Location Unknown: It's a Happening Thing
Author: Voldemort
Date: 04-09-04 11:48

Drucilla has been providing me with excellent information from the Ministry. She has not yet been able to infiltrate the Order, but that can wait.

Meanwhile, Potter slips further under the influence of a spell on him. By the time his fan-club realised something was long it was so deeply ingrained into his as to be insurmountable. He is completely obsessed with Flobberworms. So much so the boy fails to differentiate between a Flobberworm and a large serpent - Nagini.

Things are happening, not good things for those fools who oppose me - Very good for those who've sided with me.

Ellspeth's Herbals Etc: New Year's Eve
Author: Ellspeth
Date: 04-09-04 12:54

Ellspeth had been excited all day...the New Year would be here in the morning. Like a brand new slate with no mistakes on it yet. What should she plan for this new year? There were many things she had thought of, but mostly just getting to know her neighbors and making new friends with the students at Hogwarts. There were new ideas for the coming growing season, which would mean cleaning pots, starting seeds, and getting her shop ready for all the new items she planned on bring in. This would be an excited year for her.

She was quickly growing to love Hogsmeade with a passion that she had never felt for any other place before. The area was beautiful ever in the depths of winter. Slowly she walked around the shop. Watering here, rearranging there. Then walking to the front door, she watched as the snow swirled here and there, blowing little spirals of dancing flakes along the road and up into corners of the buildings. The wind had begun to howl early this morning. It was going to a cold night in Hogsmeade tonight.

She watched a moment longer, enjoying the dancing of the flakes, the lights of the shoppes across the road and the feeling of being nice and cozy in "her own little home." It was a good feeling, and one that was sure to start the new year right!

Author: Severus Snape
Date: 04-09-04 16:25

With the near-expert knowledge from Bill Weasley deeply rooted in mind, Severus stood on the white marble steps outside Gringotts Bank waiting for his colleague to meet him. They'd made plans to congregate outside their target organization, she in disguise, he not. As a result, Snape had no idea what his partner would look like until she'd come to him, and by the growing shadows on the faces of the buildings, the Potions master knew that time was of the essence.

Gringotts would be closely shortly for the holiday, and yet patrons continued to enter and exit the building, perhaps drawing extra money from their accounts in order to celebrate the coming New Year expensively. But Snape waited outside, despite the cold, and surveyed each face in the vicinity for any sign of his comrade.

New Year's
Author: Sora
Date: 04-10-04 11:36

Sora was all alone downtown, buying things for the party tonight. Every year, Sora's parents would have a big celebration on New Year's Eve. It annoyed Sora just a little because he was all alone upstairs every time. He knew quite well that his parents wanted him to join, but every time he decided to join, he was offered alcoholic drinks and nasty looking food... and every time, he ended up in his room watching TV or playing Video Games.

But this year was different! Yes sir! Riku was there to celebrate with Sora. He didn't want to go far out on wizard's party supplies, since there were going to be a lot of muggles in the house. Instead, Sora got some Sparkling Cider (non-alcoholic *G*) and some pizza, etc...

After returning home, he put all his things in the kitchen and hurried upstairs only to find Riku in his Video Game Arcade. "Hey Riku, wanna go to Diagon Alley with me?" Riku kept his eyes on the game (race cars). "What do you want to go there for?" he asked. Sora just gave a small sigh. Typical Riku.

"I was hoping you could help me get some party stuff for tonight, but we can't have anything to exotic, otherwise my mom and dad's guests will get suspicious." explained Sora. Riku paused the game he was playing and then walked over to where Sora was standing. "Sure, why not."

Sora smiled, "Great! And maybe we can invite Roane and her family to the party!" Riku shrugged but grinned a little. "I wonder if we can find Kairi in town. Maybe she'd like to come too."

"And maybe we can find Tranquillina too!"

"Alright! Maybe this New Year's won't be so bad after all."

After their little planning, Sora and Riku made their way out the door and to Diagon Alley.

Banking on Some Fun
Author: Bellatrix Lestrange
Date: 04-10-04 19:12

Bellatrix crossed the alleyway and stood there, just out of sight, watching. The crowds had started to thin out, but not enough to make her presence look suspicious. She spotted her colleague, standing on the steps just in front of the bank. It was starting to get cold and she pulled her fox lined cloak up around her head to stave off the chill.

