A Word with Dumbledore
Author: Bast 
Date:   11-02-04 17:01

Gaining entrance to the castle presented no great challenge to one of her ability. Mrs. Norris proved a most agreeable cat and once Bast had explained her errand happily showed her to the headmaster’s office. An hour or so in the shadows near the entrance and a senior witch opened the passage and went up with Bast unseen at her heels. Both witch and headmaster left after a hurried exchange so the cat settled in to wait for his return. She chatted with Fawkes and summoned a house elf to bring tea then vanished at the sound of Dumbledore’s footsteps on the stairs.

The headmaster looked rather surprised at the elf's entrance and inquired about the tea tray.

"The lady cat requested it, sir. Shall I pour?" the elf replied.

"I believe I will wait for the lady to return." Said Dumbledore. Once the elf was gone Bast reappeared on his desk next to the tea tray.



Bast drew several symbols in blue light with her tail that floated in the air for a brief moment. The first was one known only to the head of the Order of the Phoenix, the others a series of very ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

"Good afternoon, Master of the Order. I am Bast and very pleased to meet you at last." She extended a paw in greeting.

"Albus Dumbledore at your service, Great Lady. Shall I pour?"

"Please, I take cream of course and I believe Fawkes would like a biscuit." She replied. The niceties preserved Bast got down to business.

"I am here Master on behalf of my mortal descendents several of which either live in the area or will be at Hogwarts next term. Darkness threatens them and I have always kept watch over my grandchildren. As a member of the order I felt it my duty to inform you of my arrival and assure you of my support if you require it. For the nonce I am residing at Pots and Pages in Hogsmeade village." She said.

"An excellent establishment," he agreed.

After some excellent conversation Bast departed leaving Albus Dumbledore to wonder how she managed to get tangled up with the Sparrow Family.

Last Hogwarts Feast
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   10-29-04 13:53

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Majandra walked into the Great Hall together and took their seats at the Gryffindor table for the End of Term feast. The occasion, though a happy one, seemed somber because not only did it mark the close of another school year, but also the close of their career at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

What would life bring for Hermione and her friends as adults in the wizarding world? All were going to St. Emrys, the new university in Stratford-upon-Avon. Harry and Ron also had Quidditch on their minds--and when didn't they? And Majandra, as of tomorrow no longer having to hide her status as a married woman and as Ron's sister-in-law (and perhaps one day Hermione's too), would finally be reunited with George after a year of mostly being separated.

First and foremost on Hermione's to-do list was to visit her father at St. Mungo's. They, like Majandra and George, had spent too much time apart over the past nine months. She wanted to hold his hand, stroke his hair and tell him about what her last year had been like at Hogwarts. She wanted to tell him about what her plans were for the future.

Hermione also had things, unwanted things, to take care of. Her parents' home needed to be emptied and sold. Some items would be thrown away, others kept and treasured, and others still sold or given to charity. And where would Hermione go until term started at Oxford and St. Emrys? Sirius' cottage in Hogsmeade, where he kept a room for her--and she would stay there as long as she didn't impose on him and Drucilla during their time of wedded bliss, of course.

Ron pulled her from her reverie by tugging on her hand. Hermione snapped out of it and smiled at him.

"Can't believe it's over already."

"I know," he agreed.

They turned their heads to the Head Table, where most of the professors were already seated. Soon Professor Dumbledore would make his speech...

The Last Day of Muggle School
Author: Cliadissa 
Date:   10-29-04 18:01

Earlier that day Cliadissa Lena Starr rushed for the door as the bell rang. Other kids josseld about her, pushing and shoving. She struggled home with her full back pack and plopped it on the bed. It was the end of the last day of muggle school and the relief was overwhelming. Soon she would hopefully get her Hogwarts letter just as her parents had and be off to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!! Now she had to find Gracie Marie. They had planned to go summer shopping and maybe go swimming at the local beach!

Later that evening...

The city of Bristol, in England, shone in the almost rare sunshine. It was a pretty warm afternoon, and there was excitement in the air! Children bicycled down the roads in groups laughing and yelling to their friends.

