Something Blue - Part Two
Author: Helena Tufton
Date: 05-08-03 07:39

Helena slapped Charlie across the face, and where the previous redness in his cheeks had already begun to fade, a new red mark shone. "How dare you suggest that I still had feelings for him when I was with you!" Helena shouted. "I'm not that kind of woman!"

"Oh. No?!" Charlie exclaimed disbelievingly. "You mean to tell me that all feelings you had for the man of your dreams, the very man you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with are completely gone?"

"For your information, Charlie," Helena cried out angrily, "I was upset about Julian and Briar because I didn't want Briar to get hurt the same way I did."

"I remember asking you how well you knew Julian," Charlie said, fixing Helena with a stern gaze. "You skirted my questions, remember? I thought it was a bit odd, but I didn't push it and I soon forgot about it." Charlie gave an awkward chuckle. "I was so stupid," he cried out, rubbing his face with his hands. "It all makes sense now."

"I just couldn't tell you, Charlie," Helena whined, tears cascading down her cheeks. "I didn't want you to get upset."

"I wouldn't have gotten upset with you!" Charlie shouted.

"Yes, you would have!" Helena shouted back.

Charlie shook his head. "Well, you'd have been better off telling me then than now!"

"And then we wouldn't be here, now would we?" Helena countered, her blurry eyes flashing dangerously.

"Well, we probably wouldn't be here had you not gotten us drunk in Vegas!" Charlie responded hotly.

Helena rolled her eyes. "Oh, so we're back there again, are we?!" She backhanded a stream of tears rolling down one of her cheeks and spat, "Clearly, you didn't want to be here with me tonight if that's the way you honestly feel. I thought you loved me, that you'd stand by me no matter what. Goodbye, Charlie," and with that she brushed past him and ran out of the tent.

She was met by every guest and member of the wedding party, who mostly stared at her awkwardly. No one could have helped overhearing all of the shouting from the bridal tent. A brief glimpse at a smirking Julian Valentine sent Helena on her way again. Humiliated and hurt, Helena bolted across the yard and ran as far from Charlie as she could possibly go...

Wedding No More
Author: Adriana Fairchild
Date: 05-08-03 09:02

Certainly astounded by what they had just witnessed, the wedding guests remained speechless until Charlie emerged from the bridal tent. He looked a whirlwind of emotions, in particular both furious and baffled. Silently, the stunned on-lookers watched as Charlie clenched and unclenched his fists where he stood rooted to the ground. Then, as if in slow-motion, the redheaded man approached the line of chairs and stared at one scathingly before kicking it hard with his right foot, causing it to fly a few feet into the air and collapse a few yards away, only narrowly missing the photographer.

In a matter of seconds, chaos erupted throughout the backyard of the Burrow. Mr. Tufton appeared out of no where and started for Julian, and Bill jumped through the crowd and grabbed Charlie roughly by the shoulder, pulling his little brother back towards the bridal tent. People were shouting loudly -- Molly Weasley's voice surpassed them all.

Adriana quickly rose to her feet, following Blossom's lead. Fred Weasley rushed over, his eyes wide with disbelief. "What the hell just happened?" He wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder and looked at Adriana. "That didn't just happen, did it?"

The pandemonium continued; raised voices carried across the lawn, drowning out the wails of Mrs. Tufton.

"I'm going to go after Helena," Adriana said suddenly.

As she turned, Fred seized her by the wrist and asked, "Why?" His eyes resembled Charlie's; anger clouded his vision. "After what she did to my brother? She doesn't deserve your care."

Adriana freed herself from Fred's grasp and explained, "She's upset, she might do something stupid."

"And that concerns you because?"

"Fred," Adriana stated calmly, "I'm not going after her to lend support, to condone her past actions. I'm just going to check on her."

"She's probably disapparated already," Fred replied, "You won't find her."

"Well, that's what a locator spell is for, isn't it?" Adriana responded.

"Besides," Blossom cut in, "in her state of mind, she shouldn't be using apparition as a mode of transportation. She's probably just running; it's in a girl's instinct to run away from bad situations."

