Valentine's Morning
Author: Hermione Granger
Date: 07-03-02 09:07

Early Wednesday morning, Hermione yawned and stretched as she climbed out of bed. Majandra was already up and dressed for the day, Christiane was heading off to the bathrooms to shower, and Lavender and Parvati were still sound asleep. All of them had Transfigurations class at eight, and they knew that Professor McGonagall frowned upon tardiness.

"Better get those two up," Hermione said, stepping into a pair of slippers while reaching for her bathrobe.

Majandra grinned, "What? And disturb their beauty rest?" She laughed and added, "Don't you agree that it's much more quiet in here when they're asleep?"

"Agreed! At least they don't talk in their sleep. Could you imagine that? Oh Dean! What strong arms you have! Oh Oliver! Your accent is to die for!" Hermione cast quick glances at the two sleeping girls, giggled, and headed off to the bathrooms to get ready for the day.

Fifteen minutes later, Hermione returned to the dorm room and went to make her bed. She was an orderly person, afterall, and didn't think the house elves should have to clean up after the students. She noticed that both Lavender and Parvati had managed to leave their beds. In fact, Hermione was quite alone in her room. Majandra and Christiane probably already went down to get breakfast, she thought to herself as she picked up a pillow from the floor to place it neatly at the head of her bed.

As she reached for the second pillow, a pale-colored envelope caught her eye. It was hidden halfway beneath her bed and upon it was written TO HERMIONE in large, scarlet letters. "It must have fallen off my bed while I was making it," she said to herself, sitting on the edge of the four-poster.

She broke the seal on the envelope and pulled out a matching card with the words, I LOVE YOU, written on it in equally large, scarlet letters. Hermione clutched the note to her chest and sighed dreamily. Oh Ron!

Flipping over the card, she found written in smaller lettering, more to come.

Hermione sighed again and tucked the card in the front of her Transfiguration textbook. With it under her arm, she grabbed a box of muggle Valentine cards her mother had sent her to pass out to her friends, as well as a special gift for a special someone, and headed down to the common room to meet the boys for breakfast.

The Gift
Author: Fred Weasley
Date: 07-03-02 13:59

Fred spritzed himself generously with some of the cologne he borrowed from his dad, checked his reflection one more time and bolted out of the dorm room with a slender, black box in his hand. He was particular nervous that morning because it had taken him a long time to pick out the gift for Sammi. He hoped she'd like it, but for some unknown reason he felt very unsure about it.

He skidded to a stop at the foot of the stairs, his eyes scanning the room for his girl. She was no where to be found. "Where is she?" he pondered aloud. He shook his head and walked over to the sofa before the fireplace. He was about to jump over the back to slide into the seat when he noticed that it was already occupied by a bushy-haired girl.

"Sorry! Didn't see you there," he said, moving around to the front of the couch.

Hermione smiled and starting digging through a box she had on her lap. "Don't worry about it, Fred. Here." She handed him a Valentine.

Fred looked it over and wrinkled his forehead. "Who's Goofy?" he asked, clearly not familiar with Walt Disney.

"He's a character from Muggle cartoons and comics."

Another wrinkle of the forehead. "Cartoons? Car tunes?"

Hermione laughed and shifted the things she had on her lap. "What do you have there?" she finally asked, indicating to the black box Fred was still holding on to.

"Oh, this?" he began, taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch. "It's a gift. For Sammi. Want to see?"

Hermione nodded and leaned in to take a closer look. Inside the box was a heart-shaped locket on a golden chain. Inside the locket itself was a photograph of Fred and Sammi hugging and waving to the camera.

"What do you think?" Fred asked. "I'm not sure if she'll like it."

Hermione smiled and patted his arm. "She'll love it."

Happy Valentine's Day
Author: Ginny Weasley
Date: 07-03-02 15:37

Ginny woke up early this morning so she could have her time in the shower. After returning to her room, she dressed for the day, gathered her presents for her friends and headed down to meet Prescott for breakfast and pass out her gifts.

