Time to Spare
Author: Draco Malfoy
Date: 10-10-03 09:20

Parkinson and Bulstrode had never redeemed themselves for the mishap with Granger on Halloween during their fifth year, but after Pansy had witnessed Santhea's latest breakdown in the Common Room, Draco had finally seen fit to associate himself with the Slytherin outcast once more. Although he knew she had a big mouth, Draco was determined to keep Pansy quiet about Santhea's problems.

Why? Draco hardly knew.

There was just something about Santhea that made him act more like a person with genuine feelings rather than a big bad Slytherin with bodyguards and ready-to-use insults. She seemed drawn to him, and as more time went by Draco felt the connection as well. He was, after all, the only one who knew the inner workings of Santhea's heart. He didn't claim to know everything, however, for not even the medallion had revealed the very depths of her soul, and as a result when she kissed him out of graciousness for keeping her secret Draco was caught off guard.

But only for a moment.

She moved to pull away, and was that a slight flush that crept across her cheeks? Draco seized both of her arms and pulled her towards him, his voice only an inch from her ear. "I think you could be a little more grateful, don't you think?"

She tensed slightly, perhaps a little caught off guard herself. "What do you have in mind?"

Draco gently let go of her upper arms and guided her to face him. He studied her for a few moments, noting that a few tears welled in her eyes. Was she happy? Sad? Relieved? Conversely, Santhea's eyes studied the stone floor, and only met Draco's gaze when he lifted her chin.

"Come on, let's go to the Common Room."

She didn't protest, and when Draco took her by the hand his thumb gently massaged her skin. They went down the stairs to the dungeons in silence, and Draco spoke only to give the password at the Slytherin Common Room portal. Draco steered her to one of the plush sofas and sat down next to her, reaching for an abandoned quill and scrap of parchment on the coffee table.

"This is my address," Draco said, as he wrote on the parchment. He put down the quill and turned to face Santhea, the parchment in hand. As he offered it to her, he said, "Write me anytime this summer, and if you need to get away, you're welcome to come to my house."

Why was he being so hospitable? Draco shrugged the thought from his mind and looked at the girl sitting next to him.

Mirth, but for a Bleak Future
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst
Date: 10-10-03 18:39

Despite the fact that Hufflepuff House had done so poorly this year in the running for every Cup, Bronwyn was in a cheerful mood. It was the End of Term Feast! Classes were over, exams were in the past and all that lingered was the approach of what would surely be a nice and relaxing summer vacation. It won't be all fun and games, though.

First and foremost, the one-year anniversary of Kendra's murder was nearing. Just when Bronwyn thought she had come to terms with her best friend's death, the all-too-real feeling that Kendra was gone forever hit her like a ton of bricks. It was a neverending cycle, sure to carry on for the rest of her days.

Then, there was Toby. Just yesterday evening, he had approached her in the common room after Desi had gone to bed. Bronwyn knew for a few months now that they'd likely part ways after Toby's graduation, and last night's conversation had confirmed it. Toby revealed that a scout for an international Quidditch team had had him try-out, and with little surprise Toby was chosen for the team as a new beater.

"That's wonderful!" Bronwyn had exclaimed, throwing herself into her boyfriend's arms. She kissed him and pulled away, all smiles. "And for which team will you be playing for?"

"Australia, for Brisbane. The Brisbane Bandicoots."

"Australia?" Brownyn repeated, the impact of Toby's words ringing in her ears. "But that's so far away."

"I know," Toby said, taking Bronwyn's hands into his. "I'm going to move there next week in time for training."

"I'll hardly see you anymore," Bronwyn said, her lower lip trembling. "I mean, I'll be at Hogwarts anyway, but you'll be so far away."

"I'll write to you," Toby offered.

And Bronwyn could do nothing but accept. They had talked some more that night, about their future or lack thereof. They were just in two different places in their lives, or would be starting next week when Toby would ship off to Brisbane. They parted on good terms, though, and in fact were still sitting side-by-side in the Great Hall at the Hufflepuff table, hands clasped together. They had these next few days to enjoy themselves, and then their new lives would have to begin.

