First Day
Author: Alexis Black
Date: 12-15-03 15:24

"We have the same schedule, don't we?" Devo asked, coming up behind Alexis who was brushing her curly black hair in the dormitory mirror.

"Yep." She glanced down at the schedule on the table, "We only have care of magical creatures today."

"I don't know why it had to be so bloody early." Devo yawned. Alexis shrugged.

"Oh yeah, you're a prefect now, impervious to early morning hours."

"Shut up, Dee." Devo stuck out her tongue at Alexis who responded with a much more rude gesture. They laughed.

"Coming Isolde? Alicia?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're coming" Isolde muttered. The four trooped down to the common room where Pyrrhus was waiting for his other half. The five slytherins marched out into the laser-like morning sun for their first class of their sixth year.

The Beginning of the End
Author: Hermione Granger
Date: 12-15-03 16:00

It was Tuesday morning, the first day of classes and the beginning of the end of Hermione's very last year at Hogwarts. She sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall with Harry, Ron, Majandra and several other classmates, all eating, drinking and mulling over the schedules Professor McGonagall was passing out. Hermione was already frantic about NEWTs, the exam all seventh years would take in June, and while her mind whirled with thoughts of homework and study sessions she also thought of her parents.

She talked less and less about them everyday, but she thought of them often if not all the time. Her mother, she had buried, but her father...what fate had befallen him? Would she ever know? Did she want to know?

"Care of Magical Creatures today," Ron commented, pulling Hermione from her solemn thoughts.

He craned his neck to eye her schedule and nearly choked on his pumpkin juice. "Are you taking enough classes, Hermione? I think you might have some free time on Tuesdays––could probably squeeze something else in there. And is that History of Magic I see? You actually signed up for that?!" Ron exclaimed, very shocked that anyone would want to put herself through the misery of Professor Binns' class when it was no longer required.

Hermione sighed quietly and explained, "It could come in useful for whatever I decide to do when I've passed my NEWTs and graduated from Hogwarts."

"What are you going to do after Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know anymore. I thought I knew, or at least I was starting to narrow things down before..." She blinked a tear from her eye and swallowed hard. An uncomfortable, uncertain silence followed. Finally she said, "I need to explore my options a bit further, I think."

"I'm sure you'll find something you like," Harry said, and he managed a weak smile.

"Have you all decided? And please tell me, Ron, that something other than professional quidditch player has come to mind."

Only Majandra (and Ron) seemed absolutely certain what she wanted to do after Hogwarts, and Harry had a vague idea.

"You don't think I'd make it as a professional player, Hermione?" Ron asked, exasperated that she just didn't understand.

"You can't do that all your life, can you?" Hermione countered. "What's going to happen when you are forced to retire at the ripe old age of twenty-five!"

"There are twenty-five year old Quidditch players, Hermione! And when I do retire, willingly, I'll be sitting on heaps of galleons from all my wins. You'll see!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, and Harry and Majandra laughed.

Just then, Ginny breezed in and grabbed a few pieces of toast from Harry's plate. "Morning!GottaGo!Overslept!LateForClass!Bye!" She pecked him on the cheek, waved goodbye to everyone else and ran out of the Great Hall.

"Did you catch any of that?" Hermione asked.

"I think she slept in late, and she's late for class," Harry answered.

"It's not quite nine yet," Majandra said, checking the time, "so if she hurries she'll make it to class on time."

"Does she even know where she's going?" Hermione asked, giggling.

As if on cue, Ginny came panting into the Great Hall and flagged down Professor McGonagall. With schedule in hand, she gave another wave to the Gryffindors and ran out the door leaving her friends in stitches. It feels good to have something silly to laugh about, Hermione thought to herself, wiping a happy tear from her cheek.

Ah...First Day at Last
Author: Prof Minerva McGonagall
Date: 12-15-03 18:26

The feast was a monumental delight, I admit to myself, despite the occasional rough edge every now and then. But today is the day I have looked forward to for the entire summer. The first day that the real schooling begins. I walk briskly down the hallway, towards the class room, where my class awaits.

As I pass through the ancient hallways, over the smooth cobblestone of the floors, I scan my class schedule...

Monday and Wednesday
9-10:30 AM 2nd year Gryffindor & Ravenclaw
10:30-12 PM 3rd year Slytherin & Hufflepuff
12:30-2 PM 4th year Gryffindor & Ravenclaw
2-3:30 PM 5th year Slytherin & Hufflepuff
3:30-5 PM 1st year Gryffindor & Ravenclaw

Tuesday and Thursday
9-10:30 AM 2nd year Slytherin & Hufflepuff
10:30-12 PM 3rd year Gryffindor & Ravenclaw
12:30-2 PM 4th year Slytherin & Hufflepuff
2-3:30 PM 5th year Gryffindor & Ravenclaw
3:30-5 PM 1st year Slytherin & Hufflepuff

12:30-2 PM 6th year NEWT
2-3:30 PM 7th year NEWT

It will be busy, and that is exactly how I like it. I will have plenty of time with each of the houses, and ample time with each student, if needs be, during my office time, which I have scheduled for each Friday and Saturday Morning.

