A Surprise Visit
Author: Prof Flitwick
Date: 09-22-03 11:18

There is a tentative knock on my office door. "Come in! Come in!" I chime.

The door opens just enough to admit the head of Luna Lovegood. "May I bother you for a few minutes, Professor? I think I need help on some of my charms."

"Of course you may! No bother at all! Come right in! Sit down!" I say all in one breath, as I try to roll up the test parchment I have been working on. I tuck it away in the top drawer of my desk and then come around the desk to greet this young lady who is both my student and a member of my house. "Now, just which spells or charms do you need help with?"

"Well," she begins, staring at me unblinkingly over the top of her stack of books. "I seem to be having some difficulty with almost all of them. All, that is, except the Cheering Charm. The rest areÉ wellÉ somewhat erratic."

"HmmmÉ That is rather peculiar. Here! Put those books down on the table, and let's try a few of the simple charms. Let's start with something like Wingardium Leviosa!"

She puts her books on the table and I, meanwhile, conjure a feather and some wooden blocks. Luna pulls out her wand and tries to levitate the feather, one of the basic, first-year charms. It lifts off well, then wobbles a bit before it floats to the floor. "Try it again," I suggest. Her second attempt is slightly better than the first, but still would not merit a 'pass' on her OWL's.

I think I begin to see the problem, but I have her try a few other spells. It took her four tries to open the closet door with her Alohomora, and her Accio was a total failure. "Here! Here! Your wrist is as stiff as a board, and you are gripping your wand much too tightly!" I take her wand-hand and flex it back and forth several times. "Sometimes it helps to pretend you are holding a little bird in your hand. You must be very careful not to crush it!" I grin. "Now, watch my hand, especially the wrist action!" I demonstrate the proper 'swish and flick' required for the levitation spell. I run through the motion several times, then say to her, "Now you try it!"

After three or four attempts, with minor corrections each time, the feather floats freely. A broad grin spreads across her face. "An I thought it was just ME. That I just wasn't good with spells." She successfully levitates each of the several blocks, leaving them hanging in the air, stable enough to walk on.

"Now, let's try the rest of them!" We run through the entire repertoire of spells and charms from first through fifth year. With a few pauses for minor correction in wand technique, we zip through rather quickly. By the time we finish, I can see she is near exhaustion. I check the glass on my desk and see it is still a good hour before lunch. "One last request," I tell her. "See if you can Accio a few of those chocolate frogs from the cabinet you left hanging open!" With a wave of her wand, Luna brings a good half-dozen of the little hexagonal boxes sailing our way, to settle in her lap. She starts to hand them to me, but I pass them back, keeping only one for myself. "Eat up, young lady. The chocolate will restore your magical energy." I open mine and chomp the frog before he can get away. I take out the 'Wizard Card" and examine it. "Drat! Another Merlin! I think that makes one hundred and thirty seven in my collection." Luna is busily nibbling at her frogs and looking at her cards. I see three more Merlin's there, so do not offer her mine.

"Well now, do you think you have sufficient self-confidence to tackle your OWL's?" She nods and thanks me heartily for my time and the valuable lessons in wand technique. Then, she runs off to lunch.

A Gift
Author: Majandra
Date: 09-22-03 14:03

Majandra gathers her things together and thrusts them into her book bag. She strolls out onto the grounds and finds a good spot to lounge while studying for exams and while killing time until Care of Magical Creatures. Majandra spreads a small, woolen throw on the ground and plops down. She pulls out Herbology text, notes, and the study aids she'd prepared. Just as she starts to close the book bag, Majandra sees something she doesn't recognize.

Majandra pulls out a smallish, rectangular, book-shaped object wrapped in a plain, antiqued ivory parchment weight paper and tied with matching string. Curious in the extreme as to why there's a wrapped package in her book bag that she knows nothing about, Majandra turns the item over and over looking for a tag, a card, or writing on the package itself but finds nothing.

She sets the object on the woolen throw, in front of her crossed legs and starts untying the silky twine. A moment later, the twine to the side, Majandra unfolds the wrapped paper to find a book, Carreers and Opportunities for Potion Masters. Shocked and thrilled by the gift at the same time, Majandra digs around in her book bag for parchment and an envelope. She quickly writes a thank you but leaves it unsigned and returns to the castle just long enough to shove it under a certain professor's office door.