Bronwyn looked across the table at Desi and said, "So, Desi. What are your plans for the summer?"

"Well, I don't know," Desi replied, absentmindedly poking at some chicken on her plate. "I was thinking if you wanted to, you could come for a visit or something."

"I'd love that," Bronwyn answered, offering Desi a friendly smile. "In fact, that'll give me the perfect opportunity to turn you into a Quidditch player!"

"A what?" Desi asked, jaw dropping from surprise. "Me? Play Quidditch? I don't know..."

"Mmm-hmm. I'll whip you into shape and come try-outs, you'll blow everyone off the field with your keeping skills."

"Keeping skills?"

Bronwyn nodded matter-of-factly. "Yes, that's the position I have in mind for you, though if you feel you're up to one of the others, you can say so. So, when do you propose I come visit you?"

One Charmin' Bouquet of Thanks
Author: Luna Lovegood
Date: 10-11-03 18:59

Not too far from her roommates, Luna sat happily eating--a little bit of this and a little bit of that. She smiled and waved at Ginny, who was just about the best friend she had, and noticed that she was happily talking to Harry, who deserved some good things to happen. Ginny was definitely a good thing in anyone's life.

Summer! She could go snorkack hunting with Daddy. Perhaps they would get a picture this time. And he would be so proud of her. She knew her OWLS had gone well, very well, and that was because of one very special teacher.

How do you properly thank a wonderful teacher for changing part of your life for the better? Luna had thought and thought about that, and then decided to try something she HOPED Professor Flitwick would like. It certainly fit the spirit of the end of the year feast, and showed just how "charming" she had become, thanks to him.

She had eaten, talked to her table companions, laughed at jokes, and now she saw that the little professor had paused between courses.

Now, Muffin, she murmured. You make your entrance.

In a soft voice, but with exactingly correct wrist motions, Luna swept her wand.

"Accio, Muffin!"

There was a slight sound of pattering paws coming closer, audible to Luna only because she was straining to hear, but lost to the rest of the chattering hall. And then, in through the door and over the head of the Ravenclaw table, floated a very small, and VERY pink, kitten, one Rosie O'Muffin.

Dorma had found the precious creature searching for scraps near the kitchen, and had carried her to Luna.

"Luna Lovegood does not have a familiar, and Luna Lovegood is very kind to small creatures like Dorma," the house elf had explained, depositing the already fed kitten and leaving. It had been mutual love at first sight. Luna could not imagine where Muffin had come from, but she had just come from the Professor's chambers and was felt the kitten was a symbol of her newfound luck.

So in drifted Rosie O'Muffin, happy to help her new mistress show off a newly learned charm. Carrying a bunch of shamrocks tied with a blue and gold ribbon in her mouth, Muffin flew gently to the head table, setting down softly on the edge right in front of Professor Flitwick.

"Wingardium Jigiosa!" Luna whispered again, executing the rather complicated wand movements she had located in an infrequently used volume called Celtic Twists on Common Charms and Curses.

In a further tribute to the Professor's power of instruction, the charm worked. Muffin, floating a few inches above the table, rose on her hind paws, and executed a lively little jig to the accompanying strains of an unseen piper. She finished with a perfect bow, touching the table with her front paws, and dropping the shamrocks near Professor Flitwick's plate while she inclined her little head.

Scattered applause followed the kitten as she floated back into Luna's lap, where they both watched for the Professor to read the small "Thank You" parchment attached to the bow? Would he enjoy the presentation? Luna held her breath and scratched Muffin's ears in approval.

What a Year...aye?
Author: Sykra Sawyer
Date: 10-12-03 13:34

Sykra sat in the midst of the Ravenclaw table with her friends and teammates, celebrating once again, their victory in Quidditch, as well as winning the house cup. Sykra had altered her hair charm to make her Ravenclaw blue highlights stand out even more.