As Ginny makes her way down she thinks back to what led to them "dating" at the moment. The day of the duel she'd suddenly realized how nice he is and how good looking. She even wondered what it would be like to kiss him. As he escorted her back to Gryffindor House, she'd let him know she thought of him as a good friend; and when he realized what she meant, he asked if they could get together again. She had, of course, said yes without hesitation. Once in the hall leading to the Fat Lady's portrait, she'd kissed his cheeked and thanked him for walking her.

Over the more than two weeks that followed, they'd been spending more time together. Now she was heading down on Valentines Day to meet him for breakfast. She'd picked out the best present she could think of for him. She'd also gotten Harry, Brett, Ron, Hermione, Australia, Fred, Sammi, George, Prote, and all the rest of her friends presents.

She reached the bottom of the stair case and met Prescott. They hugged and walked into the Great Hall together. They exchanged gifts and sat talking about Quidditch over breakfast. After Brett came in and joined them, she wished him a Happy Birthday along with the traditional Happy Valentines day wishes.

Eventually she had passed out all of her presents just as she and Prescott finished their breakfast. They left together and walked around the castle until Ginny had to go to her morning classes.

Male Bashing in the Tower
Author: Belladonna
Date: 07-03-02 16:39

"Oh God, kill me now! Today sucks eggs and if I have to see one more couple making out, I'll use one of the Unforgivable Curses to part them. Tomorrow, we've declared 'Singles' Appreciation Day,' right? Just get me through today!"

The speaker, a rather attractive redhead with a exasperated look on her face, flopped on the large bed filled with women in their very early twenties and a large tray of various fattening snacks of high calories and comforting value. She was handed a glass of wine by the lovely Belladonna Sinistra who looked like she had spent the past few weeks not sleeping and having several good cries until well after it hurt to cry.

"Love a duck, Kitty! What a way to come in on this most dreadful of days. Pour yourself a glass and calm down. We're all having to deal with this, so we're banding together. Not like there's anything better to do right now and we might as well hole up here. Usually safe, unless you count three years ago. Had to chase out a certain gentleman who wanted to decorate my office. In my nightgown, no less!"

"God, men are such inconsiderate bastards! All they can think about is what they want and to hell with the rest. No thought as to how others might feel. Castrate the lot of them!"

"Lydia! What a thing to say! It's too early to be drunk, so I know you're not. Have an eclair or a mini-pizza and calm down. Men aren't the enemy..."

"You tell them, sister! Not you, Bella. Lydia... Men are the enemy and selfish. God, look at the way Weasel Minor used your heart as a chew toy and left you. Did he send anything for Christmas? Does he have the heart to dump you after clearly not giving a fig for you? No! Dump his ass now!"

"Yeah, forget the pig. Snap your fingers and let all those lordlings take you out on the town and clubbing. Who needs true love or long term relationship? What a myth---true love!"

"Okay, stop now. I'm sure Charlie has his reasons. He doesn't know how I feel about him. It's all my fault for listening to Mum early on and I don't deserve a second chance with him. Besides, I'm too clingy and self-dependent, I think."

"Oh God, she's in Saint Bella the Martyr mode. Bells, you deserve all those outdated notions. Fool for not wanting you. Course, you are a mess!"

A pillow was then hurled at the speaker and for a good hour or so, pillows were thrown and giggles were heard before everyone moved to the sitting room and sprawled in front of the fire or in one of the large, overstuffed chairs. More wine and nosh was consumed as the women felt better. The owls knew where they were, just in case packages should come, and if not, well they were among friends.

Valentine's Day
Author: Majandra
Date: 07-03-02 23:23

Majandra rises with the sun and in quiet solitude bathes and dresses before quietly returning to her dorm to silently straighten up her section. After that, she sits on her bed to finish making the valentines she'll be handing out that day. Majandra is also waiting for an owl from her maternal grandfather. Without it, giving George his entire present will be impossible.

It had taken her ages to figure out what to give him so she wanted to have it complete. Days ago she'd ruled out making his main gift because all her crushes had been marked by her knitting or crocheting or sewing something. This time had to be special... markedly different from all those other gifts she'd given over the past months. Majandra just hopes that after all this, George will love the valentine present.

