Author: Majandra
Date: 09-17-03 21:39

Majandra resumes her place at the table, moving everything but one textbook out of the way to make room for her lunch. As she positions the book in front of her plate to read while she eats, Majandra thinks about what the professor has said and, more importantly, what he hadn't said.

All indications are that unless she blows the final exam in Potions, she'll be in his seventh year, NEWT class. A must for anyone thinking about a career in that field. If she can't go into Potions though there's always working with George and Fred. Afterall, she's already contributed to the business so she knows she would have a niche there. Then again, even as a fully fledged Potions Master, Majandra knows she could give valuable input into the Twin's business. But, just in case, Majandra decides to see if she can still sign up for the career information seminars tomorrow.

After she checks into that, there will be ample time before Care of Magical Creatures to write to George. Majandra fingers the ring on the chain around her neck. It won't be long before she can wear the ring openly. With that happy thought, Majandra flips the page in her textbook and takes another bite of her sandwich.

Making Progress
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black
Date: 09-17-03 23:11

"Patrick, I need you to pay a visit to one of my best clients. He's the reclusive sort but is an excellent writer. I've been doing business with him for years and his books are always top sellers. I can't go myself this time because of a long standing promise to the wife. She'd flay my hide if I broke the promise."

Wheelright hands over a folded piece of parchment with 11 pm visibly written on one side. "Here is the information on where to meet him. Don't open it until the time indicated or you'll find yourself holding nothing but flame. When you do open it, you have 30 seconds to read where you're to apparate for the meeting. You'll address him by his pen name, Clive Riordan. Any questions so far?"

Sirius tucks the piece of parchment into an inner robe pocket. "Nope. Sounds easy enough, Chris."

The other man nods once then hands a folder to Sirius. "This is the contract. He signs one copy to keep and signs another for my files. All that will be left to do is for Riordan to hand over the manuscript so we can get started on the printing. I already have the galleys in for the cover art so you don't need to worry with that."

"I won't let you down, Chris."

"I know you won't, Patrick, or else I wouldn't be trusting you with this. There are people who've worked for me for years who've not earned the level of trust you have in just a few months."

Wheelright nods once again then walks out without another word, leaving Sirius alone. Sirius wants to dance a jig but doesn't. He maintains the calm, stoic demeanor he's known for as Patrick. The past few weeks Sirius has felt like he'd hit a wall. Every person's name showing up on the works published here has turned out to be a pseudonym. That's when there is a name that is. Just as often there's no one listed as the author, the name given is Anonymous, or it's the name of some murky, little known organization that Sirius has found to be as elusive in tracking down as the real names of the people behind all these works.

Sirius puts the folder in a safe place then sits down to think about what he's accomplished on this mission. No real name yet but being sent on this meeting is at least a step in the right direction. The only thing of real value Sirius feels he's learned so far is that despite Chris Wheelright giving the appearance to outsiders that he's just a middleman foreman running this place for someone higher up, in actuality Chris is the top dog, the sole owner of this publishing company.

Sirius sighs and pushes up from the chair. One thing he learned in his time at Azkaban - patience will eventually pay off. Tonight is definitely part of the pay off.

Bun in the Oven
Author: Briar Rose
Date: 09-17-03 23:25

Briar ties the twine on the small box then hands it to Cora. Waving her hand to indicate larger box filled to the brim with boxes similar to the one she just gave her employee, Briar asks, "You're sure you don't mind taking this up to the school? We can use owls."

Cora shakes her head. "It's not that far to go. Besides, I think the walk would be enjoyable. This being such a lovely day."

Briar just nods in understanding then moves to open the back door for Cora. After making more cookie dough and getting the cookies in the oven to bake, Briar picks up another box and begins filling it with the items specified for the order. With this being the last week of classes, orders from both students and concerned parents for "brain food" and "study aids" have started piling up. Briar feels behind on getting things around the shop accomplished, especially now that Brigit and Quinn have had to officially quit. Briar glances down to where her robes still easily conceal her small but growing belly and with a sigh admits to herself that other things have made her feel slow in getting work done.