"What a year Cho, aye?" Sykra beamed at her best friend, whom she was gonna miss dearly.

Cho smiled back. "Yea...definitely!" It seemed Seventh years were even more so excited because it had been their last chance to gain victory before leaving.

The Ravenclaw was thoroughly enjoying herself, instead of worrying about her future. She still was unsure of what she was going to do...all she knew was that she wanted to leave her parents house. Even though she felt bad leaving her little sister.

But that was all in the back of her mind at the moment. Sykra raised her glass with the other Ravenclaws, enjoying her final feast at Hogwarts, before the end came all too quickly.

Summer Plans
Author: H Potter
Date: 10-12-03 15:09

As the feast progresses, Harry is asked several times by various friends what his plans for the summer are. Each time he gives the same answer. "I've got no real plans other than hopefully spending some time with Ron and Ginny and if possible, Hermione as well. I'll probably end up spending a huge amount of time in the hammock Sirius has strung in the garden and gorging myself on butterbeer and sweets from Briar's."

There is no mention of the letter Harry received this morning from Sirius. Or more specifically, the deciphered letter from whomever is Sirius's go between. The actual, encrypted missive written by Sirius's own hand was probably destroyed within seconds after the decoded one was owled off to Harry. Of course, the one Harry received no longer exits either. After reading it, the extremely pissed Harry had thrown it into the common room fireplace and burned it. Unless Sirius sent letters to others, no one has to know what was written until well after Sirius's mission is completed.

Just thinking about the letter's contents makes Harry see red and every time it's crossed his mind here at the feast, he has an inner struggle to maintain the outward calm and happiness expected of him. Not even Ron knows that the letter was an order from Sirius for Harry to spend the summer at the Dursley's. Sirius claimed to be thinking of what's best for Harry. What's safest.

When reading the letter, Harry's anger had risen to such a boiling point he had to force himself to calm down and not let on to anyone around him that the letter has him seething inside. Seventeen and of legal age in just under two months and everyone still treating him like an infant. Sirius, Dumbledore, McGonagall, the Weasleys and everyone else need to get a grip and accept the fact that Harry is no longer the small child dumped on the Dursley's doorstep or the naive eleven year old just starting his first term at Hogwarts. He's a young adult who appreciates their care, concern, and counsel but who has been through so much over these past years that they should realize there is no cocoon thick enough to shield him. Harry learned long ago there is no such thing as being 100% safe from Voldemort and his followers.

Harry will go stay at the house in Hogsmeade just as he would do if Sirius were not on whatever this mission is. Dierna will be right next door most afternoons and evenings. Bill will be close by at Gringotts during most weekdays and at his home during other times. The school grounds are a short distance away. There is the Floo Network. There is the secret tunnel connecting Dierna's house with Sirius's and it has the added bonus of a secret room with a vault. From Harry's point of view, he'll be just as safe in Hogsmeade at Sirius's house as he would be at the Dursley's. When Sirius gets back from his mission and learns that Harry disobeyed an order, he's sure to be mad but that's just too bad as far as Harry's concerned.

Harry looks up from his plate and forces a smile when Seamus calls from down the table, "Hey, Harry, what did you say your doing over the summer break?"

Making sure his tone is as friendly as ever, Harry turns to look down the table at Seamus and gives his standard reply.

Pink Kitten
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 10-12-03 17:10

I watch the small pink kitten as it floats up to the head table. At the moment, I am unaware of just where it had come from. Being "pink", I automatically suspect Miss Witherspoon, who has a penchant for such things. However, after it does its little dance and makes its presentation to Professor Flitwick, it returns to Miss Lovegood. Interesting! Very interesting!

I lean over to Flitwick. "You seem to have made quite an impression on a certain young lady!" I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. He is beaming from ear to ear, and I cannot say I blame him in the least. The smile coming from the young lady in question is the happiest thing I have seen in weeks.

