Restocking Potions Supplies
Author: Jet
Date: 11-27-02 20:58

Jet meanders down the winding street of Diagon Alley intent on buying the only supplies he still needs. When he was here over a week ago, the apothecary shop was out of two items he needed to restock his potions kit. Jet figures he could have easily found what he needed over on Knockturn Alley but for the past month he's been trying to lay low with anything overly Salazar in nature. He hasn't wanted to do anything to draw suspicion upon himself because there have been a few times Jet knows someone from the Ministry was watching him.

Within a day of Harry Potter making his report to the Ministry, agents had appeared on the Obsidian's doorstep to officially question Jet. Shortly before leaving Hogwarts for the summer, Jet had found a spell in one of Sal's books that was just the thing in the event Harry ever saw the light of day again. The spell allows Jet to keep his memories of the events while blocking those memories from any sort of truth spell.

Under intense questioning and scrutiny, Jet's story held up. He'd gone into Hogsmeade and bought a few things. There were many witnesses to back him up. Yes, he had found that cave but after being unable to break the spell on the large door there or on the stairs, he'd given up. Yes, he had lied to his friend Hannah about reporting the cave to Professor Dumbledore but that was only because Jet had stubbornly held on to the belief he would find a way to break the charms and spells. He was concerned that if he'd told an authority figure, he would no longer be allowed to explore the cave system and try to find the clues he needed.

Jet had been questioned on more than one occasion, including at the Ministry itself, and each session had lasted for a couple of hours. The Ministry had finally seemed satisfied Jet was telling the truth but several times now Jet had spotted one of them tailing him. Not that he could blame them. They do have to make sure, afterall, that he's not working under some awful spell such as the Imperius Curse put on him by You-Know-Who or one of his flunkies.

With time and patience, the Ministry will rule once and for all that not only is Jet innocent but someone fiendishly posed as him to kidnap Harry Potter. This time tomorrow, Jet will be back at school, he'll have sought out Harry to make sure everything's okay between them, and none of those Ministry dweebs will ever be the wiser of what really took place the day Harry was taken. And if anyone ever does learn the truth, by that time Lord Voldemort will have gained even more power and he will not forget someone who aided him as Jet did.

Exiting the apothecary shop, Jet thinks to himself how good this life truly is and how great it is to have friends like Sal.

Back to Work ~ Catherine
Author: Amerah Patterson
Date: 11-27-02 21:01

Catherine goes to her office and goes to work. Now that she knows Dierna is safe and all right, work is much, much easier. But the looming threat of Voldemort is still very much alive. And the death of Kendra Beck only makes the fear of something happening to Amerah even greater.

Nothing Changed
Author: Diether Jameson
Date: 11-28-02 06:55

Diether thought for awhile before answering Mirai's question. "I signed up for two elective classes. That's the two subjects that I still don't have books of."

"Ok. How about, we go our separate ways and say," Mirai said, "meet back here after ten minutes?"

He nodded and watched her disappear from the crowd and into the shelves. He turned to his brother and said, "So, you want to tag along or help me find the other book I need?" He grinned when Raymond raised his eyebrow.

"No. You look around and find those books of yours while I do my own browsing," Mon said and left him standing in the middle of the bookshop. He sighed to himself and began reading the headings of the shelves before going to the Animals section. He picked up the book he needed then went to search for the Languages section. Finding it, he squeezed through people who were blocking the way to the shelf and began running his finger along the spines of the books. He was beginning to get tired of looking for a particular title when he heard a familiar giggle at his back. He straightened up and whipped around to see who caused it.

"Mai," he said, smiling at her. She was grinning like an idiot as she surveyed him.

"Want some help?" she asked, sweeping her arm towards the stacks of books. He gratefully nodded. "So, what are you looking for anyway?" she said as she headed towards the end of the shelf.

"An Ancient Runes dictionary and..." he paused, thinking hard of what the other title was. Mirai looked expectantly at him before he smiled sheepishly at her. "I forgot."

She shook her head laughing. "Don't you ever learn? It's a good thing that I'm also taking that up," she said as she scanned the titles of the books and picked up two from the last shelf. She handed them to him before adding, "You don't read the sub-headings," pointing at the labels on top of each shelf before grinning at him.