The bell on the shop's door jingles and hoping it's the girl who's supposed to drop by later this afternoon coming in early for her job interview, Briar steps out of the kitchen with a broad, friendly smile. At the sight of Julian standing there, the smile quickly fades and Briar feels as if her whole body has wilted in on itself. Her stomach gives that all too familiar nauseous roll thanks to the damnable morning sickness that comes on when Briar feels overly stressed.

Julian at least as the decency to look slightly embarrassed after such a long time of acting as if Briar no longer exists. He closes the gap between the door and Briar, holding out a piece of parchment to her. "I'm sorry to drop by unannounced. I guess I could have sent this by owl. When I gave you all the architectural plans and paperwork on the house, I overlooked this one somehow. It's the certified copy of ownership. The one you have isn't certified so wouldn't be valid proof if you ever needed it."

Briar takes the neatly rolled parchment. "Thank you."

When Julian doesn't move nor say anything else, Briar quietly asks, "Is there something else?"

Looking a little more embarrassed Julian nods. "I've really missed your pastries and cakes. I was hoping to buy a few things."

Nodding, Briar gestures to the display case for Julian to pick out what he wants. She swallows hoping to force down the rising bile, fervently hoping Julian will hurry up with his selection and leave. But no. He takes his time looking and engages Briar in small talk while he makes a decision.

"The house looks to be shaping up nicely. Will you be moving in soon?"

"Most likely within the new few weeks. I'm still deciding on paint colors and picking out furniture."

"The cottage looks larger than recall."

"Yes, a little bit. I made some changes and additions."

The chit chat goes back and forth for another minute so by the time Julian has picked out his selection and is paying for the items, Briar's stomach is a geyser ready to blow. Trying not to take obvious gulps of air in her effort to hold the morning sickness at bay just a little bit longer, Briar forces herself not to physically shove Julian to the door.

"Are you all right, Briar? You look as though you've got a bad taste in your mouth."

"Something from lunch isn't agreeing with me. I'll be fine. Thanks for stopping by."

Then with one hand to her mouth and another to her stomach, Briar gives Julian a wide eyed look, turns and dashes for the lady's room used by customers. When she emerges a moment later, Briar is startled to find Julian still standing there. Having him still there causes another wave of nausea. Before either has a chance to say a single word, Briar has spun around and re-entered the bathroom.

When her stomach has spasmed all it can, Briar moves to the sink and pats cold water on her face. She walks out of the bathroom again, intent on going up to her flat to wash her mouth out and brush her teeth, and walks straight into Julian.

"Is someone else here? You look like you need to lie down for awhile."

Briar tries to wave him off. "Cora will be back soon and anyway, I told you I'll be all right. It's just something from the lunch Cora picked up for us at a new place in Diagon Alley."

Julian nods, steps away and starts to leave but then stops. He looks keenly at Briar. "You know, don't really look ill. In fact, you have that same sort of glow around you Chyler had, even when morning sickness would have her waylaid for half the day."

His eyes narrow and he moves close again. "Are you pregnant, Briar?"



Her stress level so high Briar finds breathing is difficult and her traitorous stomach, though empty of all its contents, starts lurching again. She moves as quickly as she can back into the lady's room just in case her stomach manages to dreg up something else to throw up. Briar bends over the toilet bowl, her stomach giving painful, wretching dry heaves. From behind her Julian states, "I thought we were careful. Why didn't you tell me?"

Briar moves to the sink again then back into the shop before replying. "There's nothing to tell you."

"You're having my baby. That's not nothing."

Briar looks Julian in the eyes, her face very innocent. "Who said it's yours?"

Taken aback by this unexpected response, Julian stammers, "Wh wh what?"

Julian being Julian, he quickly regains his composure. "How far along are you?"

Without hesitation, Briar lies and convincingly so. "Right around three months."

Briar can see Julian's mind is busy counting backwards. "The last time we were together was about three and a half months ago."

"Correct. Which means this baby is not yours."

"Whose then?"

"That's not your business nor your concern, Julian."

Julian's face goes red as he puts his version of two and two together. He shoots Briar a scathing look. "Weasley's! My, you must have been at an all time low over our break up to do the Weasel. Just what this world needs. Another red-headed weasely little bastard."

