At the Game with Liam
Author: Professor Belladonna Sinistra
Date: 07-20-03 00:09

"Bloody hell! How can I be cold or tired when I've had three cups of espresso? Plus, I'm quite warmly wrapped up, thank you very much. Why do you keep asking? Truthfully, it's getting quite tiring. I know that I never did take good care of myself, but I think my mental breakdown was enough warning. Are you now satisfied, babysitter?"

Bella sipped her espresso and nibbled on a biscotti. The nerve potion required a full stomach, and who could watch a quidditch game on an empty stomach? Thank goodness Liam had found out about the game and woken her up in enough time to throw on something blue, put on a warm wool coat and cashmere scarf, and make the game. Not that she liked being woken up in the day, but if Ravenclaw were playing, an exception could be made.

"Babysitter, Bella dear? More like a birdsitter, and quite an attractive bluebird you are right now. I'll stop asking until after the game. Living with you for eighteen days has killed years of love. I don't think I'll ever be able to think of you except as a sister, no matter how cute you are. Poor Lady Stella, there go her dreams of alliance."

Bella wrinkled her nose before reaching into the basket and drinking a potion. She decided to add a strength potion to the one now going down her throat. Really, who knew nervous breakdowns and fevers robbed one of energy.

"Mmmm, strawberry. Rather good, actually. Quite nice of the doctor to make prescriptions taste delicious in addition to being helpful. Yes, poor Mumma, losing a son-in-law and gaining a son. By the way, welcome to the Sinistra clan. Champagne if Ravenclaw wins? I think so."

Bella wrapped her coat around her for a bit of extra warmth after giving her lap blanket a little tug. At least her strength was coming back and she wasn't sleeping all night. Perhaps tomorrow she might actually be able to go stargazing on the balcony. There was that rather lovely cloak and it would be so lovely to go stargazing.

Quidditch...Something that Doesn't Require Books or Spells
Author: Lawrence Masterson
Date: 07-20-03 00:26

Lawrence was thankful that he could get away from the common room and away from studying, letting his mind recoup from the week of classes, homework, studying for O.W.Ls and quizzes from Vera on things that could be on the O.W.Ls. His mind right now needed a vacation from the world of academia. He cast a glance over at Vera and poked her side playfully. "I'm surprised you haven't thrown any pop quizzes at me all morning Vera."

He smiled when she laughed. "Thought you could use a break. You've been working so hard all week. Enjoy the game." She leaned against him and he slipped an arm around her. The couple sat in the Hufflepuff section of the stands and watched the game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Lawrence made a mental note of something he needed to do after the game had finished. He needed to pen a quick note to a professor, perhaps get an extra study session in on one of the topics for his O.W.Ls.

He allowed himself to finally slip away from the madness that was academia and focus on the quidditch game and spending some time with Vera.

Cheering On
Author: Mirai Schultz
Date: 07-20-03 00:29

She walked towards the pitch hand-in-hand with Diether, closely followed by their friends who were already shrieking with glee at the anticipation of the game that was to ensue. They found seats and soon, were glued to the game happening in front of their eyes.

"Who do you reckon would win?" she asked Diether amidst the shouting that surrounded them.

He shrugged before answering, "Well, you know Harry's really got a knack for getting the snitch."

"Hmmm..." she murmured, turning her eyes again on the game.

"Go Ravenclaw!" Christa suddenly shouted, and soon, she was right with her, cheering their house on.

Go Team
Author: Saffron
Date: 07-20-03 01:11

In the staff stands, Saffron pulls her cloak more tightly around her as she stands to cheer. Not being a Hogwarts alumnus or head of any of the four houses, Saffron is not at the game to support one team over the other. She's there simply for the joy of attending a Quidditch match and to show school spirit. As a result, Saffron cheers equally for both teams, shouting encouragement to all the players. Sitting down once again, it occurs to Saffron that as with each game she's attended so far, such an unbiased view of the teams means she's thrilled no matter who wins.