Cliadi, as she was called by her friends, was not one of those ordinary children. She had only two friends in the world. Her friend Maddy Rossina and her friend Gracie Marie. The problem was she was torn between two worlds. Maddy was a muggle and Gracie a witch like herself. But Cliadi knew her place and that was to go to Hogwarts as she had dreamed for so long, to become a learned witch and have an important job in the wizarding world!

Walking down Rosewood Drive she saw Gracie on the corner waiting for the bus and ran up to her.

The Headmaster Speaks
Author: Albus Dumbledore 
Date:   10-29-04 18:28

Ahh… what a fine evening! The Great Hall is crowded and there is a constant buzz of chatter coming from each of the four tables. Youngsters darting here and there, giving congratulations for passing this subject or that. I must admit, the scores on the OWL's and NEWT's were rather impressive this year… up somewhat from the previous. I must commend my staff at the first opportunity.

From the corner of my eye, I see Minerva reach for her silver spoon. It must be time for my little speech. She gives her crystal goblet three taps, sending out her famous "come-to-order", order. As the clear notes fade, so does the hum from the tables. All eyes face the head table as I stand. Clearing my throat, I begin:

"Welcome, my friends!" I pause briefly, then continue. "Yes! You are my FRIENDS! Each and every one of you! Nine months ago, you arrived here as students. And now, you will leave as friends! Friends of Hogwarts! Friends of each other! Friends of Albus Dumbledore! And, in times like these, you cannot have too many friends!

"During the past school year, we have done many interesting things. To some, these have been new and strange experiences. To others, they may have seemed like just more of the same old thing. However, let me assure you… you have grown! And not just in age and stature. You have learned new spells and potions, new uses for runes and applications of Arithmancy. You have discovered how to care for magical creatures, and how to grow and process special herbs. You have worked with Muggle devices and will be able to go out into the Muggle world without fear of discovery. You are able to charm objects and change their shape. You have seen how the stars and the planets affect our lives and how to divine the future. You now know how to defend yourselves, and know enough of the history of magic to realize why this is necessary. Yes! Contrary to what you might be thinking of your schooling here at Hogwarts, it has made you into a bigger and better person.

"And now, I suppose I should stop pontificating and get one with the show… the part of tonight's program you have all been waiting for… the presentations!" I turn to Professor Flitwick. "Maestro! A little fanfare, if you would, please!" Flitwick waves his wand and squeaks an incantation. A brace of State Trumpets, fully ten feet long and appropriately adorned with flags bearing the Hogwarts crest, appears at each corner of the Great Hall, high above our heads. "Taa-da-da-dah-da-dah", they blare. When the echoes finally die down, I continue with my speech.

"First on the agenda, I would like to have Professor Krum present the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup for this year. Viktor… If you please?" Viktor steps to the front of the dais and calls upon Ron Weasley and the Gryffindor team to please step forward. Beaming, Viktor announces, "It iss my great prifilege to pre-ssent ze Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, vor ze year 1997 - 1998, to GRYVVINDOR!" As he hands the great golden cup to Ron, three of the four tables give a rousing cheer. At the fourth table, the Slytherins sit in stony silence. No one dares to look at Draco Malfoy, who seems to be turning a pale purple. When the applause and cheering subside, the victorious Gryffindor team returns to their table and Viktor resumes his place at the head table.

"Ahem!" I step forward and clear my throat to get their attention. "I have a small bit of news regarding the Hogwarts faculty for next year. Our long-suffering Professor Vector has elected to retire at the end of the school year. Let's give the good Professor a fine send-off!" I start the applause and it is picked up by various Arithmancy students from the various houses. Vector raises a frail hand in acknowledgement. After a moment, I continue. "Replacing Professor Vector will be Miss Genesis Sparrow!" Genny stands and smiles, giving a brief nod before sitting back down.

"And now… the part of the program which you all have been waiting for! The final tallying of the House points. Minerva! May I have the envelope, please?" She passe me a plain white envelope, sealed with red wax. I break the seal and begin to read.

"In fourth place, we have Hufflepuff with a total of 287 points.

"In third, it is Ravenclaw, with 295!

"At 635 points, our second place house is Gryffindor!"

For a moment, there is no reaction from the Slytherin table. As I begin the final phase of my announcement, the grins and little gasps of surprise start rising in volume. I realize I should hurry and deliver my last lines.