Snape stood on the steps, staring hard at everyone walking in and out, trying to figure out which person she was. This month's polyjuice potion was fun – she had picked a woman very close to her own appearance, but just enough to make people wonder. Her hair was long but not black; more of a reddish brown, but the woman had possessed a long aquiline nose and full lips, with that same heavy lidded look about her. Sometimes hiding in plain sight worked just as well but she knew Snape would have a fit and that pleased her more than she knew.

She walked over, stepping from the shadows which had lengthened considerably in the time she had stood there. Severus glared at her approaching figure. She made as if to step past him, and then turned around so they stood side by side.

"Severus, it's been such a long time," she murmured sarcastically. "But then some people never change."

He turned to Bellatrix. "Ah, I should have recognized the sarcasm from a distance. Can we get this over with?"

"Not reveling in the task the Dark Lord has set for you? I'm surprised. You seemed so eager to be welcomed back into the fold."

In response Snape turned and opened the door for Bellatrix. As she wandered inside he followed her. She took his arm, placing her hand right over the spot where the Dark Mark lay. She squeezed gently.

"We have to look like we're together," she said. "And it allows me to keep an eye on you. Don't think I'm enthusiastic about being here with you either. I don't trust you as far as I might be able to throw you, and there are many others of our kind that feel the same way. I'm waiting for you to slip up, Severus. Just waiting."

Sticks and Stones
Author: Severus Snape
Date: 04-10-04 22:05

Severus resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He'd heard her words often following his first return to the fold--why give a deserter a second chance? Most of the more viscious Death Eaters hadn't been present at the time, still prisoners of Azkaban. But those who had remained with Voldemort weren't hesistant to voice their suspicions among themselves and directly to Snape's face. Yet, his second reinstatement as one of Voldemort's loyal subjects had been met with glares and hostile gestures, but few words. Bellatrix was the first to bluntly bring forth what the others certainly had been thinking.

"You'll go to the grave waiting, Bella," Severus responded, drawing her closer to him as he spoke, "now be a dear and put a pleasant smile on your face. We've got work to do."

She smirked but followed her escort without another word, waiting silently by his side while he relayed his request to visit his vault to one of the goblins at the teller counter. The finely-dressed goblin asked for Snape's key, which he promptly presented, and then called forth another goblin.

This creature asked Snape and his guest to follow him to one of the large doors off the main chamber, through which they went and entered a dimly lit, narrow stone cavern where they were instructed to climb into a cart situated on a pair of tracks on the floor. As soon as the goblin climbed into the front of the cart, it zipped down the track speedily until it stopped before vault number 487.

"Lamp, please!" the goblin said, after he climbed out of the cart onto a smooth, stone landing in front of the archway of the vault.

Snape passed a lantern to the goblin, who hobbled over to the intricate door of the vault. While his back was turned, Snape looked at Bellatrix and inclined his head as if to give a pre-determined signal, and started to remove his wand from the folds of his robes.

Bellatrix, however, seemed to have other plans.

Jack's Breakthrough
Author: Sora
Date: 04-10-04 22:16

"I give up Garnet!"

Jack was pacing around the living room once again, racking his brain for the perfect idea for a video game, (he worked for Disney Interactive) but he just couldn't think of anything. Just then Sora and Riku came downstairs all bundled up in their heavy coats. "My my, where are you two off to now?" asked Garnet. Sora just gave a shrug. "We're off to Diagon Alley for some party supplies, and to find out if any of our friends would like to come to the New Year's party tonight. If that's alright with you guys." Garnet smiled. "Sounds great! Don't be out too long now, we need to make preparations."

Jack only gave a big sigh. "Why are you going out now when I need you to help me with a game idea Sora?" It was now Sora's turn to sigh. "You know dad, I've given you my best ideas! Instead of asking me for ideas, you should strike a deal with a top-selling game company and work something out... like Squaresoft or something." He zipped his coat up. "well, we'll be back soon! See ya!"

And as if a lightbulb just lit over his head, Jack beamed at his son as he went out the door. "Thats it!" he cried as he jumped up out of his seat and started dancing with his wife. "That's it! That's it! That's it! That's it!!!" Garnet was a little confused. "What's it, darling?" she asked, but by the time she finished her question, Jack was already halfway out of the living room and to his office.


"Is your dad always asking you for your help?"

Sora and Riku were already half way down the street on their way to Diagon Alley. Sora nodded. "Yup, and as much as I like to help him, he never really liked my ideas." Riku just rose his eyebrows. "Aww, I see." Sora smiled. "But I hope he comes up with it soon. I'm starting to get anxious!"