Score or Miss? I Can't Watch
Author: Australia Kingston
Date: 07-20-03 08:53

Well, this game was starting to look like the last one. Remadi taking the quaffle at the start of the game, Brett nearly missing his target. Yes, it was all starting to look familiar.

As I race around the pitch trying to catch the quaffle, I see one of the bludgers hit Brett. The Ravenclaw beater who hit it at him uttered something under his breath, but I could tell he was saying, "That's for making us lose the quaffle."

"Get back in the game." I tell myself. "Brett will be fine. Get your head back into the game." And with that, I dart off up the pitch to help my team get the quaffle.

Just as I think the Ravenclaw team is going to score, Terry Boot drops the quaffle as Dean smacked the bludger at him. Seeing my opportunity, I dive for the ball grabbing it inches before one of the Ravenclaw chasers could grasp it.

I tuck the ball under my arm and dart off toward the opposite end of the pitch. As I near the hoops, Gabriel Bane takes his stand in the center of the three. Making my mind up to try the center hoop, I wind up my arm and make like I'm going to throw to left hoop. But just as he goes to move towards it, I release the ball to the center hoop.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight as I pray that Gabriel doesn't block it on some luck play. "Score! Australia Kingston takes the first points of the game for Gryffindor. Gryffindor leads 10-0." I hear as I slowly open my eyes.

"Yes!! it went in." I say to myself to help keep me psyched up. With my team now leading 10-0, I take off for the other end of the pitch to help stop the Ravenclaw chasers for scoring.

Arrivng Just in Time
Author: Prof Flitwick
Date: 07-20-03 11:10

...To see Miss Kingston score the first goal for Gryffindor, I turn to Albus. "Just who do you think will win today's match?" I ask with a mischievous grin.

"Well! As headmaster, I am not permitted to take sides," he chuckles. "However, I would like to see Gryffindor win this one." He pauses while we take our seats. "I suppose you will be cheering for Ravenclaw, as usual?"

"Of course!" I reply with mock asperity! "Have to support my own house, don't I?" For a time, we watch the activity on the field. It is a good match, with both sides playing by the rules. Not like the games where Slytherin is involved.

Good Clean Fun
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 07-20-03 12:20

Pyrrhus had escorted Isolde down to the pitch then after a kiss steamy enough to melt the snow under their feet, he'd returned to the castle to meet with Jet. Before entering Jet's so called secret room Py ran through the security measures Jet had taught him to help ensure no one else is about. Within seconds of joining Jet, the two are huddled over the work table, laughing gleefully as they torture a bug before starting on the experimental new spell Jet has in mind. Py feels only slightly guilty for not attending the Quidditch match to see how Ravenclaw's progressed since their last game, since it's Ravenclaw his own team most likely will be up against in the championship game. It's much more fun learning more dark magic than watching Gryffinbore play Ravenclod.

Hooray for Ravenclaw
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen
Date: 07-20-03 13:48

Fritz trudges through the snow, half-abandoning all thoughts of his latest Potions assignment, which he had been diligently working on in the library until only a few minutes ago. He knows there's a match going on today, one between Gryffindor and his own house, Ravenclaw, and he also knows that Coco is likely already there, cheering her head off for the team.

Once he gets inside the stadium, he maneuvers over to the Ravenclaw stands and scans for the young girl with the head of shockingly-blue hair. He spots her with a few other first years, and starts the climb to where she's sitting. When he comes to her row, he drops in the empty seat beside her and asks, "What have I missed?"

Coco explains that Australia Kingston of Gryffindor House just scored, but she doesn't seem very disappointed by this. On the contrary, she starts screaming and shouting encouraging comments to the members of Ravenclaw who swoop by as the action on the field drifts by the Ravenclaw stands. Fritz grins and joins in on the yelling.

