Ready for Another Hogsmeade Weekend
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 05-08-02 14:27

Pyrrhus sits at breakfast with a gorgeous girl on either side of him and one directly across. Alexis Black, though a little shy at first, had warmed quickly to Isolde, Lia, and him. Py finds it a little hard to believe they've known her only a week.

As they sit eating, Azaelia and Isolde fill Alexis in on the various shops at Hogsmeade. A few of the Slytherins in the know are especially excited about visiting the newest shop, Twice Told Tales. Wisely, neither of the girls mention the reason why some are eagerly anticipating a visit to the bookshop. Too many other ears might hear. Since they won't be going back to the house common room before heading off to town, if anything special is said about the new shop, it will be on the walk and only if they are sure no one else is around.

Py looks up in time to see the Weaslet George walking across the Hall. Pyrrhus grins at the memory of an encounter with Peorgy George just yesterday. "Lose your harem, Fine?" he'd sneeringly thrown at Py.

In a very haughty, condescending tone, Pyrrhus had replied, "At least I have a harem to lose track of." Eyebrows arched in an "aren't you the jealous one" look, Pyrrhus had walked away, smug at having caused a high flush to creep up the Gryffindor's face as others within earshot laughed at the exchange.

Isolde tapping him lightly on the arm brings Pyrrhus back to present. Grinning broadly, he stands and helps first Isolde on with her coat, then Lia, then walks around to do the same for Alexis. Never let it be said a Slytherin cannot also be a gentleman.

Ah, the Smell of Books!
Author: Hermione Granger
Date: 05-08-02 14:43

The Saturday after the surprising Hufflepuff win was not only the scheduled date of the second Hogsmeade trip of the schoolyear, but also the Grand Opening of Twice Told Tales. Hermione was extremely excited, and most definitely overly ecstatic about the prospect of a new bookstore opening in Hogsmeade, especially for the fact that it was a used bookstore.

"Do you realize what this means?" she asked excitedly as she walked with one arm looped in Ron's. Majandra, still head over heels in lust with Ron, had his other arm. Harry, in an attempt to protect himself from being the next item on Majandra' check list, walked on Hermione other side.

"What does it mean, Hermione?" Ron asked, not even trying to pry his arm away from the other starry-gazed girl at his side. He had given up trying to fight off Majandra several days ago when she had showed up in his dorm room with a variety of knitted clothing. In fact, he was wearing his new sweater under his robes on that chilly day. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he actually liked wearing a jumper made for him by someone other than his mother.

Hermione grinned broadly and answered, "It means that those books in there are all leather-bound in beautiful reds, browns, blacks, blues and greens, and they probably smell sooooo good!" She squealed in delight. There was nothing more exciting than being inside a library or a bookstore with a bunch of musty-smelling books.

Harry and Ron rolled their eyes. Hermione was too funny sometimes.

The street was fairly empty that morning, probably because it was very cold outside. The few people bustling around where bundled up tightly, cursing the snow flurries that slowly drifted down from the clouds above.

Soon, the quartet found themselves before the bookstore. Hermione immediately broke her link with Ron and sprinted inside to be with her books.

Festive Food
Author: Briar Rose
Date: 05-08-02 16:31

Briar looks over all the already made up trays and the carefully boxed food. As she goes from one to another, she's talking to herself and making check marks on her list.

"Hello Dollies, pseudo Hello Dollies with toffee, Sin-de-Bars, Peppermint Divinity, Lemon Loves, Snickerdoodles, Earthquake Cookies, fudge ring, miniature Chocolate Turtle Cheesecakes, Little Devils, chocolate covered toffee, Puppy Chow, chocolate candy with peanuts and marshmallows. Okay. That's all in order. Now for the other items. Spinach and artichoke dip to be served hot. Crackers for it. Queso dip and chips. Veggie dip in a bread bowl and the veggies. Assortment of finger sandwiches. I sure hope they like all this. This isn't the usual Wizarding fare these people are used to. Not a single cauldron cake or pumpkin cupcake in sight. Oh well. Unless I transfigured everything it's too late now and I really dislike the way food tastes after it's been transfigured."