At length Christiane began stirring and about the time she was leaving to shower, Hermione also gets up. Right after Hermione leaves the room both Lavender and Parvati also rise, jabbering excitedly about what they'd both foreseen they'd be getting for as valentines. Just after they too leave the anticipated owl arrives.

Butterflies in her stomach, Majandra gathers up the valentines she made to give people and puts them in her bookbag along with what came by owl and the part of George's present she already had. She goes to the common room but someone there informs her that George has already left. Thanking the person, Majandra exits Gryffindor House and begins walking down to the Great Hall.

Halfway down the first staircase she spots George coming back up. Seeing her, he bounds up the rest of the way to stand on the step just below her. He reflexively reaches out to relieve Majandra of her bookbag then takes her hand in his. His eyes alight, he tries to sound stern.

"Was just coming back up to see if you were ready for breakfast. Thought I'd escort you down."

Knowing why he sometimes feels the need to escort her whenever there are stairs around, Majandra has an urge to roll her eyes at him. Instead, she smiles brightly and laughs.

"George, that fall was over two weeks ago and there were extenuating circumstances." Not wanting him to take the wrong meaning she teasingly adds, "I do like walking with you though so I won't hold over-protectiveness against you."

Both are suddenly tongue-tied and choose to walk in companionable silence towards the Great Hall. Just before they enter, Majandra decides she wants to give the gift in private and tugs on George's hand to get him to follow her into one of the alcoves along the hallway.

First, she pulls out a tiny heart shaped box wrapped in red tissue paper and tied with a snowy white ribbon. George, a delighted look on his face, tears off the paper and ribbon then lifts the lid off the box. Nestled on more of the red tissue paper, he finds a small, initialed, dark brown, leather case. Inside the case are simple, printed, ivory-colored, business cards.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
George Weasley, co-president

George looks surprised but before he can say anything, she hands him the portion of the gift that had arrived by owl such a short time earlier.

"This should help explain why I'm giving you business cards, which by the way, can have more added on them if you wish."

The other package has just plain brown paper and twine around it and has distinctively bookish shape. George grins as he rips into it as well. He finds a spring edition of a catalogue for the shop and owl post order business Majandra's Wizarding grandfather operates. A brightly colored feather pokes out slightly from one page. George turns to that page and what he sees there makes his eyes grow wide.

Majandra nods at his unasked question then explains. "I sent Grandpapa some of Fred's and yours creations. He liked what he saw and has included each item in the catalogue coming out for spring. Here's the letter with his terms. He's only asking for a very small percentage to cover the cost of including the items and to cover mailing costs when orders come in. He will want to discuss with you two more about keeping the inventory stocked with the various items. Oh, and he let me know he obtained Wizarding patents in yours and Fred's names for each item. He's got copies of all the paperwork for you both. I know it was just a short time ago I sent him everything but he's got a friend in the patent office and was able to get a rush put on it all."

George, his eyes still quite round, says nothing. Instead he thumbs through the pages looking at his and Fred's very own products for sale, a very far off look on his face. Majandra sits anxiously biting her lip. While George seems happy enough. she can't really tell. Finally, she worriedly asks, "Do you like it? Or did I overstep bounds on this?"

Love is in the Air
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst
Date: 07-04-02 09:51

Bronwyn tucked a stray hair behind her ear and slipped down the stairs in the common room. There he was, sitting in one of the over-stuffed armchairs before the roaring fire. His blonde curls were askew and his brow was furrowed deeply in thought. In his lap was a book...of romantic poetry! Brownyn squealed inwardly and crossed the room to meet him.

"Hi Toby," she said, sliding into a neighboring chair.

He looked up from the book and flashed his classic grin. "Bronwyn. It's wonderful to see you on this very fine day. What can I do for you?"

What can't you do for me? Bronwyn thought, but smiled and answered innocently, "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day." She revealed a small sack of chocolates from behind her back.

"My favorite!" Toby replied happily, taking the sack from her delicate hand. Their fingers brushed, and as Bronwyn tried to pull away to fix another stray strand of hair, Toby held on to her hand. "Happy Valentine's Day to you, too," he finally said, those brown, puppy-dog eyes searching hers.