Red and Red
Author: Mirai Schultz
Date: 11-28-02 17:44

Mirai knows she's grinning like an idiot as she led Diether to the counter to pay for his three books. She just can't believe that the boy she met four years ago still doesn't bring his list of school supplies. Then, remembering the two books she got for him, stopped walking to line up at the cashier then turned around and faces him.

"You're taking up Ancient Runes?" she asked. He nodded. At that, she smiled warmly at him and said, "We still choose one similar subject, huh?"

Diether grinned in return. "Yeah. We've been doing that for three years already," he said as he thought of the previous years they had at Florecido.

She giggled. She knows he was remembering the past as she stared up his face. Shaking him from his reverie, she said, "Pay up, Red!" as she took the books from his hand and let the cashier count how much they are.

Diether took the parcel after paying and led Mirai to the entrance of the bookshop, clasping her hand into his to quicken her pace. Reaching the door, he was about to let go of her hand and open it when somebody else opened it. Mirai and he looked at their right to see Raymond holding the door open for them.

"After you, lovebirds," he teased them, causing Mirai to redden a bit and snatch her hand from Red's grip. She then rolled her eyes at him to redeem herself and went out first.

Once outside, she waited for them to get out as they let others go first. Finally, the brothers emerged and asked her where to next. Thinking quickly, she said, "To the apothecary." With that, she was once again, flanked on both sides by the two guys they head out to their destination. After Diether had finished restocking his potions, buying pieces of parchments, and getting a new wizards chess set, gobstones, and playing cards, Mirai led them to the sandwich shop for a break.

Flopping down on one of the chairs at an empty table, she watched as Raymond and Diether put down their things and sat next to her. They ordered their sandwiches and drinks. She was tired from all the walking they had done and from Raymond's endless teasing when he caught them at the door of the bookstore. She was beginning to get tired of saying over and over again that it was nothing more than a friendly tug towards the exit.

"Yeah, right," Raymond said sarcastically and laughed at both her and his brother's indignant faces.

Mirai and Diether looked at each other then grinned, both knowing how they can end Mon's teasing. They have just received their food then.

Mirai spoke up, "Well, alright," she said, as she took her sandwich. She earned startled look from Raymond.

"We have been keeping this from you," Red continued for her. He patted his brother's hand.

Mon looked so shock that his mouth was slightly opened that Mai and Red took this opportunity. Red suddenly took hold of Mon's hands while Mirai shoved her sandwich at Mon's mouth. With that, the two high-fived and laughed at Mon's shaking head.

"Fine, I'll stop," Raymond said after taking out the sandwich from his mouth and laughed along with them.

Location Unknown: The Wrath of Voldemort
Author: Severus Snape
Date: 11-28-02 18:43

Severus listens as agonized screams from the two death eaters being punished by Lucius for failing to keep a closer eye on Dierna Ní Cíaran and Harry Potter. For a moment, silence reigns. Then Voldemort simply says, "Let this be a warning to all who serve me." Another moment of silence remains and the death eaters reply. "Yes, my lord." Shortly after this, Lucius returns to the circle grinning in deep satisfaction. "It is done, My Lord," he assures Voldemort.

"Good work," Voldemort replies. Then he turns to the circle and says, "I better not be angered like this ever again. Next person may not be so lucky as to be punished." At this he eyes the circle of death eaters assembled, checking for any signs of fear.

After a Long Summer
Author: Alexis Black
Date: 11-28-02 20:25

I'm thrilled to see my friends again, and embarrassed that Isolde brought something for me and I have nothing for her. That was soon forgotten, however, at the prospect of making the Slytherin Quidditch team. I know it's impossible, I am good at flying, (I used to race in Athens) but I suspect that I won't do so well when it comes to a ball and a stick. I imagine for one glorifying moment myself as hero of the quidditch team, smacking the hufflepuffs instead of the bludgers. My reveries are interrupted, however, when Pyrrhus appears. I listen intently to the conversations of the others. I never read the newspaper, so I had no idea that Potter was alive and well, but I knew (of course) all about Pansy and Milicent.

The four of us enter Flourish and Blott's. Pyrrhus, the tall, gentlemanly boy, pulls four copies of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5 off a shelf for us. When we all finish collecting the other necessary books, we pay for them quickly and leave the shop. I'm feeling much happier and awake now that I'm with my friends again. Isolde suggests that we get some ice cream, but I shake my head slowly. I don't have enough money left.