"And the winner of the House Cup for 1997 - 1998, with 660 points, is SLYTHERIN!" The Hogwarts flags and banners which had adorned the Hall, with a magical ripple, change to the Slytherin green and silver.

The cheers from the Slytherin table are deafening. Smug looks are directed at the Gryffindor table, but are ignored. A polite smattering of applause from the other tables can hardly be heard. When the noise finally subsides, I make my final announcement of the evening. "And now… let us eat!"

Long Meeting
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   10-29-04 19:21

Bill sat among his colleagues in a conference room at Gringotts: Diagon Alley and listened as Alexius Donovan, member of the Ministry's security council, droned on about the proposed policy for the bank's security procedures. "To close, I think we can move forward with the actual preparations for the new measures. Irene, you will handle the new forms?"


"And Kryptock, you will inform the goblins and handle the vaults?"


"And Bill––"

"I will do my part, yes," Bill said somewhat coolly. He rather tired of the Ministry running the show.

"Very well. Let's convene again in a few weeks."

The meeting, having lasted far too long and well into the evening, finally adjourned. Bill left with Irene and Kryptock, the latter of whom parted ways to do some late-night business in the vaults.

Bill stopped just inside the doors and said to Irene, "I'll stop by tomorrow to work on the handwriting analysis spell." His eyes swept from her face to the three approaching forms of the Ministry representatives, who were talking among themselves as they walked out of the building.

"Tomorrow then," Irene acknowledged. Her eyes followed Bill's gaze. "That Donovan seems to have aspirations of one day being Minister of Magic, the way he has taken charge of this operation."

"He does seem high and mighty, doesn't he?"

"I can tell you don't like him, Bill," Irene said, laughing. She moved for the doors. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Bill walked outside, locked the door behind him and disapparated.

End of the Year!
Author: Tranquillina Aemilius 
Date:   10-29-04 20:06

Tranquillina kissed Saturn on the head, then ran down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room. As she reached the landing, she saw Roane and Rikku waiting. Tranquillina hesitated another moment, still half-expecting to wait for Sora, Logan, Kairi and Riku....but then she realizes that won't be happening, and the three make their way to the Great Hall for the End of the Term Feast.

The sizably-reduced gang took their seats at the Gryffindor table. Looking down the end of the table, Tranquillina noted some rather solemn seventh-years, and wondered what they were thinking.

"One year -- can ya' believe it?" Roane exclaimed.

Tranquillina grinned to herself. Her first year completed! It felt so strange.... so very odd. She remembered quite vividly recieving her invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and jumping for joy (more or less literally); buying her school supplies (and nearly ending the world while testing the wands); attempting to get Saturn into his carrier so they could board the train; being sorted and nearly dying when the Sorting Hat spoke; being the first, first-year to be sorted into Gryffindor....

Her mind trailed for some time, only to be interupted by the call to attention. Dumbledore spoke for sometime, before stepping back to let Professor Krum to speak. He called Ron and the Gryffindor team to step forward.

"It iss my great prifilege," he said, "to pre-ssent ze Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, vor ze year 1997 - 1998, to GRYVVINDOR!"

Tranquillina absolutely beamed with delight as three tables applauded happily. Tranquillina took a glance at the Slytherin table and quickly spotted Mary Black, to whom she sent a rather smug smile.

As the team took their seats once more, Dumbledore continued speaking. The points were tallied and the room was changed to the colors of.... Slytherin. Polite, though weak, applause was given by Tranquillina. It was Mary's turn to look smug.

Of course, loosing the House Cup was made up for by the food that appeared before her eyes! Tranquillina filled her plate happily -- and began to consume enough food to fill both herself and Sora!

Lows and Highs
Author: Isolde 
Date:   10-29-04 20:11

The depression she'd felt after Slytherin's defeat during the Championship Quidditch match momentarily returned when Dumbledore reminded the students of the final game's results... Gryffindor's triumphant win over the more deserving Slytherin. She frowned and folded her arms across her chest. It simply hadn't been fair!

But the feelings quickly faded when Dumbledore announced the standings for the House Cup. Isolde's spirits lifted and she shouted with joy along with her classmates. Take that, Gryffindor! She shot a smug look at the other table and then threw her arms around Py's neck.