Putting her list aside, Briar stacks the boxes into a larger crate then makes the top layer some of the trays which cannot be stacked. She uses the Wingardium Leviosa spell to levitate the larger crate, picks up the remaining trays of food then walks out of the bakery, directing the crate as she goes. A moment later she's at the bookstore door, being ushered in by a smiling Chyler. It only takes a few moments to put the already prepared trays out and begin arranging the boxed items onto their own trays. After that's done, she helps Chyler get the drinks and cups out as well. Spiced hot cider. Spiced warm pumpkin juice. Mulled wine for the adults. Butterbeer. Hot cocoa.

It shouldn't be long before students start pouring out of the gates of Hogwarts. Briar can tell that Chyler, Lysander and Julian are eagerly anticipating their first customer for the Grand Opening and in her own way, she's just as excited to see what they make of the food. They don't have to wait long as only moments later in come the first of the customers.

Trouble, Trouble...(Aradia & Sykra...duh!)
Author: Cho Chang
Date: 05-08-02 18:52

She grins, oh today was a good day, an extraordinary day, who *knew* what would happen. Cho links arms with her two gals as they stroll about Hogsmeade, she puts on a horrendously overdone accent, "Well garls...What *shall* we do today? We've been here so terribly much..."

Aradia immediately pipes up, "Butter beer!" With a giggle she starts t'wards the Three Broomsticks, the other two scrambling to catch up.

Warm butter beers in hand, they patrol the streets again, ending up at "their" fountain to sit down and finish the butter beers in semi-peace, considering they were all trying to outdo the other on jokes, but that was normal. After a bit they sober, beginning to act a bit more their 6th year age. Sykra sighs, "It's too bad Orlando did so badly in transfiguration, 'else he'd be here."

Cho and Aradia snicker to each other as they toss the other a look, Aradia drawls, "Oh it's just a travesty! I cannot *believe*..."

Sykra elbows her, having gotten quite good at shutting them up whenever they go on about her and Orlando, "Oh be quiet."

Cho sighs, sipping her butter beer, "If you insist."

Sykra nods pointedly, "I do."

Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst
Date: 05-08-02 19:25

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas," Bronwyn remarked, buttoning her coat and tightening the scarf around her neck as the first few snow flurries began to drift downwards.

Kendra nodded in agreement, "I just love snow, don't you?"

"Can't wait until there's enough snow lying around to start some decent snowball fights!" Toby added, grinning absolutely wickedly.

Susan, Hannah, and Hunter joined the other three Hufflepuffs as they headed over the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. They had planned on visiting the new bookstore later that day. In the meantime, they'd catch up on old gossip over a few pints of the amber liquid and try their best to keep warm. With Christmas just around the corner, they would have to use the day to get all of their holiday shopping out of the way too.

Secrets, Love, and Investigation
Author: Bill Weasley
Date: 05-08-02 20:12

Things in Bill's life just couldn't get more interesting. First, Briar Rose confided her dark secret to him––that her parents were death eaters and Voldemort may be looking for her. Bill vowed that he'd keep a watchful eye on her as well as do is best to protect her from the Dark Lord if need be. In the meantime, he had waited patiently for Adriana to confide in him.

Never did he expect Adriana's news to be so shocking, or so similar to Briar's tale. When she told him her dark secret––that her mother was a death eater and Voldemort was already looking for her, not to mention that Harry Potter was her first cousin and Voldemort her spiritual father––Bill remained surprisingly calm. He was in shock, yes, but he still managed to keep a somewhat regular level of cool. He didn't know why he handled that news so well. Maybe, it was because of the fact that after her secrets were out, Adriana also revealed something from deep within her heart. She told Bill just how she felt about him with those three little words––I love you. Possibly well-planned regarding the timing, but Bill knew she was speaking from the heart. He knew it and he couldn't help but reciprocate. He loved her too.

After a romantic dinner for two, since Bella and her brother Dylan had left a note saying they wanted to leave the two alone for the evening, Adriana and Bill went back upstairs to the room where she went into more detail about her secrets. Bill listened intently, absorbing ever comment Adriana made about the things that were happening to her, the way she would feel around Harry––everything and anything out of the ordinary. After she was finished, Bill made the same promise he had given to Briar. He would watch over her and protect her at all costs. This time it wasn't just a friend in need, it was the woman he loved.