On Her Own
Author: Isolde
Date: 07-20-03 14:46

Isolde wrapped the green and silver Slytherin scarf tightly around her neck and blew into her mittened-hands. It was an early March morning, and it seemed like spring wasn't even on the horizon. It was bloody cold! She shivered involuntarily and wrapped her arms around her body, struggling for warmth and desperately wishing Pyrrhus hadn't ditched her to go play with Jet, the Hufflepuff.

She wondered what those two boys were doing, and why Pyrrhus was even interested in associating himself with Jet. Isolde didn't care how Slytherin-like the other fifth year was acting -- the Sorting Hat had put him in Hufflepuff, so that was where he belonged, right? Something just didn't add up, but Isolde didn't dwell on it. She and Pyrrhus didn't have to agree on everything, and if Pyrrhus was really interested in what Jet had to offer, then so be it.

Gryffindor had just scored and the Slytherins booed and hissed their disappointment, Isolde right along with them. She turned her head when someone tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, Isolde," Alexis said, "Where's Pyrrhus?"

"Had a better place to be," Isolde answered vaguely. She quickly changed the subject and asked happily, "Want to sit down?"

Alexis nodded and sat in the empty seat by Isolde and commented, "I've never seen you two separated before." She tore her gaze away from the playing field and looked at Isolde. "This is really weird."

Isolde laughed and exclaimed, "We're not joined at the hip, you know!" At Alexis' incredulous look, Isolde amended with, "Okay, okay...maybe 99.9% of the time we are, but we do have separate interests from time to time."

Alexis raised an inquisitive eyebrow, but let the subject drop. "So, have I missed anything exciting?" she asked, returning her gaze to the action on the field.

"Nope," Isolde said. "Just one goal, no injuries. Pretty lame. If by some miraculous stroke of luck Gryffindor wins this one, we've got the Cup in the bag. If it's Ravenclaw who wins, it may not be so easy a victory for us, but I'm pretty confident we can kick their butts with a little effort."

Author: Briar Rose
Date: 07-20-03 15:12

Briar punches down the large mound of just risen bread dough then sets it aside to rise again. Many things Briar does with magic, just as most wizarding cooks, especially when she's the only one working the shop as she is now, but Briar also does a great deal by hand. Like working with the bread. Not only is there a huge amount of pleasure that comes with the feel of working hands on with food but some things also allow one to expend pent up frustration. And Briar's got a huge amount of frustration to deal with at the moment.

There's been Julian. He wants her to be supportive and understanding yet blasts her for being just that? Accuses her of acting like a martyr and getting all pissy about every little thing. Briar had thought returning the ring as she did would give him the necessary jolt for Julian to realize just what a wanker he's been. Briar does not begrudge Julian the need to grieve but grieving has never been an excuse for acting like a pissy, tantrum throwing three year old and treating friends and loved ones like contemptible crap.

Earlier this week Briar had tried approaching Julian about the house. He had, afterall, as far as anyone knew, legally bought the house and the lot it sits on so Briar felt the right thing to do was to give him back the deed. Julian had seen her coming through the bookstore windows and met her outside as if he loathed the thought of her stepping foot inside his shop. His face had twisted into a angry sneer when he'd refused to take the papers from her hand. His tone was acidic as he snarled at her, "House is yours. I don't take back gifts and even if I did I want nothing more to do with that crumbling rat trap." He'd spun around and stomped back inside, leaving her shivering and not just from the cold.

Then there's Bill. He's been distant for a few weeks now and ever since the day of Ron's birthday, March first, Bill even quit showing up for his coffee and morning chat with her. If she goes by the bank to try to see him, Briar is always flatly informed by one of the Goblins that Mr. Weasley is in a meeting. When she's gone to his house at times Briar is sure he'd be there, Bill never answers the her knock. Briar even resorted to sending a tiny Scops owl with a letter but so far Bill's not sent even a short reply.