"What do you say we check out Knockturn Alley? They've got some pretty cool stuff over there. It'll pass the time." I suggest hopefully.

Azaelia consults her supply list. "I've still got to go to the apothecary."

Isolde frowns, "I was just at that smelly place!"

"I need to go, too." Pyrrhus says, checking his list as well.

"We can wait outside, Isolde." I suggest, "I've already been."

As the apothecary comes into sight, I imagine it blowing up to smithereens, pouring flesh-searing acid on the helpless shoppers of Diagon Alley. As it turns out, Pyrrhus and Azaelia enter and exited the shop without incident, and we all leave without fireworks I look behind me, just in case someone grants my wish.

Nope, nothing. One boring school year to follow a boring summer. Isolde is right, the Slytherins need to be recognized this year, after all, we're the most cunning.

Cairo: Back to Work & Observations
Author: Bill Weasley
Date: 11-28-02 21:00

After one month of being back on the job creating durable barriers and breaking near-impossible curses, Bill was back in the game and couldn't have been happier. Although he had done small work here and there in the nature of his true calling while he lived in Hogsmeade last year, it hadn't been exactly the same as what he did for Gringotts. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed his career until coming back to Cairo.

Bill spend most of his days deep underground, but attended frequent meetings with his new boss, Khalid Adallah, and the ever-present sidekick, Omar Nawif. The new bank president seemed very brilliant and professional, making a good impression on Bill and everyone else he came into contact with.

Adallah's other half, however, remained somewhat of an enigma to Bill and the other bank employees. This strange Egyptian man never spoke at the meetings, nor would he ever sit down at the long, rectangular table with everyone else. To Bill it appeared that Nawif always seemed to distance himself from everyone but Adallah.

Bill, himself, had never attempted to engage the man in any sort of conversation other than the occasional hello or good day in the corridors. The only response he ever received from Nawif was eye contact and a short nod. That was another thing Bill observed about the mysterious Egyptian. Although the man kept his distance from all but Adallah, he used his sharp eyes to take in everything.

Many a time, whether in a meeting or underground, the feeling that he was being watched would overcome Bill. More often than not, he'd look up and find two small, black eyes staring at him. Although strange and startling, Bill would simply smile at the man while at the same time thinking, Creepy!

During the first few weeks, Bill noticed that big brother often spied on him, but starting last week, Nawif's constant surveillance waned considerably. Perhaps Adallah has sent his dutiful sidekick to keep an eye on the newly recalled Bill Weasley as a quasi test. Perhaps the apparent lapse in checkups meant that Nawif satisfied Adallah with a good report on Bill's performance.

Of course, perhaps it was something else entirely. Bill may just have to keep an eye on Nawif...

Reporting In...Kinda
Author: Prof. Sorcha
Date: 11-28-02 22:57

A report had been left for the Dark Lord stating Sorcha had to return to Hogwarts, and her mission had been a success. She had recruited several giants, and a small number of giant families to his cause. It had taken a show of force every time to convince them to join him. Some of the displays had been a little weakening, and had slowed her progress.

The screams from the punishing of death eaters had caused the report's author to leave, in a hurry, after writing the report. She didn't want to stick around, in case Voldemort's fury hadn't died away. She didn't want to end up paying the price for another's incompetence.

The Last Supper
Author: Remadi Ye
Date: 11-29-02 00:59

Tony and Remadi's room, Dormitory, Oxford University

After spending the day in Diagon Alley, Remadi and her grandmother go back to the little dorm room that Remadi and her father occupy. Opening the door, the strong smell of Chinese food hits them. Remadi closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before entering. She grins as she sees the table full of good Chinese food.

"Yeye*, this looks great," she exclaims as she puts her things down on her bed. "You shouldn't have done so much." Neko meows happily at the smells.

"I would have cooked more, Remadi, but Tony stopped me," her grandfather says cheerfully in Mandarin.

They all sit down at the table and start serving. The beginning of the meal is eaten in silence as they all enjoy the good meal.

"This has to be some of your best food, yeye," Remadi says before taking another bite of some noodles.

