby and Winky, and for the House Ghosts. Oh! And be sure to take the one for Hagrid, directly to his hut." Well, I hope I haven't missed anyone.

Naughty or Nice? Naughty of Course!
Author: Jet
Date: 04-23-03 19:01

Jet rolls out of bed well after lunchtime, showers, dresses, and then meanders down to the Great Hall. There, he gets a late meal of simple sandwiches and thick, beefy, onion soup and after carefully placing everything on a tray, Jet makes his way to his private, little room.

A hint of an evil, gleeful grin graces Jet's face as he sits eating. The school believes Jet is going home for the break. Jet's parents believe there is some big holiday party going on at Hogwarts and therefore are not expecting Jet home tomorrow. All he has to do is lie low around school, which shouldn't be hard since he plans to spend most of his time holed up in this office of his, and for the next couple of weeks, Jet will be able to do nothing but learn more of Salazar's excellent, useful spells, charms, and curses. Too bad he won't have someone to test them on. Ah well. One can't have everything.

Winter Wonderland
Author: Cho Chang
Date: 04-23-03 19:28

Cho was humming Christmas carols as she skipped down the stairs, presents in a bag, giggling, she waves at Sykra and goes over to her friend, setting down the bag and fishing out Sykra's present, "It's not much, but I do hope you like it."

Sykra glances at her friend suspiciously as she slowly undoes the wrapping, "Oh Cho..." it was almost more of a groan than an exclamation, "You really shouldn't've." It was a picture of Orlando in a heart shaped frame.

"Oh silly, you know I absolutely positively had to...Here's your real gift," with that, Cho hands Sykra a substantially larger package and moves off across the room to present Aradia hers, "Enjoy ma petite!"

Aradia glares suspiciously at her fit, "Is the first one fake?" With Cho's only slightly reassuring shake of her head, Aradia carefully unwraps it.

Then, Cho goes to the Christmas tree, setting a gift for Golbez under it, as well as one of Fynn's. With that done, she sits down on the couch in front of the fireplace with a book, packageless as she had no living relatives.

All Done with Shopping
Author: Julian Valentine
Date: 04-23-03 20:18

Julian hears the bell tinkle, signaling someone's entered the shop and pokes his head out from the aisle where he's been rearranging the books on the shelves. With both Chyler and Lysander upstairs in their flat, taking a nap, Julian's currently alone in keeping an eye on the store.

Seeing the man standing just inside the doorway, looking around, Julian walks towards him, hand outstretched. "Mr. Keppler, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow. I hope this doesn't mean you've got bad news for me."

As they shake hands, Keppler replies, "Quite the opposite actually, Mr. Valentine."

With that, Keppler opens the valise he's carrying and pulls out a small metal tube. Uncapping one end, he tilts the tube and lets the rolled parchment inside slide out. "Here is everything you requested. Everything went much more smoothly than anticipated. All you need to do now is sign the final paperwork, which I brought along as well."

Pulling a set of documents from the valise, Keppler indicates where Julian should sign on each. Putting one of the copies back in his case, Keppler shuts the case with a snap and once more shakes hands with Julian.

Mr. Keppler spends a few more minutes browsing the shelves and is excited to find copies of books both his wife and his father had on their Christmas wish lists. After paying for his purchases, Keppler leaves a happily whistling Julian to buy one of the scrumptious looking cakes in window at Briar's Bakery before making his last business call of the day.

Back at the bookstore, Julian heads into the office to look over the several sheets of parchment in the roll and thinking how nice it is to be done with holiday shopping now that Briar's gift has literally been signed, sealed, and delivered.

Generosity of Spirit
Author: Viktor Krum
Date: 04-23-03 21:18

Viktor had been faced with sticking to the Hogwarts grounds for the holidays. He'd passed word around for those students staying at school who wanted help with flying or Quidditch that he'd be happy to work with them. As much as he likes Hogwarts though Viktor has been a little depressed about spending Christmas and New Year's cooped up there. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if friends such as Ethan would be around but Ethan, Hermione, Harry, and his other friends were all leaving on Saturday. But things took a turn for the better when Harry came to speak to Viktor, a with mischievous grin turning up the corners of his mouth. When the conversation ended, Viktor was feeling a great deal happier. He wouldn't be spending Christmas at the school afterall!