Back at her study spot, Majandra picks up the Herbology flash cards she'd made and starts reviewing for the final in that class. As she works, a happy smile is planted on her mouth from both the gift and the knowledge that unless she screws up badly, she does indeed have a future in her chosen field.

Last Class
Author: Kody
Date: 09-22-03 18:13

Kody shoves an entire cookie into his mouth, gulps down the last of the perfectly chilled milk in his glass, and with a look of regret at the assortment of edible study aids, pushes away from the table. Off to his last actual class of the term, Kody can't decide if he's happy about that or not because it means final examinations are all that much closer. Then again, the sooner finals are done, the sooner vacation starts and the date for his parent's party arrives. That means Emma, Drake, and other friends having a blast, swimming, tons of food, and great entertainment. With that happy thought, Kody bounds down the castle steps on his way to the greenhouses.

12 Grimauld Place
Author: Dierna ní Cíaran
Date: 09-22-03 18:52

"You look tired, a chara." I comment, looking at Remus with concern, but smiling gently. "Just because you are out of St. Mungo's doesn't mean you can exhaust yourself." I take his arm and help him to 12 Grimauld Place. I open the door quietly, but still manage to awaken that irksome painting of Sirius' mother.

"BLOOD TRAITORS!" it squawks.

"Bi ciœin!" I say, not expecting it to listen.


"I said Cuinas!" I finally manage to force the curtains closed. "Mas é do thoil."

In the sitting room I'm able to get a better look at my friend. Before I can say anything more to him, Remus says, "You have that look you used to get as a student when you were up to something."

I put on an innocent face. "Up to something? Me? I left that to you Marauders."

Remus scoffs. I grin more. "As it is, a chara, you are quite right. I am up to something. But I need you to do it for me. I need you to make me a marauder's map. BUT I need it to change to a plan of whatever location I'm investigating. I'd ask Sirius too, of course, but he's still on that mission of his."


bi ciuin = be quiet
Cuinas = silence
maith é do thoil = please
a chara = (my) friend

MOM HQ: Arthur's Desk
Author: Drucilla Eternal
Date: 09-22-03 19:28

I smiled at Arthur as I bid him goodnight.

"Drucilla dear, it's late. Why don't I walk you to the door?"

I stiffened my back at Arthur's request. I swore to myself that no matter what, I was going to look inside Arthur's desk tonight. There was just no way I was going to wait another night! I smiled at Arthur, as I pulled open a parchment.

"I just want to review this paper of yours again, Arthur. The one about the hiccupping toaster. It's so.. uh.. so fascinating really. After I'm done, I'll head on out."

Arthur smiled, and nodded his head excitedly. "Be sure to read the footnotes too Dru. There's some wonderful points in there about the plug, and the ee-lec-trizity. Ta ta then."

I would have sighed in relief, if it hadn't been for Perkins in the room. I could have sworn that those two had it all planned out. There had always been one or the other in the room, every time I had wanted to investigate the desk. But tonight I knew that Perkins had to leave. He was doing follow up work tonight, on the outdoor lights that kept popping stars every time they turned on. Sure enough, Perkins stood up and smiled at me.

"Would you like me to walk you to the door Dru?"

I shook my head, and smiled. "You go on Perkins. I'm almost done here."

Waiting for the door to close completely, I dove into the desk. Finding the hidden drawer was quite simple, and the lock on the desk was easily opened with the knife I carried. I could have used magic, but I wanted to be careful. After all, magic was traceable. Popping open the small compartment, my face immediately fell. Dustballs fluttered to the floor, and cobwebs told the unspoken truth that this drawer hadn't been used in awhile.

Feeling completely deflated, I almost missed the tiny piece of parchment stuck to the top of the desk. Carefully pulling out the piece that was only the size of a sickle, I squinted at the writing. It was hard to make out, but it almost looked like a number on the page. 71? Turning the page over, I bit my lip. It could possibly be a 12 too. Pocketing the paper I carefully closed everything up, and left the office. Tonight would be a good night for mulling things over. Smiling in satisfaction, I left the Ministry with a resound *POP*.

12 Grimmauld Place: Cartography 101
Author: Remus Lupin
Date: 09-23-03 01:55

"Ah, just like the good old days, and a perfect way to speed my recovery," thought Remus as he toiled over the map Dierna had requested.

The special qualities she wanted would take several days of preparation and some selectively clever spells, but he relished the challenge.

For this short period, he would let the pieces in his mind relax, but then, he would take on the other challenge of rebuilding the night of the attack, and learning what he knew that made him such a danger.

