Never Give Up
Author: Severus Snape
Date: 06-10-03 08:36

Professor Snape sat among the other staff in the teacher's box at the Pitch, viewing the match with special interest since his own House was playing. His dark eyes scoured the activity before him, his mind fixed on one thought alone: Never settle for less than the best. Slytherin was down by ten currently––utterly despicable by Snape's standards.

He shook his mane of greasy black hair as Miss Forest darted across the skies with the quaffle parked beneath her right arm. The Slytherins chasers were on her tail, naturally, but none were close enough to take the ball from her arms. Meanwhile, neither seeker had seen the elusive snitch thus far. Both Mr. Malfoy and Miss Chang hovered around, eyes alert for any sign of shimmering gold.

Snape continued to mentally push his students to play harder when suddenly a dull pain began to radiate across his forearm. Instinctively, he moved his other hand to clutch his arm, but managed to do it in such a way as to not draw any unwanted attention to himself. What was happening at this very moment to cause the mark to burn?

He looked around suspiciously as if trying to draw a conclusion from his very surroundings. Nothing as far as he could tell seemed abnormal, but such things often find a way of concealing themselves. Wearing a face of indifference, Snape pretended to pay attention to the game but in truth, his mind was now elsewhere.

Snape had very little validity to report to Voldemort. Dumbledore had increased security in and around the castle after disheartening news of something very much unwanted at Hogwarts. As a precaution, Dumbledore didn't reveal too much of his inside information, especially to Snape whose true thoughts could easily be extracted should he unwillingly fall into Voldemort's hands.

It probably wasn't safe at this moment to even willingly approach Voldemort again––at least not until Snape could provide him with something of extreme value. Suddenly, a new thought began to penetrate the Potion master's mind. I wonder, he pondered to himself. Could it work?

Pondering All Things Adriana
Author: Bill Weasley
Date: 06-10-03 09:32

Bill sat on a couch in his home, a cup of morning tea in one hand and a leather-bound journal in the other. An engraving of gold letters glittered on the front cover of the old book. It read: For Adriana. This had been one of the items Adriana had recovered after her first trip to Gringotts Bank over one year ago. Bill had shown her the way, helping her retrieve not only her personal belongings but also a piece of her history.

And what a history it was.

Bill bent forward and abandoned the cup on the coffee table, leaning back once more as he lifted his feet to prop them upon the table. With his legs stretched out in front of him, Bill thumbed through the journal wondering why each page was blank. Had it never been written in, or was it a bit more complicated than that? Invisible ink, perhaps?

If so, had the text been written by someone other than Adriana...possibly her father? There was so much Adriana hadn't known about herself until last year, so much of which could have been written down for her to see in later years. Bill sighed deeply and shut the book, laying it across his lap as he wracked his mind for ideas.

It had been nearly a month since Adriana and Helena had disappeared. Neither woman had been heard from or seen since New Year's Eve, and as each day past it seemed all the more unlikely that they'd ever be seen again. Bill visited Briar each and everyday, sometimes several times in one day. He did this mainly to check on her, but also to get news on whether or not she'd learned anything about Adriana's disappearance. While Bill hated the fact that she associated herself with that scumbag, Valentine, he did have to admit that knowing such slimeballs had its benefits. Briar had herself an inside string into the dark world, whether she believed it to be that way or not.

Bill removed his feet from the table and sat up straight, tossing the old journal into an open trunk next to the wall. He had already decided that if more time should pass with no return from Adriana, he'd take all of her things to her vault in Diagon Alley––either that or open up a new vault for her here in Hogsmeade.

She had no family who could inherit her belongs, no one but...

"Harry," Bill said aloud, astonished at himself for nearly forgetting.

"First thing...I'm Harry's cousin," she had said to him one night over a year ago. It was the start of a list of anomalies, which had knocked Bill both off his feet and to his senses.

Adriana had never told Harry the truth. Should Bill explain it to him? Apart from Dumbledore, Bill was the only other living soul to know that portion of Adriana's secret life...or so he thought at any rate. How would Bill give Harry the news?

"Oh, by the way Harry...Did you know that your former Muggle Studies professor is also your cousin?" Bill groaned and buried his head in his hands. "Was your cousin," he corrected solemnly.

Bill shook his head and stood up, picking up the tea cup to carry it to the kitchen sink. He'd have to give it some serious consideration before mentioning any word to Harry, should he mention any word at all.