As Julian spins and stalks off, a huge gasp comes from the kitchen. Running as fast as her wobbly legs will allow, Briar reaches the doorway just in time to see Molly Weasley disapparate from view. To drained to even attempt apparating, her worn out stomach weakly spasming, and not up trying to catch Molly at Gringott's, where she's surely gone to confront Bill, Briar does the only thing she can think to do right then. She puts the closed sign on the door, takes the cookies from the oven and goes upstairs to collapse on her bed.

Author: Professor Belladonna Sinistra
Date: 09-18-03 01:50

Bella sniffed the bouquet of violets and smiled. "They're lovely. Picked them in the forest?"

"Hardly, Sweets. I owled a florist, although if you want to think I picked you flowers, go right ahead. I won't mind a bit."

"Better not be a peace offering then, Liam. I'm still furious with you. I was hungover for two days straight. You shouldn't have let me drink so much."

"I'm too smart to get between a Sinistra and their drink. Seriously, I meant to keep an eye on you but got distracted. Friend of Izzy's, brown hair, remarkable eyes, no idea of the name."



"Actually, yes. I can owl to Izzy and get her info for you. Besides, she's dying to fix someone up."

"Please do. Of course gossip will be disappointed to see me with someone else but you."

"I won't be, especially if Mumma and Izzy figure it out too. Not that it's not lovely to have a perma-date. Just don't move out on me suddenly, okay. I'd die of loneliness."

"Hang on, Lady Stella. I haven't even been on a date yet and you're talking about me moving out. You're starting to turn into your mother, Bella. Izzy and I would have to cast one of the Unforgivables."

"Fine, fine, fine. Let's go on a picnic. You surely won't refuse anything that will get me out in the sun. Spring is in full bloom and it's doing my mental state a great deal of good."

"You're not that well yet. Don't even think of going on that expedition to South America. Incan astronomy will have to wait. However, I think a picnic would do you good and that will have to do as a peace offering." Bella smiled as she ran to grab her sunglasses and sunscreen. Her writing could wait. She was going to totally waste the day, starting with a long lunch followed by dragging Liam for a nature walk. Maybe then she'd decide to forgive him...

Re: MoM - Sorcha's Hearing
Author: Prof. Sorcha
Date: 09-18-03 02:32

Sorcha spent any free time perfecting the spells that Professor Dumbledore had given her to help with her recovery. Until last week, when Sorcha was taken to a place that Professor Dumbledore called the Atrium. It was the first meeting with a person called Amelia Bones, the MLE for the Ministry. The best part of the trip for Sorcha was seeing The Fountain of the Magical Brethren. It was very pleasing to the eye in Sorcha's opinion.

When Sorcha and Professor Dumbledore arrived at Amelia's office she felt like a rat in a muggle laboratory. Dumbledore presented Sorcha's case, and what he did to help. Amelia confirmed things, and asked a few questions. The matter wasn't completely settled, and it was decided that it be brought before the Wizengamot. The date was set for one of the days that Sorcha had class.

Dumbledore agreed to defend Sorcha, and of course, to the best of his abilities. Sorcha is able to take her mind from the hearing long enough to teach her classes, and tell her Tuesday classes that she wonÕt be there. She does her duties, but can't help but think that she will be locked away and forgotten.

The only bright side is that Sorcha hasn't had a single argument with herself. Nor has she wanted to do something that would be considered out of character for her. It seems that Dumbledore's spells worked, and Voldemort has truly decided to leave her alone and get on with her life.

The Tuesday arrives, and a substitute teacher is found. A local store keep named Nevvyn. Sorcha spends the early morning showing Nevvyn the class, and were everything is. Sorcha stepped out of class before it began and Nevvyn took over. Sorcha waited outside the door for Dumbledore to show up and take her to the hearing.

"Are you ready for this?" Dumbledore asked quietly when he approached.

"Yes, I suppose I must be," Sorcha replies. "But I'm still frightened!"

Dumbledore leads Sorcha out of the school and down to a field where they apparate to a run down street in London. The two appear in an alcove where the door to a store used to be. The windows are broken and boarded up. The windows that weren't broken where painted white from the inside, and a large padlock and chain seal the door shut. Sorcha looks around and remembers her parents telling her to avoid places like this.