"We won! We won!" she exclaimed.

Pyrrhus pressed a kiss against her cheek and said, "And rightfully so."

Dumbledore ended his speech with a hearty, "Let us eat!" and then piles and piles upon food magically appeared on the table. Isolde simply didn't know where to start first, so she helped herself to everything she could reach, and with a plate piled high with food, she dug in and happily chatted away with her friends.

Meeting the Sparrows
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   10-29-04 20:42

Lysander closed up shop and went for a walk with the intentions of visiting the graveyard, but his feet carried him in an entirely different direction, towards the castle where lights glimmered in the windows. He didn't go so far, though, and stopped before Pots and Pages, where the light was still on. He could see someone through the window and decided to venture inside, for he'd not officially met his new neighbors yet despite having been back in Hogsmeade for two months now.

The door jingled as he stepped over the threshold. A head swiveled in his direction.

"Welcome to Pots and Pages," said the wheel-chaired bound man, "we're closing soon."

"I won't be long, in fact I just stopped by to say hello," Lysander said. "I've been meaning to visit for a while now." He stepped forward and extended his hand. "I'm Lysander Stratford, co-owner of Twice Told Tales."

"Nice to meet you Lysander. I'm Adam Sparrow and this is my wife, Sidi."

Sidi had just come from a back room with a little house elf in tow. Lysander regarded it briefly. He wasn't fond of the little creatures himself; they were more of a burden than an asset, he thought. His gaze returned to Sidi and with his hand extended he said, "How do you do."

Just a Bunch of Losers
Author: Draco Malfoy 
Date:   10-29-04 21:09

Draco was very, very angry. His face turned a deep shade of crimson and his hands clenched into fists. He hated being reminded of Gryffinbore's win because everyone, the Gryffindorks included, knew that Slytherin had played a much better season. And yet there was Potty and Weasel and the other dingbats who deserved nothing more than to be the dirt underneath Draco's shoe, if he'd even grant them so high a status.

His feelings quickly changed, however, when Dumbledore announced the winners of the House Cup, Slytherin, with a whopping 660 points! A tremendous cheer erupted from the Slytherin table, and Draco was among the revellers. All traces of his previous anger and disgust were gone, replaced by his trademark smirk.

He drawled to Crabbe and Goyle, who sat on either side of him, "It's as it should be. Slytherin is the best, and the rest..." He shot a look at Potter, who was too busy to notice. "... are just a bunch of losers."

Meeting the Neighbors
Author: Adam Sparrow 
Date:   10-29-04 21:23

Adam decided that Lysander took too long introducing himself to his wife and his wife said "Nice to meet you too" with too much emphasis on the word nice.

"So Lysander, co-owner huh? I really haven't seen you around much. Where have you been keeping yourself? Oh would you like a cup of coffee? Something to eat? Its no trouble. It's not like we don't have a lot."

Adam noticed his ever so slight disapproving look at the elf.

"We found him. I guess his owner got killed and the elf kind of got knocked around. Sidi is going to set him free, but from what I read these guys aren't really into the freedom thing."

Master Adam
Author: Sidi Ross 
Date:   10-29-04 21:37

"Adam!" Sidi couldn't believe that she married the most insensitive clod on earth.


"He can hear you!! He's standing right here and he loves his master! You just blurted out that ..........that.........he' ......no longer with us!" Poor little elf didn't know that!"

She slapped him across the back of the head. She knelt in front of the elf.

"Honey, your master......he died. I"m so sorry. But you're free now! You can go anywhere you want to go, do anything you want to do!! Isn't that exciting?"

Adam wheeled over then turned to Lysander. "Will you please tell her that she's totally freaking the elf out?? She doesn't seem to get it that these guys like service!"

He turned to the elf

"I'd be happy to be your new master! You may call me Master Adam!" He really was liking the sound of it.

Sidi twirled around, the volume of her skirt circling round as if in dance. "Oh my God!! You sound EXACTLY like Darius!!"

The Last Taste of Hogwarts
Author: Vera Delgety 
Date:   10-29-04 22:12

A tear rolled down Vera's left cheek. She had told herself over and over again she would not get emotional, even though this was her last meal at Hogwarts. Quickly, she wipped her cheek of the wettness. If Lawrence or Susan saw, they gave no sign.