Briar has wondered how much of this is related to Adriana and how much is something else, if at all. And why won't he talk to her? Bill knows he can trust Briar with anything. Though she would hate adding to whatever burden he's under, Briar does really need to talk to her quasi brother of a friend. He doesn't even know things are off between Julian and her. Plus, if ever she needed to talk to the one person in her life with whom she shares secrets, it's now.

Grumbling under her breath, Briar reaches for another mound of dough and begins smashing it down.

The Butterfly
Author: Brady
Date: 07-20-03 19:06

Brady took the stairs in the Slytherin portion of the stands two at a time; he was searching for Draco as he went, blue eyes scanning the length of the bleachers for the sixth year in question. Predictably, Brady spotted him between his usual two bodyguards, whose robes were speckled pink. Grinning slightly, Brady was reminded why he was looking for Draco in the first place, and he gently patted his robe pocket to make sure it was still there.

Maneuvering down the narrow row to get to Draco, Brady called out, "Hey Malfoy, I've got something you might want to see."

Draco turned to look and beckoned for Crabbe to move over. Brady brushed past him and sat down in the seat, which was quite warm thanks to Crabbe's cushiony rear-end.

"What've you got, Macnair?" Draco asked curiously. He looked very irritated for some reason.

Brady offered him an evil smile and said, "You know that lunatic new girl, Reese? The one who wears all the pink?"

Draco's eyes narrowed and he affirmed angrily, "Yeah? What about her?"

"She asked me to give you this, last week..." Brady pulled a butterfly-shaped note from his robe pocket and handed it to Draco. "It must have slipped my mind."

Raising a pale eyebrow, Draco took the note from him and read it. He smirked but at the same time looked revolted. "You know what, Macnair?" Draco drawled, gray eyes scanning the Gryffindor box across the Pitch, "I really hate pink."

Author: Mary
Date: 07-20-03 19:31

Like nearly every day for the past week, Mary made her way to Snape's office in the dungeons to check on the status of her broomstick.

"Sorry Miss Black," Professor Snape told her that Saturday morning, "Professor Flitwick has it. He may be finished with it, however, so I suggest you check with him."

Mary thanked him and turned from the office, practically running up into the entrance hall and then to the marble staircase, hardly pausing to marvel at the pink splatters gracing the stone floor.

Won't Filch love this? Mary thought malevolently.

Once outside Flitwick's office, Mary knocks quickly.

No one answers, so she knocks again, impatiently this time.

Still nothing.

Without thinking, Mary kicks Flitwick's door hard, pretending not to notice the throbbing pain in her toe.

He must be at the pitch.... the match! Mary couldn't believe she was missing a chance to inspect Ravenclaw's tactics. She whirled around and took off in the direction she came so as not to miss too much of today's quidditch match.

Fouling Early
Author: Cho Chang
Date: 07-20-03 19:45

Cho soared above the players for the match, mind clear for the first time in a while. Now she realized why she loved being a seeker so much, the air above the Pitch seemed more pure than that breathed in and out continuously by the other students. Contentedly, she focuses in on the game, looking more for the snitch than the other players.

Getting dangerously close to the fray called a Quidditch game, she zips to the side to dodge a bludger, only to run into a Hufflepuff. Cho apologizes quickly, flying back up above, sheepish for a few moments before clearing her head again, more alert.

Meanwhile, Su had been after that bludger, only to be beaten to it by an opposing beater.

Author: Alexis Black
Date: 07-20-03 19:48

Alexis wondered what kinds of "separate interests" Isoldepyrrhus could possibly have, but sensing Isolde's desire not to persue the conversation, she let it drop. Instead the conversation turned to the match.

"If by some miraculous stroke of luck Gryffindor wins this one, we've got the Cup in the bag. If it's Ravenclaw who wins, it may not be so easy a victory for us, but I'm pretty confident we can kick their butts with a little effort." Isolde said, rubbing her mittened hands together desperately. There was a pause.