"No... this is not one of the better parts of town," Dumbledore says. He then leads Sorcha over to a phone booth, and tells Sorcha to enter. A disembodied voice says, "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business," after Dumbledore enters a code on the phone.

Dumbledore clears his throat and says, "Professors Albus Dumbledore and Christina Sorcha, of Hogwarts, to see Madam Amelia Bones."

"Thankew!" the voice responds. A few seconds later, a couple of items clatter into the coin return slot, Dumbledore removes them, and it is plain to tell that they are badges. He pins one on his robes and Sorcha does the same when he hands one to her.

The phone booth moves suddenly and starts to sink in the ground. Sorcha becomes frightened and grabs DumbledoreÕs arm. Dumbledore says something to reassure Sorcha, but she doesnÕt hear him, she has flashbacks to a certain cave-in. The booth stops moving, but the memory does not, and Dumbledore leads Sorcha out of the booth.

Seeing the site of a failure safe location, Sorcha lets go, and follows Dumbledore to the security desk. Sorcha patently waits, once again looking at The Fountain, until the security procedures are complete, and the professors can continue. The lift makes it to level 2 after a time, and Sorcha watches Amelia, Dierna, and several people she doesnÕt know come to the lift.

Sorcha stands all the way in the back of the lift, and everyone crowds in. The new people slightly scare Sorcha, and she remains quite for the lift ride to level 9. Once everyone is out of the lift and headed down the corridor Amelia announces that they will use Courtroom 3...Not SorchaÕs luckiest number.

Dumbledore asks about the Minister, and Sorcha is relieved to hear that he wonÕt be there. Perhaps 3 is a lucky number for me after all... Sorcha thinks to herself. The courtroom is lit up and it is revealed to be small, but dusty. Dumbledore helps clean up the courtroom, so everyone can sit down.

Sorcha sits down in the chair that she is motioned to sit in. As Sorcha waits for the proceedings to begin, the pit in her stomach returns, with some extra weight. Sorcha begins looking around the room, and especially to the seats where anyone watching would be sitting.

Author: Bill Weasley
Date: 09-18-03 10:12

Bill was in his office at Gringotts when Molly came bustling into the bank, extremely frazzled and bubbling with news of an urgent kind. She slipped inside Bill's office and closed the door behind her before approaching Bill at his desk. "Why didn't you tell me Briar is pregnant?" she hissed, staring at her eldest son furiously. She sat down into the offered seat, but continued to watch Bill heatedly.

"She didn't want anyone to know," Bill replied calmly, stunned to see his mother so angry about this. "She needed some time. Were you just to see her?"

"Yes, I was," Molly said. "I can't believe I was so foolish not to recognize the signs. After all, I've had seven children of my own. I know how difficult pregnancies can be at times." She directed a sharp look across the desk at Bill. "She was talking to that Julian Valentine you dislike so much when I popped into the Bakery."

"Julian? She was talking to Julian?" Bill interjected suddenly. "No need to get jealous, Bill," Molly stated. "Those two are certainly not on good terms anymore."

Bill blinked. "J-jealous?"

"I happened to overhear Julian confront Briar about her pregnancy," Molly went on, ignoring Bill's flabbergasted expression, "and I think even if Briar wasn't ready to share the news of her pregnancy to the world, I think I have a right to know that I'm expecting my first grandchild."

"W-what?!" Bill exclaimed wildly. "Your first grandchild?"

"Yes, Bill! Why didn't you tell me you're going to be a father?" Molly cried out. "I thought you and Briar were merely friends, but after you losing Adriana and she losing Julian I suppose it's only natural that you seek comfort in each other..."

"Mum!" Bill said, holding out both hands in front of him to force her to stop speaking. "Mum, you've got it all wrong. Briar and I have never...we're not...we wouldn't!" He sighed deeply and covered his face with his hands, feeling his skin turn hot. He couldn't believe he was having a conversation like this with his own mother.

He removed his hands from his face and said slowly and calmly, "Mum, I am not the father of Briar's baby. The father is Julian Valentine. Whatever you overheard at the Bakery, you must have overheard wrong."