They turned a corner and Sora suddenly fell backwards and onto his backside! "OUCH!" he cried as he fell on his butt, "Oh! Sorry Kiwi!" Sora shot up. "Kairi! What's up!"

Ellspeth's Herbals Etc -- Plans for the New Year
Author: Ellspeth
Date: 04-11-04 09:51

Ellspeth turned from the wonderful picture like scene and headed for a small desk in the back of the shoppe. Taking out a brand new tablet and fresh writing quill, she decided it was time to start making her New Year's List. She had done this since she was a child and it was something that had always helpe her accomplished certain things in her life.

Tapping the feather lightly against her chin, her eye became lost in thought. So much had happened this year, what could she possibly do that would top this past year.

There were so many things happening in the "outside" world. Things were happening all to scarily for her. That is once reason she had moved to Hogsmeade. To be closer to the the things she loved the most. Magic, students from the schools, and a smaller community of hopefully new and close friends. She had met a few of the students, one in particular seemed to like her things. A first year Gryffindor Student named Sora...she smiled at the thought of him and his friends.

And there was Newyn, whose shoppe was at the other end of the street. He was so kind to stop by to welcome her to Hogsmeade. She had seen various other shoppe keepers scurrying through the winter snows at different time and was really quite anxious to meet them all.

Lost it thought, she contemplated the new year and all the fun things she wanted to accomplish...

An Unexpected Surprise
Author: Bellatrix Lestrange
Date: 04-11-04 10:07

Bellatrix fixed the pleasant smile to her face just as Severus had requested. What she actually felt like doing was grinning in a malevolent fashion. However she understood this much – a pleasurable, happy, New Years smile would get them much further.

During the entire trip in the cart Snape kept a vise like grip on Bellatrix, masquerading as a warm hug. Did he really think she'd do something to jeopardize their plans before the preset time? He was overestimating her now, a grave mistake.

The cart squealed to a stop outside Snape's vault. The number 487 glittered above the door. Bellatrix watched as the goblin got out, and then Snape helped her out as well. As soon as the goblin's back was turned, Snape gave the signal and started to remove his wand.

"Crucio!" she said in a clear voice, pointing her wand at the goblin. He fell to the ground, screaming and writhing on the floor. Snape grabbed her arm, watching as she laughed.

The screams got louder, surprising considering it came from such a small creature. Finally, Snape could take it no longer. "Silencio!"

They both watched and the creature continued to writhe in agony, but now silently. "You are such a spoilsport, Severus," she said, pouting.

He pulled her to one side. "Do you want the entire Alley to hear him? I was going to stun him, and here you are, up to your old tricks!"

"Fine," she replied. Abruptly she pointed the wand at the goblin. "Avada Kedavra!" Before Snape could stop her, it was done. "Well at least it's out of its misery now."

Snape looked murderous, and for the first time Bellatrix actually thought there was life in the man.

"Well, the deed is done, Severus dear, so there's no point whining about it now. Are we actually visiting your vault, or getting a move on because I only have an hour in this disguise. Unless of course there's something in there you don't want me to see?"

An Unintended Diversion
Author: Severus Snape
Date: 04-11-04 19:05

"I never intended to visit my vault tonight other than under the pretense of completing our duty, and what, pray tell, do you plan on doing with the body of that creature?" hissed Snape, wary to raise his voice lest anyone was near enough to hear him.

"We need it, do we not?" Bellatrix questioned, shrugging her shoulders indifferently.

"Yes, we do," Snape expelled an exasperated sigh, "but the creature would have suited our needs alive just as it would dead. Now instead of simply altering its memory to erase all knowledge of our visit here, you've forced us into the more difficult situation of disposing the body."

Bellatrix rolled her eyes and remarked, "Don't be such a worrywart, Severus. Are we going to remain here dilly-dallying until someone finds us with the corpse or will we get on with it at last?"

Snape glared at her and spoke gruffly, "Very well." He dropped his gaze to the goblin's lifeless body on the ground and used his wand to levitate the body, which he directed down the cavernous corridor, going on foot instead of via the cart.

"We want vault 405." Snape threw a menacing look over his shoulder to see whether or not Bellatrix was following him. She was, and she seemed unaffected by Snape's fiery glance.

Severus used the journey down the corridor to go over what Bill had told him. Ordinary vaults use a pair of keys. Usually the client will have one and the bank the other. But in instances of high security, goblin magic is a common mechanism for keeping valuables in and burglars out.

