A Letter
Author: Tranquillina Aemilius
Date: 10-21-03 10:28

Tranquillina sighed happily, thrilled that it was summer. Her final tests were over, and she could just sit back and relax for once.

She heard the mail arrive with a great plop through her front door. She lazily got off the couch, and went to pick it up. Walking with it back into the dining room, she searched its contents, "Bill...bill...bill...Apparently I am a semi-finalist to win a car, hehe...From Aunt Connie and Cousin Tonia...." She paused at something and picked up the letter. "From Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..."

She hesitantly opened it, then smiled brightly, and quickly ran to tell her mother the good news....

A Letter to Isolde [Dublin, Ireland]
Author: Alexis Black
Date: 10-21-03 18:55

June 19th, 1997

Dear Isolde,

How do I begin? I arrive home and a week later my older brother waltzes into the house as if he'd never moved out.

"Where's Mary?" Was the first thing he said.

"Not my week to keep track of her." I muttered angrily. Why's he asking me where the creepy crawler is? But, he asked me again, and I reluctantly told him she's at her boyfriend Crispin's.

"Good," He said, "I need to talk to you. Let's go for a walk."

Surprised, I followed him outside. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and offered me one. I hesitated, but took one. After all, Fynn smokes, so I figured it couldn't be that bad. Anyway, I ended up hacking on all the smoke for the first few minutes and I didn't hear what Troy was telling me.

"What?" I said, feeling my lungs shrivel up.

"I am a death eater." He said. He was never one for histrionics. "Just a peon, still, but recently I took instructions from Bellatrix Lestrange."

"The Bellatrix Lestrange? Who broke out of Azkaban?"

"Yes. She told me that I looked just like my father."

Dramatic pause.

"Our father was a mud-blood." I said, dropping my barely-consumed cigarette on the sidewalk.

"That's what I said. But Lestrange says she knew him, and that he worked for the Dark Lord, and was a fairly prominent member of His inner circle. She also told me that he was her half brother."

"Only half?"

"Apparently he was a product of some sort of illicit relationship." Troy shrugged and took a long drag on his cigarette, "Lestrange also says he was killed by an auror when he refused to be apprehended after the Dark Lord's fall. I thought you should know."

"Well, why has mom said otherwise all these years?" I asked slowly.

"Well, she moved to Greece the same time the Dark Lord fell from power, and moved back shortly after His return."

"You've been thinking about this a lot, I see." I said wryly.

He cast me a "grow up, already" look before continuing, "Other than that, I have no idea."

"Excellent." I said, sarcastic as ever. Troy threw his cigarette to the pavement and stopped walking. I stopped too.

"Don't tell Mary." He said, and disapparated. Being only sixteen, I had to walk back home.

I guess I'm sorry for telling you all this detail, but I had to get it off my chest, you know? I still have no idea why my mother's been lying to us for so long. Maybe Troy's lying, but I doubt it. I also wonder why he won't even tell his own minion, but Mary's off at that stupid Cooke boy's house, I hope for the whole summer.

I hope you're well, and enjoying Pyrrhus. -wink wink-


P.S. I'm going to visit Devo next week, I think, so if you want to write you'll find me there.

Summer Days...
Author: Annie Paul
Date: 10-22-03 01:32

Home. It was fun to be back.

After locking my things away and flopping on my bed, I looked up at the ceiling of my room. "Well, first year gone and now on to more things." I thought and turned over on my stomach. My friends still had a bit to go in their school as well as Tim and that seemed boring for a bit.

Soon the front doorbell rang and then a voice called my name, "Annie, it's for you." Getting up and running down the hall, then the stairs I saw who it was. Kristy Thorne, whose father worked with mine, was standing there with a grin on her face. "Hey Girl, what's up?" She asked, and I smiled. We soon were hugging and I let her in.

"Oh not much, just this and that and just getting out of school for the summer." We entered the lounge and sat down. "So how did Cricket go this year?" I asked still interested in my old school's team.

Kristy hung her head. "It's not the same Annie; Pauline Michaels took over as Captain and boy do things stink. We lost to the weakest team this year from Miss Ellery's. Pauline just doesn't get that she can't be a bossy britches and she doesn't take suggestions like you do."