It's All in the Wrist
Author: Luna Lovegood
Date: 09-23-03 02:22

Luna raced back up to her room after lunch, feeling as though she could float over each step. Ravenclaw was THE most wonderful house, and Prof. Flitwick was just the BEST!!!!

Filled with great confidence, she looked over at her piles of notes for her other OWLS, and discovered that her best quill was missing. She sighed deeply.

Why did they do this to her?

Normally, she tried to be a good sport about it, but it was nearly OWL time, and the joke wasn't funny anymore. Her eyes swelled with tears, but then......

....Would it work? It might. She had to try. Her roommates were much too sweet to be involved, so Luna walked out into the hall. Holding the image of Prof. Flitwick with his own wand, and concentrating on what he'd taught her, she whispered, "Accio, quill."


Louder. "Accio, quill!" Was that a slight flutter from the room down the hall?

Accio, quill!!! And it came, soaring down the hall to land in her free hand. Luna squealed with delight.

"Accio, sweater! Accio, stockings! Accio, toothpaste!!" Sounds of whizzing objects in flight echoed, and Luna began to bounce as her lost objects fell at her feet.

She continued to retrieve everything she could think of. Items flew down halls and up stairs. Any arrival on the seen would have sworn the laughing girl in the center of the flurry had gone into league with Peeves.

Pre-Test Panic
Author: Alexis Black
Date: 09-23-03 10:16

Friday left Alexis and Devo free of classes to study and try to relax before the tests. In comparison to the other fifth years in the school, the two Slytherins were quite calm.

"My head is going to explode. Any more studying will me detrimental to my cause." Alexis said, shutting her book with a snap and glancing at Devo. The other Slytherin girl lay on an armchair with her ancient runes book laying upside down on her face. At Alexis' pronouncement, she knocked the book off and onto the floor.

"Let's play a trick on someone." She proposed enthusiastically.

Alexis sighed, "Like what?"

"Find someone who's sleeping, then wake them dramatically and exclaim in hysterics that they're missing their OWLs."

"Go for it. I really am going to sleep. A nap will work wonders. If you do anything to me, I'll kill you, I guarantee it." She waved her Transfiguration book at her friend to illustrate her point. Devo laughed. Alexis shoved her book into her overstuffed bag and retreated to her dormitory to try and regain some much-needed brain cells. On her way she passed a seventh year, whose eyes were much too big to be natural.

"Michelle... what are you?" Alexis began, but the girl simply muttered something about "getting her" and a "mind potion." Reeling a little, Alexis moved out of the way of Michelle's somnambulist steps and continued to her dormitory, resigning everything from that point on to fate.

Threatening to Redecorate
Author: Bellatrix Lestrange
Date: 09-23-03 18:22

Nekros, the house-elf for the Lestranges, was pretending to prepare dinner. He was actually more interested in the noises coming from the living room. It had started approximately a half hour previously, with a scream of rage that rent the air and sent the other house-elves running for cover. Nekros however, had served the Lestrange family faithfully for many decades and he had come to know his mistress well in the last few years - ever since she had arrived as the new bride of his master, Rodolphus. He crossed the expanse of the kitchen and stuck his head around the door. Bellatrix stood in the middle of the living space, her body taunt to breaking point with anger, her long black hair streaming down her back unchecked.

Flung on the floor beside the doorway was a copy of the Daily Prophet. The bold headline ran the entire width of the page, and proclaimed:

Ministry Worker Cleared Of Attempted Murder

"I've Never Felt Better!" Proclaims Remus Lupin

Nekros cowered near the door, convinced a further tirade was moments away. This was obviously not the outcome his mistress had envisioned.

Puzzled, he listened closer to Bellatrix, who was muttering a steady stream of obscenity that made even his ears curl. He noticed that the occupants of most of the family portraits had left already, except for one. Rodolphus' great, great grandfather seemed to be viewing Bellatrix's tirade with a certain measure of pride.

"If only, a few seconds more could have done it. First James Potter dead, and then Remus Lupin by my own hands, it would have been perfect. How the Dark Lord would have praised me!" Bellatrix cried, barely taking a breath before continuing.

She stopped, staring at the room as if suddenly seeing it for the first time. She took two steps towards the table at the back of the room, and then with both hands swept the contents onto the floor. There was an almighty crash of breaking china, followed by a shout as the occupants of a small picture frame broke on the floor. Bellatrix turned around, looking for something else to destroy. Nekros took a step backwards, thinking it would be safer a bit further behind the door jam.