A Charming Demonstration
Author: Prof Flitwick
Date: 10-12-03 17:56

I am busily chatting with Professor Sprout when something shockingly pink drifts into my field of vision. I turn just in time to see a fluffy pink kitten float up to a spot about three feet in front of me. As if this is not enough, the creature proceeds to stand up on its hind paws and dance an amazing Irish jig, accompanied by a quite acceptable choir of pipers. I am totally and thoroughly entranced. The kitten finishes the performance and deposits a shamrock bouquet near my plate, then bows quite prettily before drifting back to its owner. Miss Luna Lovegood is smiling up at me with a look of anticipation. Albus whispers something to me, but I am much too busy to respond with more than a grunt.

There is a note attached to the ribbon, which I hurry to read. It says simply, "Thanks for all the extra help with my Charms lessons." and is signed, "Luna Lovegood".

I pull a sheet of parchment and a redi-quill from the inside pocket of my robes. I jot off my response:

My Dear Miss Luna,

I presume this demonstration is an indication of your current skill levels. Consider yourself automatically enrolled in the Advanced Charms program for the next two years. I would also like to inform you that you have achieved an "outstanding" in each and every one of your subjects. My congratulations on both accomplishments.

Warmest regards,
Prof Flitwick

I carefully fold the parchment into the shape of a paper airplane or glider and, after whispering the "seek and hover" charm used at the Ministry, launch it on it's way. It circles the room once before homing in on the addressee. It glides to a soft landing in Luna's lap, right next to the kitten, who takes an exploratory swipe at it with one little paw. Luna picks up the note and reads it carefully. Her smile gets even bigger, as do her eyes. She clutches the note to her chest and holds the kitten up towards me. It waves one little pink paw in thanks. I am thinking that Miss Lovegood will have a happy summer.

Rain Drops on Shamrocks and Pink Little Kittens
Author: Angelina
Date: 10-13-03 05:37

As we were all enjoying the feast a small pink kitten hovers towards us and floats near Professor Flitwick. It soon does a little jig then gives the Professor a gift of shamrocks then gives a little bow. I looked at the tables and saw the tiny thing was owned by Miss Lovegood. Smiling at the performance of her little friend I too clapped when the performance was done. Professor Flitwick soon scanned the tables and found the kitten's owner. Taking out a redi-quill he jots down a quick message after the kitten returns to its owner.

He then sends the message to the young lady and she reads it. Soon she was glowing and held the note tightly to her chest as if a great accomplishment had been done. I looked at the Professor and gave a nod then winked. I knew whatever the news was it surely made the girl's summer worth looking forward to.

The Last Supper (at Hogwarts)
Author: Prote Spacey
Date: 10-13-03 17:11

Prote sat poking his fork at his plate, he thought he should enjoy his last evening here, but he couldn't stop thinking about how much he was going to miss Hogwarts a lot. "What memories, oy!" he thought, as he continued to poke at his plate.

Hail and Farewell
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 10-13-03 17:35

Pushing back from the table, I find I am stuffed, sated, and near to bursting. I turn to Minerva and smile. "Well! That certainly ruined my appetite!" I quip, trying to stifle a belch. The barest hint of a smile touches her lips. I have spent much of my life trying to get her to laugh. This is a typical response to my efforts. With a quick look around the Hall, she sees that most of the students are finished as well. Picking up her spoon, she again raps her goblet. It is time for my traditional farewell speech. I stand and survey all my wonderful students.

"Well, my friends. The time has come to say goodbye to Hogwarts for another summer. Many of you will return in the fall, one rung further up the educational ladder of life. Others will be leaving us to venture out on their own. Some to apprenticeships in various fields, some to further study, and some to occupations which may last a lifetime. With each of you, I send my best wishes. May you be granted at least some of the things you wish for. May you find fulfillment and peace and happiness in all you do!

"There are also a few of your teachers who will be leaving. As most of you know, Professor Ethan Somerset went missing about mid-year. Therefore... and this probably comes as no great surprise... you will be meeting a new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts. In addition, Professors Isannah Kale and Trisha Spencer will be leaving to pursue other interests. We wish them well in all their endeavors. At the moment, we have no specific replacements for them. Over the summer, we shall be interviewing to fill those positions.