I had a feeling that would happen. How in the world did Miss Conner pick her? The little prat had the I.Q. of a Dung Beetle with the body to match. "Listen Kristy, you know my routine better than anyone else. Talk with Miss Conner, get some of the other girls and let her know how you all feel. I'm sure she'll change her mind."

Kristy seemed to perk right up and smiled again. "Hey I heard from my mum who was told by your mum you won a Chess Tournament at your school?"

I nodded. "Yeah and this coming year I'm going to try out for a spot on a sports team. I mean, I can't just play chess all the time."

Kristy had to agree, "Well whatever sport you try for I'm sure you'll get in, besides you have the best bat that I've ever seen." We both giggled and talked about other things in school. I substituted the word Chemistry for my Potions class and such. It seemed a safe bet and it kept my secret safe for now.

Peace and Quiet
Author: Prof Flitwick
Date: 10-22-03 11:09

I bustle about my office, straightening piles of books and stacks of notes. Every year it is the same routine... school is dismissed for the summer holiday... I promise myself that I will work on my books... then I get involved in something else and it is time for school to start again. Well! This year, it will be different. It already IS different! On the long table in the center of the room, I carefully arrange all my reference volumes in their proper order. Each one has been reduced to half its normal size and weight with a "de minimus" charm. It makes them ever so much easier for me to handle.

Three manuscripts sit in the center of the table, along with a sizeable stack of blank parchment, ink, quills and other writing paraphernalia. I suppose I should work on one at a time. However, it is more fun this way, and it keeps me alert. One of the volumes, nearly up to the present date, is my own autobiography. I have tentatively selected the as the title, "Charmed! I'm Sure!" However, I am thinking of possibly changing that, as it sounds a bit too much like something Gilderoy Lockhart might have come up with. Just a little too "cute!" I set this manuscript aside and reach for my favorite... "Hilarious Hexes and Jocular Jinxes."

Down through the ages, there has always been a "lighter side" to spell-casting. For years, I have been collecting examples from all over the world. The major effort has been to put them into some semblance of order. Well, so far, I have two hundred and eighty seven pages of closely written script. Spells that are sung and spells that are said, but all with some sort of humorous outcome. Some are drawn from the earliest myths and legends of the Greeks, the Celts, the Asians and others. Down through the ages, right up to the present time. In fact, some have been taken from that notorious pair of Weasleys. "Canary Cremes" and "Ton-Tongue Toffees" are two of my favorites. Yes, they are both in the book. Actually, all that I have left to do on this book is finish compiling the cross-reference and index. I wish there were some sort of spell to do that. It is the most tedious part of writing a book like this. I look at the last page to see where I left off and, drawing a fresh sheet of parchment from the pile, I set to work.

Re: Peace and Quiet
Author: Madam Irma Pince
Date: 10-22-03 14:12

Ah bliss! No more pesky students.... Madam Pince walked placidly around her library... it was peaceful, soothing and hers once again.

She could relax a little. The tables were clear, the more dangerous books safely confined and - best of all - no more need for her to be wary of misdemeanours. Perhaps she should indulge in a little spell research over the holidays... yes, she had an idea or two.

After all, this was the library - perfect place for research!

And if she was right... let's just say certain students would not be able to abuse her precious sanctum any further.

A smile that was almost malicious lit her face as she settled at her desk, savoured the peace of knowing she was unlikely to be disturbed and then picked up her quill and a piece of parchment....

Lonely Heart
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst
Date: 10-22-03 14:42

Bronwyn was in her room, sitting on the edge of her bed. In one hand, she held a petite, silver bracelet. She studied it carefully and quietly, remembering how Toby had pressed it into her palm after they disembarked the train. The two of them, and Desi and Hunter, had left together and fought the crowds at King's Cross to find their families. Bronwyn's hand was clasped in Toby's the whole time and although she looked happy, she was sad on the inside. She didn't want to part ways with Toby, but she knew they both had to move on. Maybe one day in the future, their paths would meet again and they could start their relationship anew.

They parted ways when Toby's grandparents emerged from the crowd. Anthony, Ariella and Alanna were already there, waiting for him to join them. Toby embraced Bronwyn warmly, almost in an I'll-never-let-you-go kind of way, and then he kissed her. They ignored everything around them, even the "Oh, yuck!" from Bronwyn's brother Siegfried. Then Toby gave Bronwyn the bracelet, cupped her cheek with one of his hands and said, "I love you." He flashed her a smile, pecked her on the other cheek and walked away to his grandparents.