Time On His Hands
Author: Lucius Malfoy
Date: 06-10-03 16:08

After a meeting with some of his underlings at the Ministry went much quicker than anticipated, Lucius finds himself with time to kill until an appointment much later in the day. A quick glance at his events calendar and Lucius rapidly reaches a decision. Although he knows he's missed the start of the game, Lucius figures there's time to catch most of the action. Unless the snitch is caught early that is. Snatching his cape off its hook, Lucius apparates to Hogsmeade then purposefully strides up to the school, across the Hogwarts grounds and down to the pitch. Lucius scans the stands to determine where to sit then with his mouth turned up in its usual self-satisfied, smug smile, he climbs the stairs of the faculty stand.

Taking a seat next to someone, Lucius barely moves his head in a nod of acknowledgement while saying sotto voice, "Hello, Severus. You're looking more peaked then usual."

Not deigning to wait for a reply, Lucius turns his full attention to the game, applauding loudly when Draco flies past in a blur of silver and green.

Finally...Some Fun!
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 06-10-03 18:17

Londy returned after showing Miss Fennally to the Slytherin part of the Castle. I finished the last of the reports only moments before she arrived. "File these away in their proper place, if you would, please." If I had my way of it, the entire lot would be filed in the dust bin! "I'm late for the Quidditch Match!" I grab my heavy woolen cape and a very long muffler. With my warmest hat upon my head, I hasten toward the Quidditch Pitch.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Faculty Box is nearly full by the time I get there. The match has been underway for an hour or more. A glance at the scoreboard tells me things have been rather slow. Only three goals scored, and Ravenclaw with a slight lead. Taking my seat near the center of the box, I settle down to watch the match. Minerva seems quite proud of her new announcer. Miss Dewhurst, while enthusiastic, manages to give an unbiased accounting of the action. I greet Severus, who is sitting beside me, then realize that it is Lucius Malfoy seated on the other side of the dour potions professor.

"Ah! Lucius! What a pleasant surprise!" I say by way of acknowledging him. "Come out to see your son in action?"

Tending Goal - Or Trying To Anyway
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 06-10-03 19:28

Pyrrhus watches with fascination as the quaffle is moved up and down the pitch for ten minutes straight, with neither team making it near either set of goal posts. Mary seems to be settling in nicely, Alexis appears to be handling her sister's addition to the team (at least while the game's in play but who knows what will happen afterwards), but to Py, Isolde seems a little lost without Lia. Those two could maneuver around the pitch as if reading each other's minds.

All six chasers and all four beaters swiftly fly in Py's direction. The Ravenclaw chasers deftly passing the quaffle back and forth while his teammates are doing their best to claim possession. Py sets up to block a goal attempt but with the four beaters right there sending bludgers whizzing all over and all six chasers bearing down on him, Py has difficulty in determining which Ravenclaw will end up with the quaffle to take a shot.

Terry Boot has the quaffle and is coming straight at Py who stands his ground, er, air. Boot pulls up scant inches from Pyrrhus but too late does Py realize that Boot somehow successfully passed the quaffle off to Sykra Sawyer.

Py loudly berates himself, Boot and Sawyer as Bronwyn Dewhurst's voice can be heard enthusiastically announcing, "Sawyer scores! Slytherin trails Ravenclaw ten to thirty!"

Well Come
Author: Voldemort
Date: 06-10-03 20:31

Morgain Noir and Maverick Pilot await Ethan's arrival at the designated spot. They wait for him approach and quickly appraise the man who approaches them. Ethan recognised the woman, she is someone who currently works in the Ministry in the Department of Mysteries. With a gleam in her eyes, and a hint of superiority in her voice Morgain says, "Well met, Ethan. I see you recognize me. May I introduce Maverick." The dark woman indicates the man who nods in acknowledgment.

"We are sure you have many things you wish to know, Ethan. We will not answer all, but can answer some. Were you surprised to learn there were others like yourself? There are more of us than you know," Maverick says.

"Indeed," agrees Morgain. "What are your questions, Ethan? What would you have us tell you about our connection to the Dark Lord?"

My Turn!
Author: Aradia Forest
Date: 06-10-03 20:41

Flying full speed ahead to evade the winged snakes behind, I head directly for the goal hoops. Taking the quaffle from under my arm I throw the quaffle straight at the centre hoop. This time it flies right by the keeper and through the goalpost. Yes! Resuming my flying, I await a chance to do it again.

A Real Nail Biter...
Author: Annie Paul
Date: 06-11-03 04:43

As Aradia scored the Gryffindors as well as the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws jumped out of their seats with joy for her move as Bronwyn announced another 10 points for Ravenclaw. The game seemed to last forever as the Quaffle exchanged hands so many times as we sat there a student from the Ravenclaw side said, "Look there it is."

We all tried to glance where the small girl had pointed and saw a slight glint it was the Snitch. "If Cho our seeker sees it and gets it we win!" the girl shrieked, and with my fingers crossed I put my fingers in my mouth and began to bite my nails.