There was a sound of footsteps, and then a masculine voice spoke in a commanding tone. "What the hell is going on here, Bellatrix?"

Bellatrix turned around, her eyes blank and still dazed. "Rodolphus! Have you seen the paper?" she shouted.

"Have I seen the paper? Have you seen the state of this room?" Rodolphus bellowed. He crossed to the sideboard, examining the damage on the floor. "You've broken the Malfoy's portrait, Bellatrix. Do you know how angry Narcissa will be if she sees this?"

"I don't care about the bloody portrait!" she shouted. Her voice changed to a sibilant whisper suddenly and a cunning look appeared on her gaunt face. "I had Remus right there, right in my hands!" Her fingers curled up, as if she was attempting to hold on to something ethereal. "I could have done him so much damage he would never have had another coherent thought! But no, that woman had to get involved!"

Rodolphus watched his wife in alarm. Unlike some, he had over the years become somewhat immune to the evil that had such hold over her. But now...Azkaban had affected her far more than he could possibly imagine, he thought.

"I want that werewolf!" she hissed. "I want him dead! I'll wait until the full moon, and then when I have him, then I'll skin him - alive! He can take the place of the rug over there! He is mine!"

"Enough!" Rodolphus shouted in a commanding tone. He strode over to where Bellatrix was standing and grabbed her by the forearms, his fingers digging into her until she seemed to wake. "You will get your chance, be it now or later. Your time will come."

Author: Ginny Weasley
Date: 09-24-03 10:19

Ginny stares at the plate in front of her, certain she could not get a bite of lunch down no matter how hard she tries. Ron nudges her gently then leans over to whisper, "As knotty as your stomach feels, it's still best you eat something between now and time for OWLs tomorrow or else you'll be all lightheaded. Won't be able to think clearly at all. You'll do smashingly well. Definitely better than I."

Ginny's head barely nods as wordlessly agrees with Ron. Can't be passing out from lack of nourishment in the middle of the OWLS but, looking at her plate again, how even taking small bites, how is she to get food down her throat and once in her stomach, get it to stay put?

She's a good student with the marks to prove it. It stands to reason she would score as well as Ron, whose in fifth year were lower than what Ginny's are now. There shouldn't be too much difficulty in outscoring the twins. Afterall they didn't exactly even try to do their best. But what if she doesn't? What if when the OWL scores are announced everyone learns what a total, brainless idiot the youngest Weasley really is?

Wanting to throw her head on her arms and have a complete breakdown like some students already have had, Ginny instead picks up a raw carrot stick and attempts to eat it by taking extremely small nibbles. As she tries to follow the first miniscule bite, Ginny wonders if whether having an utter, screaming fit really isn't the better way to go.

Starting to Worry
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 09-24-03 12:41

Pyrrhus watches as students trickle out of the Great Hall on their way to one o'clock classes, to study in the library, to their respective houses, and to wherever else they might be going after finishing lunch. Py wishes he could walk out the front doors, down to the gates, and vanish somewhere. Maybe into the secret room at Twice Told Tales.

Up until this morning, Py was concerned about doing well on the O.W.L.s but not overly worried. With Py having no classes on Fridays and therefore the entire day to try to rest or to do last minute studying, or both, he's had alot of time to think about the big day tomorrow. He's also had plenty of time for it all to hit him and for the extreme worry to set in.

"Well," thinks Py as he takes the last bite of sandwich, "at least the worry's not put my appetite off. Wonder if I'll feel the say way come supper."

Pushing away from the table, Py decides to so in search of Isolde to see how she's holding up.

Between Classes
Author: Majandra
Date: 09-24-03 17:53

Majandra leaves DADA, feeling confident she'll do well on the exam next week. Before he left, Professor Somerset was an excellent teacher though sometimes he gave the impression he was a little on the nervous side. But then, it was his first teaching job.

When he left, Professor Dumbledore took over and though just about everyone was sure the headmaster would only fill the spot temporarily, until someone else could be hired, Dumbledore fooled them by staying on and seeing as how Dumbledore is the greatest living wizard who has many years of experience out in the real world and here at Hogwarts, he has not only provided his students with excellent, useful information but he did it in a fun and interesting way. On the occasions he needed a substitute, that nice wizard Nevvyn who owns a shop in Hogsmeade, run with the help of those entertaining brownies named Tom would usually step in. Nice "Professor" Nevvyn, with his own stories and teaching style, contributed wonderfully to the lessons.