One by one, Hunter and Desi also said their goodbyes. Bronwyn figured she'd never see Hunter again. She had heard that such things happen after graduation. People move on. But Desi she knew she'd see again. After all, they still have two years of school together and Bronwyn would turn the other Hufflepuff into a Quidditch player this summer for sure.

Bronwyn was zapped back into the present when Siegfried burst into the room and exclaimed, "Mum says you have to help me outside."

"What are you doing outside?" Bronwyn asked. She stood up and walked around the bed, setting the bracelet on the night stand next to her alarm clock.

"Practicing Quidditch," Siegfried said proudly.

"You're going to tryout?" Bronwyn asked, suddenly interested.

"Maybe. If I get good over the summer." Siegfried looked at her impatiently and asked, "So are you going to help me or not?"

"If you ask me nicely, I might."

"Mum said you have to help me." Siegfried folded his arms over his chest. "So, will you?"

"Okay, okay," Bronwyn said, and Siegfried pumped his fist into the air and ran out of the room. His sister chuckled, but she couldn't help but think of Toby. He was already in Australia, practicing with his new Quidditch team. He had written her once already. Bronwyn had written him about fifty times since returning home, but she hadn't mailed one letter to him. She would, eventually, but when she had something more to say than just, "I miss you."

She pulled an old broom from under her bed, an ancient Clean Sweep which used to belong to her dad, and ran outside to meet Siegfried.

Bored to Heck and Back
Author: Devo
Date: 10-22-03 18:31

I sat on my wooden chair in the living room watching my mother wander around looking for her wand. She was going on a "special trip" with father. She says it's for the Dark Lord himself but I don't think so. I walked over to the small window and stared outside. It was a dark day with angry looking clouds. Then it started to rain. "Well I can't ride my broom now!" I sighed. I stomped upstairs to my room filled with skulls and mummified eyeballs. "Hello Shadow." I said as I walked passed my black owl. He hooted happily back at me. I sat down on the floor, pooped open my journal and started to write in it. After 30 minutes of that I was bored again. I looked around and I saw a gray mouse running back and fourth. I picked it up and took out my wand and turned it into a goldfish. I watched it flop violently up and down and up and down. I turned it back and threw it across the room. It landed on my spell book, then I had an idea...

Conference with Binns
Author: Severus Snape
Date: 10-23-03 09:39

"Ah, Severus," Binns said rather brightly, "what can I do for you?"

Snape took a seat across from his ghostly colleague after entering the staff room and said, "I need to ask you a question, if you have some time to spare?"

"Certainly, Severus. What is your question?"

"What do you know," Snape began, leaning forward in his chair, "about the Fenririan Manuscript?"

Binns' ghostly eyes grew round for a moment and then he stately plainly, "Surely not much more than you do, Severus. It is a text from ancient past, created by Magnus the Norse, a very dark and terrible wizard. Magnus was born in Norway according to legend, where his father ruled over a small wizarding village called Fenris. The exact location of the village is unknown, as it no longer exists today, but it is widely believed that Fenris was located somewhere outside modern Oslo. Upon his father's death, Magnus became ruler of his village. It was not long before greed and desire overcame him.

"Magnus wanted much more than he had. He delved deeply into the dark arts, which were quite powerful and just as terrible then as they are today. Magnus used his new found knowledge to bend the village and its inhabitants to his will, and everyday he grew stronger, more villages, more people, Muggle and wizard alike, suffered. It is widely believed that Magnus began working on the Fenririan Manuscript soon after he started studying the dark arts. The exact contents of the Manuscript are unknown as few present today have seen the text with their very own eyes. However, legend has it that Magnus, truly of a brilliant mind yet quite terrible indeed, created a series of complex spells capable of mass destruction.

"Magnus only ever used the spells in his manuscript on Fenris, the reason why the village no longer stands today. There is, of course, no doubt in my mind that Magnus would have used the full powers of the Manuscript on all of Scandinavia and the world at large, had he not met an untimely death. It is quite unknown who dealt the blow, but Magnus was struck down after several years of bloody-thirsty terror. The Manuscript was subsequently lost. No one knows its fate, but everyone seems to believe that it is still in existence."