"So Suzie, what are you doin' this summer?" Lawrence asked as he stuffed some food in his face.

Susan shrugged. "I'm not sure! Me mum hasn't said anything. But I do know she's takin' me somewhere big. Like Jamaca or something." She grinned. "It's a graduation celebration deal." Susan glanced at Vera. "What about you two? Are you doing anything special?"

"Actually, I was thinking we could go to Australia. I'd like her to meet my friends." Lawrence patted Vera's knee under the table.

"I think that sounds like a brilliant idea Lawrence!" Vera flashed a radiant smile. She had pushed back all her sorrowful thoughts and focused on what was going on now. "Of course, you will have to come to Wales and meet my parents. You've only met me Grandmum."

"Blimey! We'll be busy this summer!" Lawrence winked and took a long gulp of his pumpkin juice.

Re: Master Adam
Author: Erestor 
Date:   10-30-04 01:43

My master was dead? The thought boggled my already scrambled mind. Days seemed like hours to me and now this woman is telling me I am free? How could I be free? Master never treated me like a servant or a slave like others treated their house elves. He was a kind and gentle man.

"With all due respect, my master was a good man. He gave me a bed to sleep in and socks so I was not held as a servant. I worked for him because I liked him and liked what I was doing. I have nowhere to go. Though tell me please what happened to my master? How did he die?"

Looking to the one called Adam, I wondered if he knew anything more than I did.

"I don't remember much other than us being attacked and then waking up in your store room. Working for you and then coming out here."

The disapproving look of the stranger made me feel awkward.

"I would like very much to consider you my new master," I said going to Adam. "The bed you made for me is quite comfortable. Also the meals you have provided for me are very good. What would you have me do Master Adam?"

Being a Trixie (St. Mungo's)
Author: Darius Sparrow 
Date:   10-30-04 08:17

Darius stood admiring the group of apprentices working and chattering inside the new student potions room. Not only were the girls very attractive young women but very promising students. He'd been impressed when Heidi Smythe, the apparent group leader, had come to him asking permission for she and her fellow students to use the the hospital potions room to practice their potion making in their off time.

It took a while but finally he'd finally had a student potions room build on the fifth floor next to the teaching theatre and just off the main potions room. He also assigned Lizetta Gorper, an old witch from Potion and Plant Poisoning, to monitor them on the tuesdays and thursday evenings and afternoons the students were allowed to be there.

The girls looked up when he walked in. There were a few blushes and giggles.

"Hello Dr. Sparrow."

He smiled and nodded as they continued in their work and the conversation that centered around the apparent new "underground" young witch wear called "Bellatrix" being sold in the shoppes obviously owned and operated by the younger witches and wizards. It reminded Darius of the muggle goth shops.

"You don't really want to look like Bellatrix LaStrange do you?"

He leaned over and peered into a cauldron. He shook his head at the dismal breast enhancing potion a young witch was attempting. She turned scarlet. He looked at her with a scowl yet his voice was teasing.

"Funny, I don't remember this lecture...Beauxbatons teaching this are they?"

He grabbed Beatrice Felp's hand, guiding her in scooping up clumps of puffapods.

"You need to drop them in, not spoon them in. You're going to have to clean the cauldron and start again. Beatrice started to giggle. Heidi leaned over to see the shameful potion.

"I'm looking forward to your complimentry medicine lectures sir." She smiled shamelessly.

Darius liked the girl even more. "They're not required you know."

"Yes Sir, but who could possibly pass up such an interesting subject? I plan to be more than an everyday healer."

She stirred the hair growth potion she was working on.

"Well then, I look forward to seeing you there then." He smiled, bid the girls goodbye and headed toward the door.

"Looking isn't being Dr. Sparrow. She's kind of exotic looking." Heidi volunteered as she flipped her dyed jet black hair back. "All the girls are doing it."

Ellis Gleam joined in. "It's called being a Trixie."

Darius stopped just out side the door and leaned back in.

"I think women who always wear black are hiding a weight issue." He winked and disappeared out the door.

The girls looked at each other and started laughing.

Siella Dragonsblood touched her fingertips to her lips.