Bronwyn did the only thing she could think of to do at that moment. She leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek.

Waiting for Aphrodite
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 07-04-02 14:10

Prowling in circles around the Slytherin common room, Pyrrhus waits for Isolde to appear. Since the day after Christmas, he's been planning, saving allowence money, and hitting up the grandparents for more funds so that he could get a great gift for his goddess.

Lately, Pyrrhus has also been trying to think of ways for perking up Azaelia. He'd briefly toyed with attempting to transfigure Blackheart, the two-headed puppy, into a person who'd fall in love with Lia. He gave up that idea though for several reasons with the biggest one being the concern that the person would also have two heads. Additionally, Py wasn't sure he could even pull off a two-headed person transfiguration because of it being such an advanced spell.

Py had finally decided he'd get her yellow roses thinking that the color along with the flowers' greenery would symbolize Slytherin House. Along with the flowers, he'd bought her some candy as well as a book on practical jokes. He was also keeping his eyes open for any right-minded guy whom he could aim Lia's way. Isolde would be much happier if Azaelia weren't in the dumps all the time much. If that means trying to find someone for Lia, so be it.

For Clara, Tempest, and Alexis, Pyrrhus had gotten boxes of assorted candies. He'd nearly gotten something for Pansy and Milicent as well. With both of the girls still on his list, Py had almost gotten them each a big bouquet of dead flowers but then decided they weren't worth wasting the money on. Isolde's gift had been a bit trickier but after sending an owl to the very cool Chyler Stratford explaining what he needed and why, Mrs. Stratford had been more than happy to help the younger Slytherin.

Along with an entirely edible bouquet of long stem, red roses acquired from Briar's Bakery, Pyrrhus has as a brilliant, Chinese red, enameled lacquer box, very similar in appearance to an old fashioned glove box. Inside the box is another smaller box, this one round and of a highly polished black lacquer. Inside that black lacquered box is Floo Powder.

Nestled beside the box of powder is an envelope. One of the contents of the envelope is an excellently forged parchment dated for the next Hogsmeade trip granting one Miss Isolde Farnon and one Mister Pyrrhus Fine permission to leave Hogsmeades for the day via the Floo Network. Mrs. Stratford had let Py know he and Isolde could use the bookstore's fireplace but the forged permission slip was just a backup in case anyone questioned their leaving town that day.

Another of the items in the envelope is a pamphlet describing a fun-filled, historical yet cheeky tour of Dark Arts related sites in the Far East along with two tickets, also dated for the next Hogsmeade trip. Last but not least are two tickets for a sunset flying carpet ride. With the time difference, they'll still be able to make it back to Hogsmeade in plenty of time to return to the school.

Tempest coming into the common room catches Py's attention so he goes over and presents her the box of candy. Clara has entered the room by that time so she too gets her gift right then. No sign of Alexis, Lia, or Isolde yet. For Isolde, though, Py would patiently wait a lifetime.

Back in Hogsmeade
Author: Bill Weasley
Date: 07-04-02 15:14

Bill was walking down High Street with a slight skip in his step. He had finally convinced his parents, more specifically his mother, to allow him to return to the inn. After nearly a month living at home, he was more than ready to be out on his own again.

February 14, Valentine's Day, was Bill's first full-day back in Hogsmeade. He had planned something special for Adriana, but it would have to wait until her only class for the day was over. In the meantime, Bill thought it was about time he pay his dear friend Briar a visit.

He stepped into the bakery and found her standing over some heart-shaped cookies, which she was carefully putting in the display case under the countertop. "Welcome and Happy Valentine's Day!" Briar said cheerfully, without looking up from her work.

"Thanks for having me," Bill began in an equally cheerful manner, "and Happy Valentine's Day to you as well!"

Briar's eyes turned as round as saucers when she recognized the voice. In a matter of seconds, her eyes were full of tears and her arms were around Bill's neck. "Oh Bill," she cried. "It's so good to see you again!"