"Oh, you are too kind," he says, shaking off the compliment. "We just wanted to show how proud we are of you. You will do well in this Hogwarts school."

"Thank you," Remadi says. "All of you. I'll do my best at Hogwarts."

The rest of the meal is enjoyed with little talking, but thoughts of tomorrow and leaving for Hogwarts fill the silence. Remadi hoped she would be able to sleep tonight.

*yeye = grandpa (Mandarin)

Red and Red: Part 2
Author: Mirai Schultz
Date: 11-29-02 06:39

After finishing their meal, the trio toured a bit more the stores that can be found at Diagon Alley. She led them to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks where the two guys bought several bottles of those special inks and colored parchments. Then they went to Eeylops Owl Emporium to buy some special treats for their owls. They went to the Quality Quidditch Supplies where they saw the latest broom innovation, the Lightening Bolt.

After almost a whole day of shopping and touring, Mirai led them to her room at the Leaky Cauldron before sending them off by Floo. She also wants them to have a chat with her mum.

Talk of Quidditch
Author: H Potter
Date: 11-29-02 16:10

Ron and Harry were on their second round of ice cream when Hermione and Gabe arrived. Seeing them enter, Harry grinned at Ron and then hid Ron's new broom on his lap. Ron jumped up to hold out a chair for Hermione before Gabe could do it. After she was seated and both her and Gabe's bags deposited beside Harry's and Ron's, the red head asked Hermione what she would be having. Harry noticed the slight scowl Ron made when Gabe announced he already knew what Hermione wanted.

As Gabe walked away to place Hermione's and his orders, he grinned mischievously and with a wink at Hermione stated, "You look like you're feeling bold. You know what that means."

Neither Harry nor Ron had any idea what Gabe was talking about but obviously Hermione did because she burst out laughing and called out, "How about I go totally wild and have fudge sauce as well."

Laughter still in her voice and making her whole face light up, Hermione addressed the other two. "Find anything at the Quidditch store?"

Harry gave a small shrug. "Oh, you know, the usual. We did get one little thing. Ron and I have been talking about him trying out for the team this year. I think he'd easily make it."

Nodding in agreement Ron added, "Practically the whole team needs to be replaced and half of Gryffindor is sure to try out. Despite that, I think I've got a really good shot at a position.

Gabe arrived back at the table, handed Hermione a dish of vanilla ice cream with both caramel and fudge sauce and heaped high with rainbow sprinkles. "Thanks, Gabe. We were just talking about the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Harry's our seeker and since last year he's also been captain. Ron has an excellent chance for a position this year. Maybe you'll try out as well, for whichever house you're sorted into, Gabe."

Before Gabe could reply, Hermione's face scrunched up as a thought came to her. She reached out and grasped Ron's hand.

"What about a broom, Ron? The one you have isn't really up to the rigors of Quidditch. Are you going to borrow one of the twins' brooms?"

Ron shook his head. "I don't need to borrow one of theirs. My broom is excellent. Brilliant in fact. Better than Harry's even."

At the exact moment, Harry pulled the new broom from under the table. "Remember I said we got a little something at the Quidditch store?"

Both grinned from ear to ear as Harry pulled back the wrapping to reveal the gleaming new broom while Ron announced, "I'm now the proud owner of the next generation of Firebolt, the Lightening Bolt. We checked at Gringotts and found out the scholarship I was awarded pays for me to have a new broom for school. We couldn't get to the store fast enough to buy it."

From the side of the table facing the door, there was a discreet cough as if a throat was being cleared. A very familiar voice cuts in, "You'll cut a fine figure on the Quidditch pitch flying that broom, Ron."

Harry's eyes lit up as he shot out of his seat. Practically hurling himself at the man, Harry fairly yelled in glee. "Sirius!"

Catching the dark haired teen in a fierce hug, Sirius Black affectionately chuckled. "I've missed you too, Harry."

The Best of Days
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black
Date: 11-29-02 18:50

Sirius had been strolling around Diagon Alley not only keeping an eye out in case Harry happened to be around but also enjoying the freedom to move about in public. He reveled in being able to stroll about, the sun warm on his face, people he hadn't seen in years greeting him with no sign of fear in their voices or faces. Peter Pettigrew may have escaped from wherever the Ministry was holding him and while the Ministry may not have learned anything of much use from Wormtail, one good thing did come out of it. Proof that Pettigrew was indeed alive thus giving credibility to Sirius's claims of innocence.