"Bet he wouldn't say that to her face."

Sneaking out for a Surf
Author: Gretchen Feller 
Date:   10-30-04 10:46

The next day, Gretchen got up early. Something in her told today would be beautiful and radiant, but Gretchen wasn't so sure. She still missed the beach very much. Gretel and Gretta came up and licked her toes. Gretchen stared at the two kittens for a long time till she finally got up. Outside was beautiful, but the sweet smell of sand and ocean wasn't there. She felt grasp hands hold her shoulders as she peered outside. She turned to see Korey. "Kores? What are you doing?"

Korey smiled then whispered, "Let's floo to the beach! You can bring Carl and he can meet all of your friends! What do you say?"

Gretchen looked down knowing what to do. She missed the beach so much that sneaking out would have to do. "Alright." She put her bathing suit on and put on some boardshorts and a tank top to cover it. She put her hair in a bun and went downstairs. The surfboards were waiting for them and Carl was getting sunscreen put on him.

Gretchen called "Accio Sunscreen!" The sunscreen floated to her hand and Carl gave her an evil eye. She smirked and put a dab of sunscreen on her hand and rubbed it onto his shoulders.

Finally, Hanna and Korey came down with a bag of powder and stood in front of the fireplace with the surfboards. One by one they went through the fireplace. They all landed in Freedman's Surf and Shop (a wizarding surf shop in Laguna). They got to the beach and stared at the beach.

Gretchen nudged Carl and he looked at her. "You surf?" The question seemed to appeal him. She grabbed his hand and took him to the water. By the end of the night, he was surfing pretty darn well.

After the wonderous day, Gretchen and her friends decided to head back. When they returned the lights in the house were on. The living room sent off the aura of nervousness and anger. Hanna stepped in fron of Gretchen, as did Korey. Hanna turned the corner first and all Gretchen could hear was shouting. Then Korey followed Hanna. Gretchen felt a lump in her throat as she turned the corner. Her parents were standing with hands on hips. "Gretchen! You know you're not allowed to sneak off! Remember last time!" How could Gretchen forget last time....

The party was at 7 and Gretchen still hadn't finished her homework.

Suddenly, Alexa called. "When will you be done?"

"I have 25 more problems." Gretchen scribbled on a parchment and sent it on the family bird, Kelly.

Then Alexa was at the window. They were all ready to go. Gretchen left her unfinished homework and snuck to the party. They hid everywhere that night to get to the party. From the dumpster to the bush behind the library, they hid everywhere. Her parents caught her of course. Parents always do. Gretchen looked at the floor as her parents told her she was grounded until school started. Gretchen felt a knot in her stomach as she stormed to her room. She got out her guitar and began playing in the anger of the moment.

Parents, they don't understand anything,
They don't want me to sneak out, so they make life boring,
Parents, they love to make you miserable,
The opposite of desirable, which is not-understandable,
And kids just want to have some fun in the sun,
And kids just want to give it up, have a run,
But those stupid, inconsiderate, oh so illiterate parents,
They don't understand.

She didn't know that on the otherside of the door, her mother was crying and blaming herself for being a bad mother.

Jolene Feller sat outside the door of her daughter Gretchen's room. She knew Gretchen missed her old home really bad and that's why she had agreed to sneak off, but still that song got to her. She'd tried hard to be a good mom. She'd tried hard to raise a perfect family, but everyone has problems. She felt bad and began to weep into the door again.

Upstairs, Gretchen played more chords on her guitar. The anger was now beginning to calm down and the songs were getting calmer. Gretchen did know it was her fault. She shouldn't have gone with Hanna and Korey, but she missed home so bad. Gretchen frowned as she looked outside. She stared at the trees, but everyonce in awhile her gaze would fall on the castle. 'How peaceful it would be there,' she said to herself.

She finally decided to go downstairs. When she opened her door, her mother was staring at her thorugh bloodhsot eyes. Gretchen could tell she'd been crying. Gretchen hugged her mother. "I'm sorry I overreacted," She said and embraced her mother as tight as possible. "It's okay dear." Gretchen and her mother embraced each other for what seemed like forever. Gretta and Gretel came and cuddled with them after a while. Finally there was peace.