Cryptic Conversation
Author: Ethan Somerset
Date: 06-11-03 08:07

"How is it that you know more than I?" Ethan asked curiously, his blue eyes scanning the faces of both Morgain and Maverick.

"We come as vessels from the Dark Lord," Morgain explained, "We are the first to undergo the change, the same change you have undergone. You are the last to become what you are, and now the Dark Lord is ready for you––for us––to undertake his great plans."

"We have come to the others as we've come to you," Maverick continued, using the same strange and almost hypnotizing voice. "We've given them the answers you so desperately seek."

"How many others are there?" Ethan looked from one face to the next and then back again.

"A small circle, but large enough to fulfill the Dark Lords commands," Maverick said.

"Where are the others?"

Morgain answered, "Dispersed throughout the country. They all hold respectable positions as you do; they've all lived a reputable life as you have. They all now work in secret to supply the Dark Lord with the things he desires most."

"You are of special interest to him," Maverick stated, "because of your position at Hogwarts."

Ethan understood what this meant. He worked in close proximity with Voldemort's enemies, taught Voldemort's greatest archnemesis and could potentially supply Voldemort with classified information regarding these parties.

"Will I get to meet the others?" Ethan asked.

Morgain nodded her head and replied, "Perhaps in time, but for now you have a duty to fulfill at Hogwarts. Any more questions, Ethan?"

"Can I contact the others? Can I contact you both if I ever need assistance?"

Maverick nodded. "Yes, you know our names and we can supply you with the names of the others should you ever require additional help. Just stay cautious in your correspondences. They cannot fall into the wrong hands."

"Anything else, Ethan?" Morgain asked.

Ethan thought for a moment, wracking his brain. Somewhere in his mind he knew that he had so many more questions to ask, but somehow they seemed lost as if they weren't allowed to reach the surface. "Do you both know...everything...about...everything that has to do with us and Voldemort?"

"Not everything," Morgain admitted, "but more than you will ever know."

"Why are you holding things back from the rest of us?"

"It is not your place to know everything, Ethan," Maverick answered. "You know enough to satisfy your curiosity, and now you must stop asking questions and simply do what is expected of you."

"We've kept you too long," Morgain quickly added, terminating the conversation. "Write to us, should you need our assistance. We cannot tell you anything more. Goodbye, Ethan." And with a POP, both she and Maverick disapparated.

Ethan remained at the deserted spot on the cliffs for a few moments thereafter, pondering what he had learned, or rather what he hadn't learned. He somehow felt as if none of his questions had been answered, but at the same time a certain state of satisfaction came over him.

He no longer felt alone.

Author: Majandra
Date: 06-11-03 16:01

Despite the game today, Majandra chose to sleep in a little late then took her time with a hot bath filled with lots of bubbles. After dressing in warm, though well worn, casual clothes and making two braids in her long hair, Majandra drifted back to her room where she gathered up a few things to put in her book bag. Next, Majandra strolled to the Great Hall and leisurely ate breakfast. There were very students around by that time, most of them having already finished their meals and gone down to the pitch. When Majandra finished her omelet and the fruit she'd decided to have for breakfast, she picked up her book bag and headed to the library. With most of the school attending the game, Majandra has her choice of tables and picks one that's off towards one corner, almost secluded. There she spends the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon studying and working on assignments due the next week. Majandra also thinks a lot about how she wishes school were nearly over and how it would be nice to be able to take some accelerated courses so that she could be done with seventh year shortly after completing this, her sixth year. The sooner she's totally done with school, the sooner she and George can fully resolve their relationship once and for all.

Author: Lucius Malfoy
Date: 06-11-03 19:34

Lucius nods in Professor Dumbledore's general direction. "Yes, I never miss an opportunity to watch one of Draco's games. Pity my schedule doesn't allow me to attend each and every match."

A chaser from each team flashes by just then. As he tracks their progress, to Lucius it appears as if the Ravenclaw flies well out of the pitch's boundary lines. When no whistle is blown over this infraction, Lucius says with a haughty chill, "Really, Dumbledore, it's rather pathetic that the school's only flying and Quidditch instructor shows such obvious favoritism during a match. A qualified, neutral Quidditch referee, unlike Madam Hooch, would know that when a player whose team is in possession of the quaffle goes out of bounds, the player's team must turn the quaffle over to the opposing team. I may need to call a meeting of the school's board to discuss the quality, and qualifications, of the faculty..."

Lucius lets his voice trail off, knowing he's both made his point and most likely irritated Dumbledore in the process, and annoying the headmaster is so often entertaining.