Sirius had only learned of all this when he'd flown Buckbeak to Hogwarts to give a report to Albus Dumbledore. For months, Sirius had been undercover on a mission for the good professor. Much of that time had been spent as Sirius's animagus alterego of a large, black dog. This meant that not only was Sirius unable to communicate with Dumbledore or others, it also meant no one could safely get an owl through to Sirius without risk of exposing his cover.

In a way, Sirius being incommunicado was probably a good thing or else he would have joined in the search for Harry but unlike most of those involved, Sirius's mind would have been clouded by hate and anger at Voldemort, and great concern over Harry. If there's one thing Sirius learned when he exposed Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers as being Peter Pettigrew, extreme emotions can severely affect one's ability to successfully carry out a mission. At least with Harry safe again, if Sirius does get involved with the hunt for Voldemort and his Death Eaters, Pettigrew in particular, the only emotion Sirius will have to worry about getting in the way is hate.

Sirius paused in front of the ice cream parlor to speak with an old acquaintance. After Claudine bid Sirius goodbye, he happened to look through the shop window. His face broke out in a grin and without hesitation he entered. He reached the table where Harry, Ron, Hermione, and another young man who appeared to be about the same age as the other three, sat talking about Ron's new broom and trying out for Quidditch.

He gave a slight cough then interrupted the conversation. "You'll cut a fine figure on the Quidditch pitch flying that broom, Ron."

Harry nearly knocked Sirius over in his joy at seeing his godfather. "Sirius!"

Giving his godson a massive bear hug and unable to stop himself from chuckling at Harry's unabashed exuberance, Sirius states with great fondness, "I've missed you too, Harry."

A second later both Ron and Hermione have joined in for a group hug, they too expressing obvious happiness at seeing Sirius again. Finally releasing the trio, Sirius steps back, wipes a tear from his eye, and his voice quivering with obvious emotion nods towards the fourth teenager. "Why don't you three introduce me to your friend?"

Harry points Sirius to his chair and grabs another while Ron waits holding Hermione's chair out for her as she introduces Gabe. "I'd like you to meet Gabriel Baine, a long time close friend of mine. Gabe, meet Harry's godfather, Sirius Black." Taking her seat with a smile and a loving pat on Ron's arm, Hermione adds, "Gabe's going to be at Hogwarts this year."

Harry buys a round of ice cream for everyone as the group chit chats about Quidditch, Hogwarts, and many other topics. The only subject they don't discuss is where Sirius has been all this time. Harry, Ron, and Hermione know that this isn't the place to discuss it and that as soon as possible, Sirius will fill them in on all he is able. In the meantime, they are more than thrilled to be able to sit openly with Sirius and not have to worry about an auror showing up at any moment to try to drag him away. They can tell by the look of happiness on Sirius's face that he's overjoyed to simply be with them and Gabe, talking sports, school and just regular daily matters while eating ice creams, as if they hadn't a real care in the world.

Sirius happily thinks over and over while sitting with the four teenagers, "This is probably the best day I've had far too many years!"

Going to the Chapel
Author: Helena Tufton
Date: 11-29-02 21:02

"Well, Miss Helena, what do you think?" Charlie waggled his eyebrows and awaited his fair Helena's response.

Helena stepped further into the room and let her eyes take in every last detail. "Wow, Charlie. This is fantastic! It''s...really beautiful." Her eyes fell on the king-sized bed, the burgundy comforter and the dozen or so pillows propped up against the dark, wooden headboard. "Good heavens!" she exclaimed, stepping out of her heels as she approached the bed.

Charlie eyed her, watching as she crawled onto the bed and tucked her legs underneath herself. She ran her fingers across the material of the comforter and lightly pounded on the mattress with her fist. She inclined her head slightly, grinning wickedly at Charlie, and bounced up and down a few times to test out the firmness of the mattress. An eyebrow shot up as she sent him a saucy look and exclaimed seductively, "Springy! I like it!"