A week had passed by since he learned about Adriana. The news had brought them closer, and they made a point to see each other nearly everyday. Usually, Bill was the one to visit her at Hogwarts, but she hopped over to the inn as often as she could. He still went to see Briar every morning to talk over a cup of coffee. She had laughed and laughed when he had told her about mistaking Dylan for Bella's new beau. It was just a few days ago that he learned that she would be catering the Grand Opening of Twice Told Tales. Bill kept his opinion about those Slytherins to himself. He knew that Briar had some kind of relationship with Julian, and he didn't approve of it––whatever it was. He didn't tell her that, though he was certain she knew just how he felt about him.

On the day of the bookstore opening, Bill headed over alone. Adriana was taking care of some things at the school, but she would come by later. Bill wanted to cook with her tonight––the Muggle way. He didn't think he could do it, but it would be fun to try anyway.

The bell on the door jingled when Bill walked in, his eyes scanning the room as he stood before the doorway. Immediately, he spotted Briar standing by the food tables. She was talking with Chyler Stratford, who looked up from her conversation to see Bill standing at the front of the store. Her eyes narrowed instantly.

Bill smirked in response and smiled at Briar who turned to see who Chyler was scowling at. Then, he walked over to taste some food.

Re: Secrets, Love and Investigation
Author: Dierna ni Ciaran
Date: 05-08-02 21:55

Despite my diligent searching for a spell to help Severus, I only found one that may be of use. I decide that a trip to the newly opened "Twice Told Tales" is in order. I don my winter cloak and trek out into the usually cold weather.

I arrive at the bookstore early, before the insipient flow of students arrives. I want to see if they have any old Irish Manuscripts. There is one in particular that I have been looking for. With any luck I can find it here. I have a feeling that it would be very valuable in the fight against the Dark Lord. I Just have to hope he doesn't get it first...

Inside the store I see Briar, who just brought in a tray of amazing looking treats.

"Sainte, a chara! Haven't had the chance to talk to you in a while. How are you doing? Your snacks look wonderful!"

Author: Golbez Rushdie
Date: 05-09-02 18:14

Visiting Hogsmeade is always my favourite thing about Hogwarts, since I moved. The snow makes everything look pretty and clean. However, it is a bit more chilly than I'm used to (will I ever get used to these winters???). I enter the Three Broomsticks with Mandy and Lisa and several others of my Ravenclaw friends.

What's the Scoop?
Author: Rita Skeeter
Date: 05-09-02 21:03

Rita Skeeter mooches around the town, so much has happened in a short time...and she is itching to interview people. However, she has to be REALLY careful to avoid THAT girl! The charm she uses to disguise herself won't trick that wretched girl, Hermione. Still, she can snoop around a little...just get back into all the various loops...and catch up on the intriguing rumours.

I Don't
Author: Aradia Forest
Date: 05-09-02 21:41

A nudge in the ribs is not NEARLY enough to get ME to shut up...especially since teasing Sykra is my favourite past time.

"I'm surprised you didn't stay to help him with studying Syk! Of course, you probably would be doing something OTHER than studying!" She nudges me again and I pretend to change the topic.

"We should do some gift shopping while we are here. I want to check out the new bookshop..." I give an evil grin to Sykra. "Maybe we can find some of those lover's charms . . . " Cho cracks up and Sykra tries to give me a warning look. In response I grab a hand full of snow and throw it at her.


{Baliseon} The Third Session
Author: Lord L. A. Higginton-Smythe
Date: 05-10-02 13:08

The Assembly of Witches & Warlocks returned to Baliseon and were received by updates on the projects in Albania and Transylvania. To the concern of Consul Higginton-Smythe, Consul Iulok was absent for two days and was not at her residence in the town. It was on the third day that she returned quietly (uncommon for her) and immediately decided to address the body without being informed on the progress in the following days. She also ignored the questions by her follow consul, and her own security staff refused to answer him even when he ordered them to withdrawal information on her absence.