"And so, we of Hogwarts bid you a fond farewell. I leave you with a few words of advice: do not talk to strangers, listen well to what your elders say, and eat all of your vegetables. Above all, have an enjoyable summer. As for myself, I believe I'll have another slice of rum cake."

This said, I resume my seat and select the fattest, juiciest slice from the platter before me. As I nibble away, I watch the students leave. Most are in groups of two or three, or sometimes more. Some, like myself, stay for just one more bite of their favorite food or dessert. I see notes and addresses being exchanged, and more than a few heartfelt hugs. Yes! I think to myself. Trust and Friendship... that's what it's all about.

Speaking with Severus
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 10-13-03 18:24

Thinking of trust and friendship reminds me of a little matter I must set in motion. I look down the table and see that Severus is about to make his exit. Using a small poltergeist trick I learned years ago from Peeves, I reach across the fifteen feet that separate us and tap him on the shoulder. He looks around and I catch his eye. He catches my meaning and quickly finishes his conversation before coming to see what it is that I want.

"Severus!" I say rather quietly. "I would like to see you in my office, early tomorrow morning. Say... around 8:30. I have a little task for you, concerning..." I look around, but there are too many people with in earshot. there are also any number of "eaves-dropping" spells. "Well, I think you know what it concerns."

He nods his understanding and his acceptance, and turns to go. He stops in mid-stride and turns back to me. "This wouldn't have anything to do with that "ni Ciaran" woman, would it?" he asks, scowling at me.

"As a matter of fact... Yes!... It does!" I reply. "Why do you ask?" The "Snape Scowl" deepens even further. "She has sent several notes over the past two weeks, wanting to get together about something."

"And???" I reply, raising one bushy eyebrow.

"I have ignored them!" he responds with a growl.

"And that is exactly what I want to talk to you about!" I say with an air of finality.

Other Summer Plans
Author: Majandra
Date: 10-13-03 21:01

Majandra can hardly believe the feast is almost over. Tomorrow she'll be on the Hogwarts Express, with George meeting her at the station in London. By the weekend her birthday will have come and gone and George and she will be eloping. The only others who know of the plan are Blossom and Fred and that's only because they will be coming along to act as witnesses. After Weasley's Wizard Wheezes closes on Friday, the two couples are going to leave. Fred and Blossom will return later that evening but George and Majandra plan to be gone through Sunday night. Majandra's already told her parents she's got a date with George on Friday and that she's been invited to spend the weekend at Blossom's. The plan is helped by the fact that her parents don't yet know that Blossom and Fred are living together.

With building anticipation for the coming weekend, Majandra suddenly can't for wait to for summer vacation to officially start.

Work, Work, Work
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 10-13-03 22:21

As Py digs into dessert, he realizes he can't remember if he'd told Isolde he was working at the bookstore tomorrow or not. Between bites he asks, "Did I tell you I owled Mr. Valentine - Julian - to let him know I would work tomorrow? Majandra's supposed to get my stuff home from the station tomorrow afternoon and I'm going to Floo home from the shop."

Isolde grins at him and reaches out to wipe a spot of whipped cream from the corner of his mouth. "Yes, you did tell me. I'll miss you on the train ride tomorrow but at the same time it will be nice to spend time with just the girls. I'll ride in the same compartment as Alexis and Devo. As nice as that will be, I wish Lia were going to be there."

"You could always come to work as well. I'd help you not think about how long it's been since you've seen Lia."

Isolde takes a playful swat at Pyrrhus. "Then neither of us would actually get any work done."

A devilish grin plays across his mouth. "True. So very true!"

Isolde rolls her eyes then giggles before they both return their attention back to their desserts.