Snape listened to Binns' every word, not in the least bit bored by the ghost's habit of droning on and on with detail upon detail. "Do you have any idea, any at all, where the Fenririan Manuscript might be?" Snape asked, when it seemed that Binns was finished speaking.

Binns looked at Snape sharply. "Are you thinking about finding it, Severus?"

Snape leaned back in his chair and drummed his long, slender fingers on the table top. "Do you not agree that it's better that it be safe in good hands than in evil?"

"Yes, of course," Binns responded, "however, I firmly believe that this text has been lost for a reason. Better to leave it be."

"Lost things always have a habit of being found, Binns," Snape said. "Better good find it before evil."

He sighed and repeated, "Do you have any idea where it might be?"

Binns shrugged his ghostly shoulders and replied, "It could be anywhere. Norway, any other country in Scandinavia. Perhaps it's already been found and is in a private collection. Perhaps it's travelled from rare bookshop to rare bookshop. I honestly cannot give you any leads."

"I thought as much," Snape admitted.

"I'll do a little reading on the subject, Severus, if it means this much to you. I will let you know what I discover."

"Thank you," Snape said. He rose from his seat in the staff room and bid the History of Magic professor farewell. He had some work of his own to do.

Colaiste Droid Eireanach: Seeking Advice
Author: Dierna ní Cíaran
Date: 10-23-03 13:22

I walk down the nearly empty halls of Collaiste Draiod Eireanach, to meet with Taigh O'Lugh, professor of Comparative Magical Studies. I hope he has some information on the Fenririan Manuscript for me - a lead, a good starting point, anything. I knock on the door. "Seo Dierna*. Can I come in?"

"Dierna? Sinead's daughter?" He asks, opening the door. "Ta cinnte! It's been a while since I've seen you round these parts, lass. Tar isteach!*"

He ushers me into the office, and offers me a chair.

"Have you given up your job as an auror? Do you want a job here?" He asks hopefully.

"Nil. I am still an auror - and so will remain so long as there are Death Eaters to capture. Perhaps once day I'll teach here, but not now. I do need your help on a matter, though, Taigh."

He chuckles. "Ho ho! Now I am intrigued. What could I possibly know that you don't?"

"The Fenririan Manuscript."

It's HIS turn to fall off the chair. "Seriously?"


"Do you know what you're getting into, looking for this book?" He rubs his eyes and shakes his head at me. "Yes. I suppose you do. There's a story saying Magnus the Norse left it for his true heir to find. There's another which says that he destroyed it himself." Taigh shrugs. "The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Every few decades some rumour pops up that it's been found. But all such copies have been false. If I were you, I'd start at the source. And remember, Dierna. A search is usually difficult only because the seeker overlooks the obvious." We both stand up, the discussion seems to be closed. But I at least have a starting point. The ruins of Fenris.


Colaise Draoid Eaireach = Irish Magic School
Tar Isteac = come in
Seo Dierna = It's Dierna
Nil = no

Home Again
Author: Hermione Granger
Date: 10-23-03 07:19

Hermione had enjoyed her day in Hogsmeade with Harry, Ginny, Bill, Hagrid and of course, Ron. They had spent all day together, eating lunch at the Spinning Horn, collecting sweets from Briar's Bakery, and splitting the rest of their time between Bill's cottage and Sirius' home. By the time the evening wore on, Hermione said her goodbyes, gave everyone warm hugs and flooed home with all of her belongings in tow.

She burst through the fireplace at home, stumbled over her trunk and fell at her father's feet, who quickly knelt to help Hermione up. He embraced her tightly and exclaimed, "Welcome home, Hermione!"

"I'm glad to be home, Dad!" Hermione took a step back, brushed a hand over her face to remove some soot and smiled wide at her father.

"We were starting to wonder when and if you'd come home tonight," Mrs. Granger exclaimed from the living room doorway. She rushed to her daughter and enveloped her in a warm hug. "Welcome home, Hermione. We've missed you so much!"

"And I've missed you both!" Hermione said.


A few days later, Hermione was sitting in her parents' dental office, thumbing through one of the books she had borrowed from the Hogsmeade Library. NEWTs: How to Handle Them was more of an introductory book to the examinations with tips and suggestions on how to prepare for each one. Hermione figured if any Muggle other than her parents asked what the book was about, she could honestly say newts, but to prevent any encounters with someone unknowing of magic, Hermione didn't carry the book out in the open for all to see. She remained in the private office until Mrs. Granger walked in and asked if Hermione would help sign in appointments since Kristin, the receptionist, was going out to lunch.