Adriana nodded and cast one quick glance around the yard. Her eyes lingered on the bridal tent for a few moments and then she turned back to Blossom and Fred. "Tell Bill where I've gone if I'm not back before he's finished talking to Charlie, okay?"

Fred nodded. "All right," and then he added stiffly, " better hurry. She's probably on the other side of town by now."

Adriana gave his arm a squeeze, nodded to Blossom and darted across the lawn as best she could in her heels. She passed the side of the house, the Granger car and the gates of the Burrow, suddenly realizing how dark it had become outside.

"Lumos," she said quietly, after retrieving her wand from her purse, and she set out on the path to find Helena...

Dec. 31 - New Years Eve???
Author: Nevvyn
Date: 05-08-03 19:37

The Toms and I are having a quiet evening at home. The new year for us begins at the end of October, when we celebrate Samhain, according to the old customs. All this hoopla around December 31 and January 1 is just some great Muggle invention that started back with the Romans. At any rate, I am reading one of the new books I received as a Christmas gift, while the Toms are playing some sort of a game with Wizard Cards and spells.

Suddenly, there is a loud banging and rattling of the shop door. I hurry out to see what could possibly be the matter on this chilly evening. Through the frosted glass, I see a rather distraught Mr. Stratford, peering in anxiously. I open the door and he bursts in, talking excitedly. "Something is wrong with Chyler!" he shouts. "Something VERY wrong! I think the baby is coming! And it's too early! I apparated to Edinburgh to get her Doctor, but he has gone off somewhere and cannot be reached!" He finally runs out of breath, allowing me to get a word in edgewise.

"But, Mr. Stratford! I am a simple herbologist and brewer of potions. I am neither a Doctor nor a midwife, I try to explain. Tom!" I shout toward the back. All three come running. "You!" I single out one of them. "Run up to the Castle as fast as you can and fetch Madam Pomfrey. Tell her it's a "Birthing Emergency"!" He is out the door and racing up the snowy street before I can close my mouth. I turn to the second in line, "And you! Fetch my small traveling case. Quickly, now!" He races off to our living quarters and returns almost immediately with a small brown satchel. Meanwhile, I am rushing around the cabinets, selecting bottles and jars and vials which I think might be of some use. Stuffing these into the case, I hand it off to Tom and grab my staff and my wand, in case we need to do some serious magic.

The four of us race back across the street, following the only visible set of footprints. Chyler is sitting in a chair, clutching at her abdomen with both hands. An Ominous stain spreads over her dressing gown. "Quickly! We must get her back into her bed! Tom! Give me a hand, here!" I levitate Chyler, chair and all, and we guide her up the stairs to the bedroom. "Lysander! Fetch a pot or two and fill them with water!" Together, the Toms and I ease her onto the bed. Lysander appears with the water. I tap each of the vessels and say "Calientus Max!" The roiling bubbles appear almost instantly.

When in doubt, boil water!

I add a few drops of a disinfecting elixir, for good measure. I saturate a clean cloth and, opening her gown, I try to clean away some of the mess. I do not like what I see. This is life blood, not just the water of birthing and the other fluids that go with it. Chyler cries out in pain from time to time, but it is not the normal abdominal contractions of childbirth. I run my hands over the swollen stomach and shake my head at what I feel. There is no life in the womb, where it should be. There is a fading spark, higher and to the left side, within the tube.

Sadly, I look up at Lysander, where he sits, clasping his wife's hand. I give my head a little negative shake and reach for a green vial from my case. "Here, my dear! This will help to ease the pains." I pour a small amount into a spoon and drip the minty liquid into her mouth. At a word, Tom goes to fetch more towels. I spread and arrange these to absorb the blood, then pull up the sheets to cover her. the medication is already taking effect. Chyler relaxes visibly, and her eyes droop shut.

Quietly, I stand an motion Lysander to accompany me out into the hall. "It is, I think, what they call a tubal pregnancy. I am surprised that it has progressed this far. I am also surprised that her Doctor did not detect this problem. There is little we can do for her now, other than make her comfortable." Lysander looks at me in total shock. "Y-you mean???" he manages to stammer.