After walking for quite some time in silence, the pair at last came upon vault 405. Its door looked quite different than the door of Snape's own vault, which was only minimally secured and thereby had two key holes where this one did not. There was no sign of a mode of entry here.

Snape lowered the body and turned to Bellatrix. "As you may or may not be aware, if we were to simply try to force entry into this vault, we'd get sucked inside where we'd remain for all eternity, unless someone were to come for a visit first. In order to effectively get past the wards, we need to emulate goblin magic."

"Go on." Bellatrix looked from Snape's face to the door of the vault.

Kneeling down beside the creature, Snape picked up one of its small hands. "This will be our vessel. We'll say what we need to say, do what we need to do, and all the while use the creature's hand as our tool to breaking into the vault." Snape moved the lifeless arm up and down as if demonstrating the proper motion.

A Party of Three
Author: Sora
Date: 04-11-04 21:46

After inviting Kairi to Sora's New Year party, they all made their way to Diagon Alley. Once they went through the brick wall, Sora, Riku and Kairi made their way to different kinds of stores. "Now remember, we don't want anything that will make disturbing noises. We don't want the muggles to get too suspicious!" explained Sora. The others nodded and then they both made their way to the other stores.

Sora in the meantime, decided to visit Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He's never been there before and he was up for a good joke. After getting some good props, Sora then decided to take a good look around Diagon Alley. Hopefully, he'd see some familiar faces.

The English Job
Author: Bellatrix Lestrange
Date: 04-12-04 18:04

Snape was examining the dead goblin, waving its hand around in a macabre imitation of the gesture required to open the door.

"So, let me get this straight, you got your information from a Weasley? I hope you used a very good memory charm on him afterwards. I'd hate to think you messed things up," Bellatrix said, waiting for Snape to get on with things.

He stood up and pulled a small piece of paper from a pocket and unfolded it. "Do you want to do the honors or shall I?" he said pointedly, trying to keep his voice calm.

She laughed. "Well since you got the information personally, I'd think you would know the inflection required that goes along with the words. Do you want me to remove the goblin's arm so you can do the wavy thing or not?"

Snape couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes. He stared at her, trying to imagine the woman actually removing the creature's arm and handing it to him. At this point he totally believed she was capable of anything, but then she had tortured the Longbottom's into insanity and more recently done a number on the Granger's.

She stood beside Snape and looked over his shoulder at the note. It was written in odd letters, obviously some form of archaic Goblin language. There was no translation.

"What does it say, Severus dear?" she asked.

"I have no idea," he muttered, going over the words again so they flowed properly.

"Aren't you excited?" Bellatrix asked, grabbing his arm in anticipation. "Imagine, when that door opens and we take the contents to the Dark Lord…what rewards we shall reap! What honors and gifts we will take from those other puny individuals who have the nerve to call themselves Death Eaters!"

"Right…" replied Snape, trying to feel enthusiastic. At least he hoped the look of wonder plastered on his face was convincing.

"Bring the Goblin over here then, and be ready," he continued.

"Just remember," she said, "I'm not spending eternity in this vault with you so you'd better get it right."

Ignoring her, Snape began reciting the words written on the paper while Bellatrix waited with the levitated Goblin off to one side. He completed the passage and then grabbed the creature's arm, completing a complicated gesture. Then they waited to see what would happen.

And It Exploded
Author: Sora
Date: 04-12-04 19:22

After walking for over thirty minutes, Sora had decided to stop at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Picking out a extreme flavor, Sora found himself a table and looked into the bag full of pranks.

"Oh! What's this?" Sora said to himself as he pulled out a wand. "What the heck is a wand doing in my bag? I don't remember buying this!" He put the wand down and continued to eat his ice cream. Then getting a strange idea in his head, "I wonder if I could make the ice cream levitate in the air?" He grabbed the wand (forgetting it wasn't his) and said the incantation.

There was a big 'BANG!' and Sora fell backwards in great surprise, when without warning, the wand turned into a rubber chicken! Falling on his back, Sora stared at the chicken with confusion, then turning his head to take a bite out of his ice cream Sora realized that all that was in his hand was the ice cream cone.

"What the... Where did my ice cream go?" Sora asked himself. He looked up into the sky only to find his ice cream plummeting down towards his face. "Oh, crap!" There was a gooey 'SPLAT!' as the ice cream splattered all over his face.