Like everyone else Majandra is wondering who will be the DADA teacher next school year. As mean as it seems to have such an opinion, Majandra hopes that Gilderoy Lockhart does not recover his memory or wits anytime soon with plans for applying for the job again. She can well remember those wild Cornish Pixies pulling poor Neville towards the ceiling and Lockhart apparently clueless as to what went do to regain order. Good thing Hermione was there!

Reaching the Transfiguration classroom, Majandra slides into her seat, hoping the time goes by fast. The sooner end of term feast and the ride on the Hogwarts Express gets here, the sooner she can start visibly wearing the ring on a chain around her neck, feeling as if it's burning a hole in her robes. It also means the sooner she and George can finalize certain plans.

Professor McGonagall calls the class to order so Majandra shoves all thoughts aside that don't pertain to this last Transfiguration class and its final exam next week.

Brownies Gone Bad?
Author: Nevvyn
Date: 09-24-03 19:25

I awake in the early morning hours, long before the sun has decided if it will put in an appearance today. I lie there in my bed, trying to think what it is that has disturbed my sleep. Then I realize there is giggling coming from the room where the Toms are "sleeping". Taking wand in hand, I tip-toe into their room and whisper "Lumos". The small glow I produce is glaringly bright, compared to the darkness of the moonless night. Of course, the giggling has stopped with the sound of my whisper and the sudden flare of light. The light, itself, reveals three rumpled but empty cots. I hold it higher, illuminating the whole room. It is then that I see the three of them, hanging upside down from a closet bar I had installed to hold their clean clothes.

"What in the name of all the Elder Gods are you three lads up to?" I rumble. "It is approximately three o'clock in the morning, and all good folk are supposed to be abed!"

Tom looks at me with wide-eyed innocence. "We have decided to become "Vampires"," he announces with all sincerity. "We thought that we should learn to sleep like they do!"

"Come down from there, the three of you! This instant!" I demand, trying to suppress a gathering chuckle. Reluctantly, they right themselves and drop to the floor. I sit down on one of the beds and point to the other. When they are all seated, I ask, "And just why is it that you have decided to become Vampires? Is being a Brownie so boring?"

"Well..." says Tom. "It has been rather quiet around here. We thought it would be fun to be something more exciting!" he finishes with a broad grin.

"So! You've decided to go over to the "Dark Side", have you?" I growl, watching the look of apprehension grow on their faces. "Well, I certainly hope The Ministry doesn't find out about this. I'm sure they'd be quite upset, with three Vampires running loose about Hogsmeade." The "apprehension" turns to consternation, then to fear.

"No! No!" they exclaim in unison. "We don't want to be "evil". We just thought it would be fun to run around, scaring people!" I give them a few moments to absorb what they've just said. "And you think that scaring people is "good"? That sounds rather like "evil" to me! Now don't you think so?"

Three Toms sit on the edge of the bed, sheepishly hanging their curly heads. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose it does sound evil..." the sentence trails off into nothingness. They look at me out of the tops of their eyes, and one says with a grin, "But... do you think we could do it for next Hallowe'en?"

"Lads, that's over six months away. Can we perhaps discuss it in the morning?" They nod their agreement. "Now, back to bed with all of you!"

They scamper for their beds and pull the covers up. I give them each a good-night pat on the head before heading off to resume my slumber. I wonder where these lads come up with some of their ideas...

Durmstrang Institute: Potions Exam
Author: Michael Turin
Date: 09-24-03 19:46

Prof. "Igor Nastivitch" passes the classroom supervising the second year potions finals. They were supposed to be making a shrinking potion, but judged on the colour and consistence of several potions, they'd be luck not to explode. Michael, suppresses a laugh, thinking of twenty potions exploding all at once. Too bad they aren't potent enough to explode the school with it. Unfortunately, no one had succeeded at that yet.

"Cheating, Vetch?" He suddenly snaps, when he sees a student looking as if he's about to drop an ingredient into the cauldron of the student in front of him.

"No sir . . . I uh."

"If you are too stupid to make a simple potion without sabotaging other students attempt, you don't deserve to pass this course. Come here."

The student slumps to the front of the desk where "Igor" scribbles a note. "Take this to the headmaster. And expect a Dreadful on your paper. Go!"

Other students look up at he leaves and it suddenly occurs to Michael that this is first honest, in character act he's done since he taught here.