Sadly, I nod my head. "Give her another quarter-spoonful when she wakes." I pick up my case and head downstairs. Lysander goes in to sit with his wife. We let ourselves out and return to our shop, where I pour myself a stiff shot of Old Bushmill!

Author: Cho Chang
Date: 05-08-03 19:40

She smiles softly against his lips, eyes closing as arms slip around him, resting her forehead against his, "Y'know...I'm glad I stayed here..."

He nods, "Me too..." He runs a hand over her hair, gazing into her eyes as she gazed into his.

She giggles, breaking the focus of both, a little scared of what she saw and what she had just felt, she shrugs it off, ruffling his hair, "Happy New Year Fynn..."

Midnight Surprise
Author: Sykra Sawyer
Date: 05-08-03 22:43

Sykra slowly trudged along, walking near the lake. She knew she really ought to be inside her common room, but she just wasn't much in the mood for it. This hadn't been the best year. The only good thing really besides being here at school is Orlando... For one, she only hears from her little sister, Sasha. Sasha tells her of how her family barely acknowledges the fact that she exists.

Checking the time, Sykra realized it was about midnight. Sitting down on the grass, she leaned against the tree and stared at the lake. Some New Year's... The moon that night was reflecting of the water and adding a bit more light. A tear slightly slid down the Ravenclaw's cheek as she hoped this year would bring better days. Hidden in the shadow of the tree, Sykra hoped no teacher or anyone would notice her out here.

After a few moments, the countdown to midnight had just begun, Sykra felt a hand cover her eyes.

"Wha..whoa!" It was all she could do to not scream.

"Shh...shh..." a familar voice whispered. "Happy New Year, Beautiful."

Sykra felt lips touch hers as the hand slipped from her eyes. She had no need to look at the face. She knew who it was.


Smiling, Sykra knew things would get better. He'd always be there to make them better. Not sure what he was doing there, or more how'd he manage to get there, she didn't care. Sykra was just glad he was there.

Three Ring Circus
Author: Ginny Weasley
Date: 05-09-03 21:01

Ginny had only thought things were chaotic before time to get ready for the wedding. She realizes she's only just beginning to understand the definition of the word. Helena's father keeps trying to attack Mr. Valentine. The only reason he's not succeeded so far is because of Ginny's father and Charlie's friend Stephen. Briar is in the thick of it, putting a hand on Mr. Valentine's chest whenever he looks like he might rise to Mr. Tufton's bait, and she's shouting to be heard, telling Mr. Tufton that they're all very sorry. That no one knew that Helena had never told Charlie.

Bill has dragged Charlie back into the tent to calm him down. As red as his face had been, Ginny wouldn't have been shocked if Charlie had suddenly keeled over from a stroke and from the look of rage, hate, and utter loathing on her brother's face as Bill was leading him off, Charlie won't be seeing reason anytime soon. Percy in the meantime has been trying to soothe the photographer after the man was nearly hit by a chair. Ginny's mother is making efforts to console Mrs. Tufton, who seems to have enough tears to fill an ocean. Well, a small pond anyway.

Unsure of what she should do, Ginny moves to stand with a group comprised of Hermione, Ron, Gabe, Blossom, Fred, George, Majandra, and Harry. She feels greatly comforted when Harry slips an arm around her as if he's done it a million times. Hermione and Blossom, both very sensible girls, suggest they all work to at least restore order for the guests, those already there and those still to arrive.

Majandra and Ginny start filling up cups of punch then carrying them around, offering a drink to everyone. Hermione and Harry grab trays of hors d'ouvres and like Maj and Ginny, starts making the rounds. Blossom goes and talks to Mrs. Weasley, suggesting she take Mrs. Tufton somewhere more private to get composed. Gabe and Ron head over to talk to the men and Briar, to see if they all will go inside if they have to continue their argument. The Twins run inside just long enough to grab a few things then go stand at the alter area. George casts the sonorous spell and calls for everyone to get some of the refreshments being passed around and to take their seats, Fred and he are going to provide some pre-ceremony entertainment.