"Oh, I think I will too, baby!" Charlie growled and hustled over, presumably to pin her to the comforter. Helena's attention, however, had already shifted to another part of the hotel room. She unfolded her legs, climbed off the bed and began to cross the room as Charlie barreled over and landed with his nose on the burgundy comforter.

"Hey!" he exclaimed as he placed his palms on the bed and pushed himself up.

Helena didn't hear his protests and knelt by the mini-fridge to inspect its contents. "Hmm, what do we have here?" she murmured, opening the small, white refrigerator. She found it stocked with many small bottles and some snacks.

"Are you thirsty, Charlie?" Helena asked, turning around to look at him.

Charlie rolled onto his back and nodded. "Yeah."

"All right, choose your poison." Helena winked.

"Wait, is there alcohol in there?" Charlie sat up and got to his feet before crossing the room to kneel by Helena.

Helena handed him a small bottle. "There are some non-alcoholic beverages as well, but I think these will be more fun!" She grabbed her own bottle and shut the mini-fridge door.

"What do we drink to, Helena?" Charlie asked, unscrewing the cap to his tiny bottle of scotch.

Helena opened her bottle of tequila and smiled. "To us. Let's drink to us."

And they did. A few hours later, empty bottles littered the area around the mini-fridge and Helena and Charlie were laughing and giggling like children and fools.

"C'mon, Helenana...let'sh leaf the room an' go exshploring!" He made big puppy-eyes at her and pouted. "Beshides, we're outta drinksh!"

Helena nodded and shakily climbed to her feet. "All right, Sharlie, but I don' tink you should be drinking anymore. You're drunk!"

"Maybe I am," Charlie replied, thoughtfully. After a brief pause, he shrugged and reached for Helena's hand. "No drinksh, but let'sh go haf shome fun!"


The drunken pair stumbled out of the hotel room and out of the building, laughing and giggling as they tripped down the Las Vegas strip in search of some sort of entertainment. There was plenty to do in Las Vegas, such as see a show or play a round of blackjack, but where would two intoxicated lovebirds likely go?

20 minutes later...

Elvis curled his lip into a smile and proclaimed, "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

Diagon Alley
Author: La Luna
Date: 11-29-02 21:40

It is La Luna's first time at the magical Diagon Alley. Luna's shyer than she has even been before. Timidly walking through the crowded streets, she spots an empty shop. Luna enters bumping into a merchant selling animals. "Seems like everyone has left to the ice cream parlor," said the merchant. She replies, "I guess so, nice animals you have." "Are you interested in buying one? Are you a student of Hogwarts?" questioned the merchant.

Luna replies, "My family never had pets, just horses and hunting hounds. Yes I am a student of Hogwarts, actually a future student. I recently transferred from Spain's School of Magic."

Before Luna leaves her eyes focused on a timid white cat. "What a pretty cat what's her name?" she said. "Twinkle like the song twinkle little star," said the merchant. She replies, "What a nice name for a cute cat. Her coat is bright like a star and her eyes sparkle. How much?"

"For you a special price of $17.00 and with cat stuff included," said the merchant. With that Luna makes her way through Diagon Alley a little less shyer and not alone.

Checking her List
Author: La Luna
Date: 11-29-02 22:04

#1. Books.
#2. Herbs.
#3. Robes.
#4. Wand.

"The list goes on and on," sigh. "Let's see, what to get first. Ah books my favorite." Luna heads towards Flourish & Blotts. Being so picky she looks through all the books, mostly best sellers.

Luna gets the books she will need for her classes, a dairy and a bestseller book of moon magic. Luna could not help informing the merchant that one of her relatives wrote a similar book on moon magic. She also mentioned that itŐs a family tradition to practice and learn moon magic. After the bookstore Luna decides to get her robes at Madam Malkin. She tries on a variety of robes some for school and some for her private collection.

The blue robe with the crescent, full and new moon embroidery caught her eye for sure. Once finished with robes she head on to Ollivander's to purchase a wand. She saw boxes and boxes of wands where all over the place. Luna figured that the merchant would never a find a want for her. It took about two to three wands to find the right one.

It was made out of cedar and inside a cat's eye and claw. A luminous glow surrounded her once she held it. The day went on with purchasing goods for the school year. Soon the sunsets and it is time to rest for tomorrow Luna will travel to Hogwarts.