"Oh, this is just great..."

Author: Severus Snape
Date: 04-12-04 19:47

Severus held the limp goblin's arm by the wrist, forgetting even to breathe as he waited for something to happen. A few long, unbearable moments of silence passed before a loud click sounded and the door of the vault slowly swung open. He and Bellatrix moved backwards a step to allow the door ample room for movement and waited, fixed to the stone ground where they stood, in awe by their good fortune.

"Good job, Severus," Bellatrix lauded softly, when the door had finished its gentle motion.

Snape hardly noticed the compliment and instead focused his eyes on what lay within the darkened chamber. On a small, low pedestal in the center of the vault was a simple, rolled-up scroll. A beacon of light shone onto it, but from whence this mysterious ray came, neither Death Eater knew.

Neither cared, anyway. Snape dropped the goblin's arm and Bellatrix subsequently dropped the entire body.

"After you, Bellatrix," Snape said, feigning gentleman-like behavior. He wasn't all quite convinced that the spell had worked, and he wanted Bellatrix to be the guinea pig.

She seemed unconcerned with her potential plight, and stepped eagerly into the vault. The door didn't slam shut behind her as Snape predicted it might, even when she lifted the scroll from its pedestal. She turned to face Snape, who'd since followed her into the chamber, and smiled.

"The Dark Lord will be very pleased." Her eyes glimmered with excitement.

"It must be a very important document for you to say so, Bellatrix," Snape mused, but he had no doubt she was correct. "Come, we must leave this place before we are caught. It's already nearing midnight. The bank is long closed by now."

He offered his hand, and to his surprise Bellatrix took it and stepped out of the vault. She took one look at the retched goblin and passed the scroll to Severus before grabbing the deceased creature by the scruff of its neck and stuffing it into the empty vault.

"Do you think anyone will find him, Severus dear?" Bellatrix shut the door of the vault and looked satisfied as it clicked loudly as if all the wards that had been in place were once again present.

"Not for a long time," Snape answered, seeming somehow confident of this. "Now, we need to get back to the cart and return to the lobby without running into any of the other goblins."

Ellspeth's Herbals Etc: Life is Perfect
Author: Ellspeth
Date: 04-12-04 20:09

Ellspeth had sat there for a solid hour, trying to think of something to put on her New Year's Resolution list...tapping her chin with first the quill, then her finger, and finally settling her chin in her hand, she could thing of Nothing she wanted to change.

Suddenly she smiled, that was it!!!

Quickly she took he quill, dipped it carefully in the in and wrote on her clean white parchment page.


Then taking her wand, she carefully murmured the spell and with a wave, the parchment was matted, framed and ready for hanging for the new year.

Nodding her head in agreement, she placed it on the wall next to her desk. The beginning with the lights near the front door to the shoppe, she slowly began turning off sunflower lamps here and there, speaking softly and bedding down all the Pet Flowers, wishing the fireflies a good night, and finally heading back to her own rooms in the back.

Turning at the door, she whispered to everyone in the world, a "Very Happy and Peaceful New Year."

The turning, headed for bed....

Another New Year... So What!
Author: Catarina dellaMare
Date: 04-12-04 23:24

New Year's... who cares? Cat huddled in the darkest corner of the common room, reading a book on transfiguration and trying not to care that another year had gone by without making a single friend. Everyone in Slytherin hated her, and she didn't like them either. She never wanted to be in Slytherin, it wasn't fair! "Clever and cunning, determined and resourceful, and definitely set on getting your way in life... You'll do whatever it takes to get where you want to go, won't you?", the Sorting Hat had said that first frightening night.

"Oh please put me in Ravenclaw," Cat had begged, but the Hat had given a chuckle, "Oh no, with your traits you'll do well in... SLYTHERIN!"

Cat had waited another moment before tearing the hat off, just long enough to hear it whisper, "And they'll need new blood in Slytherin, a good heart will be needed soon..."

So here she was, years later, most of the school not knowing she existed, her own Housemates making her life hell... Another year. Then she'd be 18, then she'd get her parents inheritance, then she could tell Aunt Circe and Aunt Medea to go to hell... and get her own place. And maybe a job with the Ministry... or even the school! Dare she dream? Probably not. Happy bloody New Year. Getting good grades and having her darling Grimalkin would have to be enough. Friends and family weren't in the picture. But someday she'd make a difference. And someday she'd help fight against Death Eaters and dark wizards everywhere...