Author: Viktor Krum
Date: 10-13-03 23:29

Tired and weak, Viktor slumps against the pillows on the infirmary bed, his mind still spinning from everything that's transpired since last night. He'd sat in that closet of a cell with both dread and excitement waiting for 4 a.m. to arrive. During those hours spent in limbo, Viktor tried rather unsuccessfully not to dwell on the question of whether Stefka really was going to help him escape.

At one minute before the designated time, the door to his cell quickly swung open and Stekfa reached in with one hand to aid Viktor in getting up and with the other she thrust a large, filled mug at him. "Drink this rejuvinating potion. You won't make it far otherwise."

Without waiting for a reply, Stekfa had pulled Viktor across the small room, peered out the door to make sure all was clear, and then with one arm around his waist for support, the two had gone as fast as they could through a maze of corridors, stopping only at intersecting hallways so that Stefka could check to make sure no one was about. They finally reached a door that led outside and as Stefka helped Viktor onto a broom and then get on behind him, she rapidly explained, "There are few places inside from which one can apparate plus you aren't really in any shape to attempt that. Every fireplace is monitored around the clock so using the Floo Network is out of the question. Flying out is the only real chance. We'll have to double up though."

They never got the chance to fly out.

A few meters behind them the door open with such force that it came off its hinges. Koyla, Grigori, and several others came running out into the pre-dawn darkness, wands raised. Both Stefka and Viktor were hit with the Cruciatus Curse, knocking them off the broom. This was when things got even more confusing for Viktor.

As he lay panting from the pain of the curse, Koyla and Grigori had approached, wands still raised, Grigori's face contorted in disgust and loathing at Stefka. "Traitor! I thought you were different from the rest of the family. I see now how wrong I was."

Hovering over the two prone figures, Koyla had nodded at Grigori's words before speaking. "I'll let you have the honor of killing Stefka, Grigori. All I ask is that you make it very slow and extremely painful." As he continued speaking, Koyla reached down to grab Viktor by the arm, "As for you, my special guest, we aren't quite ready for you to leave us just yet."

The air was suddenly filled with lights flashing and numerous voices calling out, "Expelliarmus!" Koyla's and Grigori's wands went flying from their hands as had the wands of those who'd followed the two outside after Stefka and Viktor. One man's voice, enhanced by the Sonorous spell, boomed out, "We have you surrounded. On your knees, hands clasped behind your heads."

A stream of people went running into the building. Viktor supposed they were securing it and arresting any of Koyla's people they found inside. Stefka, by this time fully recovered from the effects of the Cruciatus Curse, stood guarding her brother and Koyla. Viktor stood next to her, unsure of what he should be doing. The man with the booming voice directed someone to assist Stekfa but before the person had taken more than two steps, Koyla was moving with lightening speed. He was on his feet and had Stefka by the throat, her wand in his hand before anyone so much as blinked. Grigori, unable to locate his wand on the ground, grabbed for the broom. Viktor's usually fast reflexes were greatly slowed by his time spent in the cramped cell and from the small amount of nourishment he'd been getting each day so by the time he could react to the two men moving, Grigori had the handle of the broom firmly shoved under Viktor's chin and pushed tightly against his throat.

Viktor had always thought it rather cliché when people would use expressions such as "time stood still" or "everything happened in slow motion" but he quickly realized the truth behind such statements. In what seemed to take place in only the span of a heartbeat, Grigori stumbled as he pulled Viktor backwards. Trying to maintain his balance, he let go of the broom. Viktor, who'd had both hands at his throat in an effort to breath better with the broom handle digging into his throat, found himself holding the broom. He swung it around and somehow hit Grigori with it with enough force to break the handle and knock Grigori over in the process.

This distracted Koyla enough for Stefka to jerk from the man's grasp. From somewhere else a person was shouting, "No, no, you might hit the wrong person."

Koyla aimed the wand at Stefka, getting as far as "Avada...," when before looking down at his midsection, an odd look on his face turning even odder when he realized he had a broken broomstick handle jutting out his stomach. As Koyla's knees buckled and he sank to the ground, people seemed to swarm the spot like bees.