Very soon all the guests are seated and laughing at Fred and George go through a routine Ginny never even knew they had. "Now," Ginny thinks as she fills more punch cups, "all we need is for Adriana to return with Helena so that peace can be made and the wedding gotten underway."

New Years...
Author: Annie Paul
Date: 05-10-03 01:54

Christmas had come and gone and so did *Boxing day (which was fun to do.) And now New Years was here and I know what kind of parties go on, even though mum and dad thought I was sleeping in the past. I was sneaking downstairs to have a peek at what went on and sometimes fell asleep on the stairs only to wake up in my room which I found out later that my family's house keeper had quietly taken me back to the room.

Now I got a chance to join the party and I was so excited. *Timothy Wells and his parents were coming to celebrate the New Year with us. I knew Tim when I was at Miss Conner's and he at Eton. He was tall and rather cute with dark hair and blue eyes. He's a year older than me, but boy could he dance. Mum and Tim's mother were schoolmates when they were little girls and dad knew Tim's father from his law school days.

I saw the dress I was to wear and liked the pattern. It was a pale blue with lace trim and a pale blue headband to hold my hair in place when it was done up. I saw so excited as I got out of bed that morning and danced around the room in my pajamas that I didn't see my dad till he opened the door and asked if he could have this dance.

As I sat in my room that day I thought of school for a bit I remembered the spell Professor Logan gave to me at the station. Since I was not allowed to do magic off school grounds I opened my trunk and looked at the parchment which gave me the giggles. A knock sounded on the door and my mum's voice came from the other side. "Annie get ready, the guests will be here any minute." I thanked her and quickly prepared myself for the arrival of Tim and his family.

(* 1 Boxing Day is celebrated after Christmas in New Zealand, Canada, England and Australia where the masters of the household change places with the servants for a day and do their duties while the servants relax. * 2 Tim is a NPC.)

Killing Time on New Year's Eve
Author: Coco Nutt
Date: 05-10-03 11:18

Fritz, Pea, and Coco sit bundled up in canvas chairs the two kids had carried down to the boardwalk a little earlier. There the three are greatly entertained listening to the tall tales of a group of fisherman, Abe (Mr. Bolt) and Papa Wal among them, who'd insisted on going out early this morning despite the extreme winter chill of the day. Mitzy (Mrs. Bolt), appears in the doorway of the store, Nuts & Bolts, calling down to the children, "Fritz, Coco, I just made soldiers* and hot chocolate. Put out some sugar biscuits* and fairy cakes* as well."

Coco, who's been beside herself with joy upon learning that Fritz would be able to spend New Year's at the Nutt house, exchanged glances with Fritz. He grins and the two jump up, Coco securing Pea in her pocket. They play "tag you're it" the entire way, both more energetic than their usual bouyant selves because tonight they get to stay up till after midnight while on a boat and there will be fireworks, lots of food, people, and music. Neither of them can wait!


soldiers = cheese toast cut into strips
sugar biscuits = sugar cookies
fairy cakes = cupcakes

Her Final Moments
Author: Lysander Stratford
Date: 05-10-03 13:00

Despite the pained expressions, which often flickered across her suddenly angelic-like face, Chyler slept quietly. Tenderly, Lysander took one of her delicate hands into his, bringing it to his lips to whisper a soft kiss onto her fingers. Who could be so cruel as to cause him to lose both wife and child in a single blow?

He didn't even hear Nevvyn and the Toms leave the bookstore, so enraptured was Lysander with the thought of losing the one person he held before all others. How happy he had been to learn that Chyler was carrying his child -- their child, a product of their love for each other. And now the child had died and was taking its mother along with it, taking her away from the man who loved her and no other with all his heart.

Chyler moaned softly in her sleep, a grimace etching across her face, which only grew paler as the minutes progressed. Her eyes fluttered once, and suddenly her hand tensed where Lysander held her. She exhaled and slowly opened her eyes, a single tear spilling down her cheek and splashing onto her collarbone.

"Lysander?" she breathed quietly, more tears collecting beneath her eyes. "Lysander? What's happening to me?"