"I was called away Lludd and I am not at liberty to discuss anymore," she whispered in his ear before the day's session began. Many of the delegates were making way to their seats slowly as they went from person to person in addressing each other politely. The white marble hall shown as brightly as usual, white for the purity the Committee was meant to represent.

"My concerns are for your safety. You are responsible for the survival of this institution and due to the secrecy around your absence I suspect you have placed yourself at danger. I will have none of that Kalgrie," said Consul Higginton-Smythe. His age was becoming more apparent than ever before as he wheezed a little and shifted. Consul Iulok turned away silently and gave the signal for everyone to be seated.

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble
Author: Isolde
Date: 05-10-02 14:40

"And the cauldron just started bubbling over!" Azaelia and Alexis burst into simultaneous laughter as they strolled next to Isolde and Pyrrhus, heading in the direction of the new bookstore. The girls were sharing a story about a mishap in Potions class that had happened only a few days earlier.

Alexis took up the story-telling, "We tried to get you two to turn around and see what we had done, but you both were too busy playing footsies to even notice us!"

Isolde grinned wickedly and snuggled closer to Pyrrhus.

"And then what happened?" he asked.

Azaelia continued, "Well, Snape was sweeping across the aisles inspecting everybody's cauldron. We were so afraid of what he'd say when he saw the mess we had made, but luckily, he never made it to ours because one of the Gryffindors caused an explosion!" She paused for a moment, scrunching up her forehead in thought. "Surely you would have noticed that."

Isolde spoke up, "Yes, I did. And it took me forever to get that green stuff out of my hair!"

"Me too!" Alexis said knowingly. "But anyway, we got lucky."

"Well, think of it this way, ladies," Pyrrhus began, steering them towards the bookstore, which seemed to be filling up with intrigued shoppers. "Even if he would have caught you, you probably wouldn't have gotten more than a slap on the wrist. We are Slytherins after all. He actually likes us, a little."

Azaelia nodded and said with mock sadness, "I feel so incredibly sorry for those two Gryffindors who are stuck scrubbing the dungeon the muggle way until it's sparking clean."

The quartet burst into laughter, and after Pyrrhus reached for the door, he allowed for each girl to enter one by one until it was his turn to cross the threshold.

Oh? Weasel and Mudblood. Ooooooh!
Author: Draco Malfoy
Date: 05-10-02 16:48

I walk around Hogsmeade doing nothing really, then I spot Potter with his low life friends.

"Hey Weasley! Did your hair get any redder considering the fact that you now have a Mudblood for a girlfriend?! Haha!" I cried out, then he made mushy faces.

"Weasley and Granger sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love then comes their crummy marriage then comes Weasley's freaky baby in a cheap cradle!" I started to say, "Oh and that's not all! I see Weasley's baby running into a wall!! Haha!" I finished then walked off.

Oh NO!!!!
Author: Eileen
Date: 05-10-02 20:02

Lee and I enter The Three Broomsticks. When we enter we see someone we definitely DON'T want to see: Draco Malfoy. Draco starts being . . . Draco. I notice Golbez Rushdie, a sixth year Ravenclaw student, looking mischievously at Draco.

Author: Fred Weasley
Date: 05-11-02 09:48

Fred, George, and Sammi sauntered through Hogsmeade as if they owned the place. The snow was gently falling to the earth, speckling the twins' fiery red hair. The contrast between the bright white and equally bright red was amazing to see. Sammi skipped around with her arms in the air, opening her mouth to catch some of the snow flakes.

"I think someone missed breakfast this morning," George joked.

Sammi winked impishly, "It's like ice cream. A mid-mornin' snack, if yeh will."

"Isn't she smart?" Fred smiled and moved in to throw his arms around his girl. "So this is brunch, then?" He opened his mouth to catch some snowflakes of his own.

"Brunch!" Sammi grinned broadly and stuck out her tongue.

George rolled his eyes. "I don't even know you two." He took off in the direction of the Bakery.

"Where does 'e think 'e's goin'?" Fred pondered aloud.

Sammi laughed, "I think all this talk 'bout snacks and brunches has gotten 'im really 'ungry!"

"Well, what are we waiting for then? Let's get 'im!" Fred pulled Sammi along as he darted after his twin. She shrieked with laughter and followed happily.