Bill smiled and hugged her tightly. "I can't tell you how good it is to see you again. How have you been?" He released her and helped her dry some of her tears.

"Worried, but otherwise fine." She smiled.

Bill reached for her hands and squeezed them reassuringly. "No more worries. I have something for you." He let go of one of her hands and reached inside his coat for a parcel. "Call it a belated Christmas gift, for that is what it is!"

She freed her other hand from his to take the parcel and tugged on the string. "You really didn't have to, Bill."

"I wanted to, and besides, I bought it for you before...the accident."

She sighed and unwrapped the brown paper from the Muggle cook book. "It's perfect," she exclaimed, thumbing through it. "I'll add it to my collection." She set it on the countertop and turned back to look at him. "Do you have special plans tonight with Adriana?"

"I do, yes," Bill stated, grinning. "I want everything to be perfect..."

"You're not going to–"

"No," Bill answered, sure that he knew what she was asking without her having to finish. "But, I want to...someday. Do you want to see part of her gift?"

Briar nodded. "Sure."

Revealing a slender, navy velvet box, Bill explained, "Last night, after my insanely over-protective mother disapparated, I went to the Leaky Cauldron. I stepped out onto the streets of Muggle London, cautiously, mind you, and went over to this jewelry shop I had visited when I was doing my Christmas shopping. Last time I was there, I bought Ginny a silver ring with a kitten charm and Adriana a golden ring with an emerald in the center. I've yet to give either one their belated Christmas presents. I'll probably give Ginny and the boys their gifts during the next Hogsmeade trip. As for Adriana, I play on giving her the ring tonight, along with this." He opened the box to show Briar what lay inside of it. On a long, silver chain was a silver pendant in the shape of the infinity symbol.

"If that doesn't say will you marry me..." Briar started, but Bill cut her off.

"No, no...this is more of a promise. One day, in the not so near future, I can see us getting married. But not now." Bill laughed and added, "After all, we've only been dating since...well, we were together a little before Halloween, and then I was a total ass, and then somehow we got back together again. Anyway, you see my point. We have all the time in the world."

Briar rose a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"I'm not going anywhere," Bill reassured. "Ever again." He shrugged and flipped the box closed before tucking it back inside his coat. "I mean, I don't intend on disappearing ever again, but..."

"Enough rambling," Briar cut in, rolling her eyes. "Let's have some coffee and talk like old times."

A Letter
Author: Azaelia Bramble
Date: 07-04-02 17:11

Valentine's Day. A day Azaelia wished would never come. It was full of mushy smushy stuff anyway. Eskimo kisses, French kisses, hugs 'n' kisses. Who needed it anyway.


Azaelia backhanded the tears running from her eyes and put on a fake smile as she turned to face Isolde.

"Lia, you're crying again." Isolde said softly as she brushed a strand of Azaelia's long, dark hair over her shoulder. Azaelia shook her head. She lied. "No I'm not. I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, Azaelia Bramble. You forget I'm your cousin and we've known each other since we were ....we weren't even born yet!" Though she was frustrated, Isolde's tone was soft.

Lexi came over and sat on the edge of Azaelia's bed. "Please don't be sad anymore, Lia. You've got too much of an evil smile to share with the other's than to hide it behind a frown."

Azaelia managed a half smile and shrugged one shoulder. "I hate Valentine's Day."

Isolde and Lexi sighed. "Let's get you some breakfast." Isolde said as the three made their way down to the common room.

There stood Pyrrhus who had a wrapped package in his hand. Isolde squealed and bolted for Py who grinned and handed her the package. "Happy Valentine's day, my baby."

Azaelia forced a smile. Though she knew that Py was the best thing to ever happen to Isolde, her heart ached for that same presence. No. No, she wasn't going to ruin everyone else's mood with her she had been since Robert had left. She damned herself for moping and making everyone feel sorry for her.

She was jerked away from her thoughts and Isolde screamed in utter delight and threw her arms around Pyrrhus's neck, jumping up and down.

Alexis started laughing and so did Lia. "What is it, Is?!"

A very excited Isolde, with Pyrrhus's arm draped around her shoulders explained about the present as they went down to breakfast.