She Scores Again!
Author: Aradia Forest
Date: 06-11-03 20:26

With the quaffle once again in my hands, I fly again toward the goalposts. It takes a bit longer this time, since I am being closely pursued by the Slytherin team. They don't seem to want me to score again. Can't imagine why.

I do make it within shooting distance and make another goal, to loud cheers from the audience and the other Ravenclaws. Sending a triumphant smirk at the Slytherins nearby I fly away hoping for another chance to score.

Just Wonderful
Author: Gabriel Baine
Date: 06-11-03 20:33

Gabriel sneezed loudly, causing him to sway limply on his broomstick until his balance restored momentarily. He was freezing with his teeth clenched to keep from chattering, his eyes were watering, and his nose seemed unable to cease running. He was miserable with a painful longing to get to the hospital wing while thankful that there had been very little need for his participation with the exception of a few standard blocks. Gabriel sardonically evaluated the situation and prided in his so far lackluster performance at Hogwarts in the first, and now second, matches. His particular favorite event of the day, besides estimating how much time would elapse before he passed into delirium, was the score he allowed to pass through as the Quaffle ricocheted off his body.

"It's an exceptional fuck up you're turning into Gabriel," he said to himself shortly after the Slytherin score. His desire to quit the Quidditch team was especially augmented from that instant onward. His eyes were continuously darting toward the castle in anticipation of warmth and relief while he began to feel an extremely tempting urge to capture the hopeless snitch himself.

That Darn Snitch
Author: Draco Malfoy
Date: 06-11-03 21:34

Draco's cold, gray eyes scanned the length of the Pitch from the snowy ground below to the wispy clouds above and absolutely everywhere in between. He had yet to see the snitch––its ever-elusive self seemed adamant in hiding from its seekers. Frustration overcame the Slytherin boy and mounted with every moment the golden treasure refused to reveal itself. His annoyance escalated all the more when Ravenclaw scored three times in consecutive plays.

"Damn it all to hell," Draco cursed loudly. Jubilant sounds in favor of Ravenclaw House vibrated throughout the entire stadium.

Suddenly, a small, sparkling ball of gold flew into Draco's line of sight. He suppressed his irritation and pushed himself forward, flattening his trim body against the handle of his broom to gain acceleration. He charged after the winged snitch, concentrating on it and only it until the ever-annoying Hufflebrat Dewhurst announced shrilly, "Malfoy's spotted the snitch!"

Draco immediately became aware that Chang was trailing behind him. He divided his focus between catching the snitch and fending off the ever-present Ravenclaw seeker, who continued to advance at an alarming and remarkable rate. It wasn't long before both seekers were flying shoulder to shoulder, bumping and bashing into each other both intentionally and accidentally.

Glowering bitterly at Chang, Draco angled his broom away a small fraction of a degree and then forcefully collided into her with his left shoulder causing her to lurch uncontrollably off her intended path. Smirking, Draco appeared pleased with his success at derailing the other seeker––that is, for the brief moment thereafter until Madam Hooch shouted, "Foul!"

It had been worth it, Draco thought, even if he had lost sight of the golden snitch. Just watching Chang grumble and rub her aching shoulder was satisfaction enough. A smirk continued to toy with his lips, vanishing only momentarily as Forest moved in to take the penalty shot. Thankfully, her luck seemed to have run out. Fine easily blocked her goal attempt, and the score remained Ravenclaw 50, Slytherin 10.

The game resumed with Slytherin in possession of the quaffle. Draco ignored the other activity on the field and once again focused his attention on first finding the snitch and then catching it. As if hearing his plea, the golden orb appeared out of nowhere and hovered for a moment before his face. When Draco swiped his arm out to catch it, the snitch made a sudden drop for the ground. Draco dipped his broomstick forward and declined altitude rapidly, one arm outstretched as he spiraled downwards. He could feel the wind from the brisk flutter of the wings.

He was dangerously close to the ground when his fingertips found the golden wings. All of a sudden, the handle of his broomstick forcefully buried itself into a pile of snow. Draco fell forward, flipping over the front of his broom. He landed face-down on the ground.

A gasp erupted throughout the Pitch, followed by an awkward silence. When Draco didn't move, curious murmurs began to resonate throughout the stands, but they ceased when the Slytherin seeker began to stir. Draco slowly righted himself, dusting off his Quidditch uniform with one hand. In his other, he held the golden snitch.

"Malfoy's caught the snitch!" Dewhurst exclaimed, breaking the silence. "Slytherin wins! Final score, Slytherin 160, Ravenclaw 50!"

Draco raised his head to the view the spectators, a satisfied grin on his lips. He ignored the blood running down his face from where his nose had impacted with the frozen earth. The only thing that mattered at this moment was the snitch in his hand. He held it up high for all to see.