"Y-you're...you're not the father of Briar's baby?" Molly asked, confused.

Bill shook his head. "I'm not. Did Briar tell Julian that I'm the father of the baby?"

"No," Molly replied, "she didn't give a name, but whatever she said was enough for Julian to think so."

"She doesn't want Julian to know that she's carrying his child. It's fully understandable," Bill said. "What else did you overhear?"

"Nothing. As soon as I heard Julian assume the baby is yours, I left to come speak with you." Molly squeezed Bill's hands and said softly, "I'm sorry for being cross with you." She smiled.

Bill smiled in return. "No worries. Do Briar a favor and not mention her pregnancy to anyone, all right? I know it'll be a matter of time before her secret will reveal itself, but until then, let's give her what she wants, okay?"

"Of course."

"Say, how about a late lunch?" Bill offered.

"Sounds lovely!"

Wishing for a Wish
Author: Devo
Date: 09-18-03 14:35

Devo laid still looking up at the clear blue sky trying to guess what the clouds were supposed to be saying to her. The O.W.L'S were drawing near that's all she could think of. "Devo you shouldn't be here, you should be studying!" Yelled Alexis jumping in front of her. Devo just laid there looking for another pattern in the clouds. " Devo do ya hear me?" Devo just grunted and got to her feet she walked slowly behind Alexis. " Come on Devo this will be fun" Said Alexis in cheerful tone. Devo knew that Alexis was thinking the same thing as her they wished there was no O.W.L.'S

Practicals and Reviews
Author: Saffron
Date: 09-18-03 15:49

Saffron smiles as Lavender and Parvati poke their heads into the classroom. She beckons them in with a wave of the hand. After finishing the reply to seventh year Seth Moone's question, Saffron walks over to where the two Gryffindors stand just inside the doorway.

For this last week of classes before exams, O.W.L.s, and N.E.W.T.s, Saffron is giving practical exams, review for the written exams, and for the fifth and seventh years, review for what they might face on Saturday. During classes for the third, fourth, and sixth years, the students are working in groups to go over the study guides Saffron prepared over the weekend. Saffron splits the class time answer questions and giving practicals. She's also set up times for some of the students to come at other times for their practicals, Lavender and Parvati being two of them.

Saffron also has adopted an open door policy all week for all of her students, but most especially for the fifth and seventh years. If any of them need help or guidance at any time during the week, they are free to drop by the Divinations classroom and her office, or to stop her if they see her elsewhere in the castle. If she's conducting a class, the student might have to wait a few minutes. Additionally, Saffron has set up a table off to the side and out of the way for any fifth or seventh years who drop by just to practice. They can work quietly at the table even while Saffron has a class taking place. Saffron realizes she's probably gone more out of her way that most professors would but as the old adage goes, better to be safe than sorry.

Reaching Lavendar and Parvati, Saffron asks in a low tone, "Ready, girls?"

They both nod, eager to get this portion of their exam out of the way. The two teens follow Saffron to her desk on which sits a cobalt blue, almost fishbowl shaped vase. Dozens of scraps of neatly folded, amber colored parchment fill the vase. In the same low, friendly tone, Saffron directs the girls to each pull out two pieces of parchment.

Lavender quickly opens her two choices. Holding them up for Saffron to see, she states, "I got tarot reading using the Celtic Cross spread and scrying with crystal."

Parvati grins and shows her two pieces of parchment. "Palm reading and astrology horoscope for the sign of Taurus."

Saffron nods and makes the notations down in her grade book. "Lavender start with the scrying. There is lost object in this room. A third year, Natalie McDonald, lost a tulip shaped charm off a bracelet this morning during class. I spotted it not long ago but left it there in case someone picked scrying. You know where everything you need is, so get cracking."

Lavender beams a smile, set her book bag on a chair then moves to one of the many shelves in the room to get what she'll need. Saffron motions for Parvati to take a seat then sits down near her. "We'll start you off with the palm reading then while you work on the horoscope, if Lavender's done with the scrying, she'll do the tarot reading on me."

Laying her hand on the table, palm up, Saffron has Parvati begin.