Hermione agreed and stowed the book inside a bookbag, and left the office for the front counter. She slid into the rolling chair, checked the appointment book and waited for someone to arrive. She didn't have to wait long because a mother walked in pulling her 6-year-old boy by the hand, who whined that he didn't want to go to the dentist. Hermione flashed the boy a gentle smile and took his name, asked him and his mother to take a seat in the waiting room and then rolled over to the phone to let her father know that his newest patient had arrived.

Hermione rolled back over to the front desk and decided she might as well write a few letters. She mentally thought up a list of people: Ron, Ginny, Harry, Majandra and Gabe. Perhaps Hagrid as well. She pulled a piece of stationary from one of the desk drawers, selected a blue pen from a mug of writing utensils and started to write:

Dear Ron...

Aescipalus Hospital, Near Athens: Recovery
Author: Michael Turin
Date: 10-23-03 21:30

"I wouldn't try that if I were you, brother." Said a man's voice beside Michael's bed, as he tried to sit up. "Abelard!" Next to his brother was Hellouise, his stately demi-Veela wife and Aneas.

"Oui es cette place?" Michael asked.

"The Apollo wing of the Aescipalus hospital. Good thing Aneas was there to catch you, or you'd make our dear cousin Merdroit very happy."

Aneas, who was talking to a Healer, turned around. "Ah! Welcome to the waking world, Michael. I trust you slept well." Michael smiled. Leave it to Aneas to make a situation like this comical. "I took the liberty of writing to your brother and sister-in-law and the British Chief Auror."

"How long have I been here?"

"A few days - that's all. By the way, Miss ni Ciaran sent this clipping to you. She thought it might interest you."

Michael read the clipping. It was the ad for a DADA teacher at Hogwarts, and a note attached to it:

"Michael - you said you wanted to go back to teaching. Here's your chance. Recovery swiftly. I want my partner back. More when you get back. Dierna"

"How long until I get out of here?"

"A week, at most, the Healers say." replied Abelard.

Then Aneas turned serious for a moment. "One thing, Michael. I'd watch out even more for that cousin of yours. By pulling off that spy-job for the semester you made him look like a fool. And that makes him dangerous - even more than he already is."

Summer Doldrums
Author: Nevvyn
Date: 10-24-03 09:30

The early June sunshine streaming in the front window is making the air in the shop oppressively warm. My three Toms are dozing in the coziest place they can find, right in front of the window. With a supreme effort, I prise myself from my old leather chair and open both the front and back doors. It is several days since the students left for their summer holiday on the Hogwarts Express. It has also been several days since we had a customer. Hogwarts is usually quiet in the summer, but this year it is a veritable Ghost Town! I stand in the doorway, hoping for a bit of a breeze. Not a sound... not a breath of fresh air. Even the dust in the street lies dormant. I stroll back to my chair and pick up the book I was reading. Call of the Wild and Other Tales by Jack London. Even great adventures hold little interest on a day like this. I mark my place with a purple ribbon and place the book back on the small table.

With a great yawn and a stretch, I decide it is time to do something. I amble over and address my Toms. "Well, Lads? Are we going to sleep away the entire summer?"

One curly brown head rises and one drowsy eye opens. "Not a bad idea, at that!" he mutters before dozing off again.

"Come now!" I exclaim with mock-gusto. "There's work to be done! We need to tidy up the place and take inventory. We need to be ready for when the students return. No sense in waiting until the last minute!" I add, cheerily.

My enthusiasm is met with a chorus of groans. One by one, they sit up and look around. "What day is it?" one asks, rather groggily.

"It's the day we all get off our duffs and get something done around here," I reply. "You three are beginning to gather as much dust as the items on the shelves." I hand each of them a feather duster and a polishing cloth. "Let's get a move on. The sooner we get finished, the sooner we can pop over to Briar's Bakery for a tasty treat." These last few words finally stir them to action. Within minutes, the sunbeams are sprinkled with dancing dust motes. With my wand, I create a bit of a breeze to blow the stuff gently out the door. Then I busy myself with cleaning and straightening the potions cabinets behind the counter.