Looking for a Certain Book
Author: Neo Anderson
Date: 05-11-02 13:28

Neo went inside the bookstore, looking for a certain something, "Now where can I find a spell book with a love potion or charm?" he said to himself. He spotted the school's Auror, who was talking to Briar Rose.

The Auror seemed to have seen Neo and waved. Neo smiled and gave a little wave back, then he went back to his search. Just then Draco Malfoy came in. "Oh bloody 'ell!" Neo said to himself.

Malfoy grinned maliciously and walked over to Neo.

Neo quickly hid the book behind his back...

What Do You Got There, Creep?
Author: Draco Malfoy
Date: 05-11-02 13:40

I stood in front of Neo Anderson, who just glared. I smiled, "What are you hiding Anderson? Is it something that will hopefully change your stupid name?" I said. Anderson started to turn to a slight pink.

"Cause what kind of a name is 'Neo?' Did you intend to have that name or could your mother think of nothing else!" I laughed. Anderson looked at his feet, and I snatched the book from behind his back. "Hey! give that back!" demanded Anderson. I kept the book out of his reach and I glanced at the book.

"Oooooohhhhhhhh, Anderson, do you like someone? Do you really need a love spell just to get a girlfriend? HA!!" I said, and I pushed him away. "Just wait until I tell all the Slytherins!"

Anderson jumped on his feet and dived to stop me from exiting. "Oh no you don't!" he cried, and we both got into a fist fight.

A Fire to Melt the Ice
Author: Azaelia Bramble
Date: 05-11-02 22:27

Azaelia was last to go into the new bookstore Twice Told Tales before Pyrrhus follwed her through. Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone waving. She didn't think anything of it and went inside along with the others. There were many on the streets of Hogsmeade that afternoon, and it was probably someone waving for someone else on the other side of the street. Lia's eyes immediately fell to not just one, but nearly all of the Weasels, including the oldest one, Bill, and that MudBlood Granger. Azaelia shivered with anger, then spun on her heel to leave the bookstore. Nothing was going to keep her in this store if they were here. She'd come back later. Isolde and the others could look around all they wanted to. She was leaving.

"Ooph!" She stumbled back. "Will you watch . . . "

She looked up into the eyes of her gentle-eyed love, Robert Blackheart. He gave her a look of mock scold for not acknowledging his wave.

Immediately, her lips widened into a wicked grin and she pulled him by the front of the shirt behind a bookshelf.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you, too, ma petit cheri." He kissed her lightly and backed her up against a bookshelf labeled Wizard Romance. He glanced up at the sign and chuckled. Her eyes followed his and she read the words. She raised one eyebrow and grinned.

With both hands on his chest, she pushed him away. "Not here..." She took his hand and went over to Isolde. She tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hi Robert! What's up, Lia?" Isolde questioned.

"Robert and I are going to go, I think. Maybe head over to The Three Broomsticks after a stroll. We'll catch up with you three later." Azaelia said, and she and Robert waved to their friends and left the store, hand-in-hand. Azaelia pulled her robes tighter around her, and tied her green and yellow scarf tightly around her her neck, then slipped her black-gloved hand back into Roberts, leaning against him slightly.

"The snow is beautiful," she said. Robert smiled. "But, not as beautiful as you, Lia. Beautifully evil." Azaelia grinned wickedly and took his other hand, and with a slight skip, moved in front of him. "Say it," she said.

He laughed. "Say what?"

"You know. What you called me the other morning when it was icy out. Say it." Lia raised an eyebrow.

Robert pulled her against a nearby wall. He leaned against it and pulled her close, his arms around her. "I don't know what you're talking about, my wicked little ice queen."

"You know it!" She cackled and he kissed her.

After a moment they resumed their journey to The Three Broomsticks. Lia felt warm under Robert's arm.

Once in the The Three Broomsticks Robert ordered two Butterbeers from Madame Rosemerta and they sat at a table ready for three more. Hopefully, Isolde, Pyrrhus and Alexis would join them soon. Meanwhile, they would sit across from each other, sipping their Butterbeer and gazing into each other's eyes.