Lysander placed a kiss on the top of her hand and held it to his cheek as he answered softly, "Shh, Chyler. Everything will be...everything will be all right. Nevvyn has given you some medicine to make you feel a little better, and he's told me to give you another quarter-spoonful when you wake."

Chyler's head gave a little nod, and she managed a half-smile. "I suppose that would be now, Lysander."

Her husband touched her cheek with his free hand and soothingly stroked away her tears. "Yes," Lysander agreed, "I'm going to take care of you. You won't feel a thing anymore."

His hand wandered into her hair, which lay spread about the pillow in the most beautiful curls. Silent tears continued to roll down her cheeks, as if she truly did know what was to come. Lysander leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, and then sighed deeply as he fought to stay strong.

For a brief moment, he let go of her hand to tend to the green vial Nevvyn had left behind. He poured a small amount onto a spoon and then poured the contents of the spoon into Chyler's open mouth. He watched as she swallowed; her eyes had already begun to blink slower and slower.

Setting the vial and the spoon aside, Lysander once again resumed his full attention on his dying wife. "Chyler," he said softly, "Chyler, I love you so much."

Chyler's eyes flew open and she managed another smile. "I love you too, Lysander. and our sweet, sweet baby..."

Lysander clasped one of her hands with his and ran his other down her stomach, where previously signs of life had been. How could this have happened?

His hand once again found her face and her hair. He pressed a tender kiss to her lips and one more to her forehead. It was then that Lysander noticed that she had stopped crying. Perhaps she was no longer afraid or worried; perhaps she felt safe and carefree with her loving husband by her side, holding her hand.

Chyler's eyes fought to stay open, but she grew more and more tired with each effort. Her breathing became more irregular, and Lysander knew that this was the end. With her last bit of strength, she managed to squeeze her husband's hand and whisper, "I love you," before descending into darkness.

Just then, Madam Pomfrey burst into the room.

Goodbye - Part One
Author: Bill Weasley
Date: 05-10-03 16:49

"How could she do this to me, Bill?" Charlie shouted as soon as both brothers entered the bridal tent. Helena's perfume still lingered and it made Charlie nauseous. "How could she humiliate me so much? I thought I could trust her!"

Bill sighed deeply and shook his head. "I don't know, Charlie. I don't know," he said, "and personally, I can't understand why anyone would want to associate herself with the likes of Julian Valentine, but somehow it happens. I mean, look at Briar."

"What the hell is she thinking?" Charlie exclaimed furiously, spinning around to face his older brother. "She's just going to get herself hurt, just the way Helena did..."

"Charlie," Bill interrupted, "this isn't about Briar..."

Charlie snapped, "You're the one who brought her up!"

"Sorry." Bill sighed. "I only meant to say that maybe it isn't Helena you should be angry with. She probably felt ashamed about her past and didn't feel she could tell you. If you ask me, it's that insufferable Valentine you should be angry with."

"I am," Charlie agreed, suddenly grinning evilly, "Oh, believe me when I say I am, but I'm not about to forgive her for this. She lied to me, Bill. She used me and she lied to me. I can't believe it. How could I have been this daft?"

Bill shook his head. "You're being too hard on yourself. Love makes people lose their minds, their sense of clarity."

"But I should have known it would have come to this," Charlie exclaimed, furious with himself. "Helena and I started off on the wrong foot, and it's only fitting that we ended that way too! For Merlin's sake, Bill, Helena and I hated each other when we first met. We couldn't go two seconds without yelling at each other. I should have known that we weren't a good match. I should have realized that I'd only end up miserable."

"But how could you have known, Charlie?" Bill asked. "Suddenly, you two weren't fighting anymore. You were kissing and hugging and were in love with each other. You were in love with her, Charlie. I know it. You're still in love with her."


"You're blinded by your anger, Charlie."

Charlie's face turned only redder. "No, you know what I'm convinced it is? Women. First Bella, now Helena. They're all out to get me."

Bill sighed. "They're not all bad, you know."

"Just the ones who take a liking to me, Bill." Charlie exhaled deeply and met his brother's gaze. "I think I need to go away for a while. clear my head, to get my mind off of Helena and onto something else."