Next thing Viktor knew he was sitting in an infirmary bed, unsure how he got to this place or even where this place is nor does he remember how the broken broom handle went from being in his hand to spearing Koyla. Movement at the door caught Viktor's eye. He looked up to see a very tired and drained looking Stefka accompanied by a man in the stiff, almost formal looking attire of someone high in the Bulgarian Ministry and a woman in the starched robes of a nurse.

Stefka introduced both the man and the woman. "Viktor, this is Mitko Poptodorova, Minister of National Security and Law Enforcement. It is he for whom I was working undercover. This nice woman is Zlata Grancharov."

Madam Grancharov held out a potion to Viktor. "You, Mister Krum, are in dire need of sound sleep. This will help you sleep as well as restore some of the strength you've lost."

Viktor accepted the cup of bright blue fluid but before he drank it he asked, "Would someone mind telling me where I am?"

Minister Poptodorova flashed a smile. "You are in Sofia. This is the hospital wing in the Ministry itself. I thought you'd be more comfortable here than at the regular hospital. You would have been besieged by fans and reporters once word leaked out that Viktor Krum was there."

"Yes, you are correct. Right now, I know I wouldn't be able to face a mob of fans or nosy reporters. Thank you."

To Madam Grancharov he added, "The potion certainly works quickly."

Ever the nurse, she moved to adjust the pillows and blanket as she replied. "It does but not quite this fast. What you are feeling is the wearing off of the rejuvenating potion Stefka gave you. You are also experiencing the aftereffect of the surge of adrenaline you had."

At Viktor's blank look she explained. "You had very little exercise since being kidnapped and were fed just the necessary rations to keep you alive during that time period. You were in a greatly weakened state, yes?"

Both Stefka and Viktor nodded as Madam Grancharov continued. "Despite this you swung a broom sturdy enough to hold the weight of two people so hard that you snapped the handle in half. Immediately after that you practically leapt across the short distance between where you stood and where Stefka was and drove one part of that broken handle through Koyla's stomach and out his back, breaking two of his vertebrae in the process. You could not have done any of that just from the rejuvinating potion. It took a surge of the hormone adreneline to help. People who experience such great surges have been known to do spectacular things. I read one account of a Muggle child who lifted a boulder off his father's leg when they were out hiking on a remote trail. When such an instance happens, the body needs to recover so it soon starts shutting down all the systems that aren't needed so that the body can fully rest."

By that time Viktor's entire body felts heavy and it was hard to process what he'd just been told. It was difficult to get his mouth around the question and his words sounded thick and slurred when he does get it asked. "I killed Koyla?"

Stefka and the minister exchanged worried looks but the nurse had tsked. "Such things can be discussed later. Now you must rest."

As she steered the two towards the door, Madam Grancharov informed them, "He will sleep for most of the day. When he does wake up I plan to give him another dose. I think it best you wait to talk more with him until tomorrow morning."

Later, when Viktor did wake up, he felt more refreshed than he could remember feeling in a long while. He showered then enjoyed the feel of clean clothes and ate the entire serving of hearty beef stew he was given. Each time he asked when he could speak to the minister or Stefka again, Madam Grancharov would reply, "Later. You will see them later." Although feeling better, Viktor is still too tired and weak to force the issue so he drinks another dose of the bright blue potion without argument. Later will get here soon enough.

Saying Goodbye Again
Author: Devo
Date: 10-09-03 09:54

After the feast Devo sat staring up at the ceiling. The dark clouds were moving very fast. "Just another year has gone by," she thought to herself. Slowly she started walking to the door of the great hall. She saw Alexis walking at a fast, bright pace towards her.

"Hey Devo!" She yelled across the hall. Soon Alexis was walking right by her. "So... another year has gone by so fast," Devo said looking down at the floor.

"Yeah it has."

"But, we can still meet each other at each other's houses this summer."

"I guess."

Devo looked over at Alexis and smiled. "You're right." She pulled out a piece of parchment and a new quill that had ink already in it and wrote down her address. "I'll see you soon Alexis."