"We'd better win the cup this year." Alexis said, wondering at how she could have any doubt that it was going to happen.

"Oh, we will." Said a soft voice behind her. Alexis turned to find her sister standing behind her.

"How long have you been standing there, you creep?" Alexis hissed. Mary smirked and turned away, wandering down the row to find a seat. Alexis shuddered and turned back to Isolde.

"The things I do for quidditch." she said, shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" Isolde asked.

"The only reason that monster isn't in the hospital wing is because she's on the team, and I want to win that badly."

Isolde smiled, "If we win, it will have been worth it."

"We had better win this cup." Alexis agreed grimly.

Author: Vera Delgety
Date: 07-20-03 19:49

As the couple sat and watched the game, Vera thought to herself. She was proud of Lawrence studying so hard. Sense the Hogsmeade trip two weeks ago, Lawrence had been hard at work for his O.W.Ls.

She hugged him more tightly and pushing her thoughts behind her for now. She wanted to spend this short time with him. Before he would drown himself in study once more.

Four Star Treatment
Author: Lucius Malfoy
Date: 07-20-03 20:10

Lucius, along with Nott and Crabbe, laugh as Radinka Fedorovskaya comes happily bounding out of the cell where Harspichord is being held. The young woman giggles as she fairly skips over to join the others, "Zat waz FUN! I cannot vait unteel I can do zat again!"

Seconds later, MacNair emerges from the cell, the proverbial ear to ear grin on his face. Fedorovskaya springs over to him, gives MacNair a quick hug while exclaiming, "Zank you, zank you, zank you!"

MacNair chuckles at her exuberance, "Was a pleasure, Radinka."

The man then turns to Lucius. "Wasn't squeamish in the slightest. Wish we had more like her."

Lucius, who more or less considers Radinka to be his protégé since he's the one who brought her into the fold, experiences a sense of pride at hearing Fedorovskaya praised. He gives one of his smug smiles. "Glad to hear it. Didn't doubt her for a minute."

Luciuc inclines his head toward Harpsichord's cell. "What's the status?"

"We've gotten everything out of him we're going to get so whenever you're ready for the next stage, we're good to go."

Lucius nods. "There's no time like the present. Why don't you bring our guest out?"

As MacNair once again enters Harpsichord's cell, Lucius gazes around the room. Not all the Death Eaters are here but Lucius doesn't want to wait to put out the call to them. Instead, he gestures to Fedorovskaya to come stand by his side.

"Radinka, my dear, it seems you don't have to wait long for more fun," Lucius says with a merry twinkle in his eye. "Everyone, gather together. It's time to give Harpsichord one last tribute."

The Death Eaters present form a circle around the spot where MacNair is forcing Harpsichord to stand. MacNair moves to join his fellow Death Eaters as Lucius addresses the shaking man in the center of the ring.

"Nettlesby, do you have anything you'd like to say before we let you go?"

His teeth chattering, Harpsichord sounds surprised. "Nnnno. Nnnnnothing. Mmmmaaaay IIII gggggo nnnnnow?"

"Why of course, Nettlesby. MacNair, will you do the honors?"

"My pleasure, Malfoy."

With that, MacNair points his wand at Harpsichord and with a malicious smile on his face clearly states, "Crucio..."

The exact moment MacNair stops, the person to his right points a wand and casts the Cruciatus Curse just as MacNair did. And so it goes round and round the circle until at long last, Harpsichord lies in a tightly circled ball, his eyes open, fixed, and glazed over.

Lucius walks over to the body and gives it a kick while chuckling, "Oh, dear me. I forgot to mention that we are letting you go to meet your maker."

Another kick then with venom dripping from his voice, Lucius sneers, "Someone get rid of this trash. Make sure it's off the hiking trail as discussed. Stupid Muggles will think it's some poor slob who had a heart attack while out for a jog."