I round the bend, and put my hand on the knob to the door of my classroom. I hear the students inside, talking among themselves. The Second year Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, having completed an entire year of my Transfiguration class, will feel ever-so-slightly over confident, as most second years do. Which feeling will soon be over shadowed by the myriads of out-of-classroom work I will expect from my students. And the work increases for each year.

I take a deep breath, and then open the door sharply. I walk briskly to the front of the class. All voices are now blessedly quieted. I look at each student before speaking. "Welcome Second-Years. Let us begin with an exam, recapping that which we covered last year... Turn over the parchment before you... And... Begin..."

As I sit down at my desk, I scan the students before me. The looks exchanged between housemates are easily understood. An exam on the first day! It will be the same looks I see on each of my students faces though out the entire day, as the exam will be every ones fate today. But this work now will be for the better in the long run... No one wants to transfigure things improperly, like a certain young man did in his second year Transfiguration Class! A fine silver goblet... With a rats tail! The memory is a momentary spark, and then I set about planning my next few days out of classroom work....

Durmstrang Institute: Magic Potion
Author: Merdroit Turin
Date: 12-15-03 21:35

Merdroit sat on a high-backed, upholstered chair, hand teepeed as he watches the thick, silvery substance come to a boil. When it has, the wizard adds a red powder, and an assortment of liquids with evil sounding names. The silver substance turns the color of dries blood, then red like magma. Apparently satisfied Merdroit scoops some into a flask.

"Esklavo! Get over here now!"

Esklavo appears, a skinny house-elf barely more than bones held together by a thin layer of flesh and sinew. Ignoring the elf's shaking Merdroit thrusts the flask at the house-elf. "Drink it."

"Master -" the elf begins but it's cut off by a sharp kick.

"I said drink it." He snarls.

The elf does, immediately collapsing on the floor, screaming in agony. Merdroit watches her flail about. "Yes. I think that will do."

He picks up his wand and turns around.

"When you have stopped whimpering, be sure to clean the office up," Merdroit says, heading for his first class.

First Day Gitters
Author: Sora
Date: 12-15-03 22:03

Sora ate his breakfast rather faster than normal. He didn't want to mess up on his first official school day. Sora scanned his schedule... His first class is Potions in the Dungeons. Sora was no good at chemistry, so he didn't think potions would be that different.

As he went down the list, he all of the sudden sneezed, spraying pumpkin juice out of his nose on to his schedule. "Oh no!" he complained as he tried to wipe all of the juice off of it. At least the ink didn't smear, otherwise he wouldn't be able to read it!

He then noticed that he still needed to fix his robes...

Author: Nick Stokes
Date: 12-16-03 04:29

Nick strode into the Great Hall. He felt good today, he felt purposeful. His Slytherin badge was new and official looking. He felt like he belonged.

Sitting at a table he ate as much breakfast as he could manage while perusing his timetable. He didn't have any lessons today, as long as the T stood for Thursday he was fine. If it didn't, he could claim he thought it did.

He glanced over the other diners to see if there was anyone he could tag along somewhere with...

Darius Sparrow
Author: Adam Sparrow
Date: 12-16-03 08:25

Adam talked Sidi into staying in Hogsmeade. He reassured her the testing was routine and nothing he hadn't done a million times before. He'd visit with his family, do the tests then come back home to Hogsmeade. Sidi begrudgingly agreed and Adam made the trip into London.

Adam stood in his father's office. His father's face was made of stone.

"Obviously you got my owl." Adam decided to confront him while he had the courage.

"Obviously." His father responded.

"You know about owls then you know about wizards."


"You knew. You knew all along and you didnŐt tell me. You had no right not to tell me!"

"I have the right to do as I please and you will remember to whom you are speaking boy."

"I have the right to know who I am... Sir."

"Who are you Adam? What do you think you are?"

"An Herigot?"

Darius smiled. "Possibly."

"An Heirgot needs a muggle and a wizard." Adam shot back.

"That's true." His father's evasiveness was confusing.

"But you and Mum aren't magic...Sir. How do you know wizards? How do you know about owls and Heirgots? I don't understand. I deserve to understand!"

"That is fair." Darius walked around and sat on the front of his desk.

"Adam." He paused to consider his words. "You are a product of two, very old and respected, full-blooded Wizarding families. Be proud of who you are."

"You're not proud of it. You're hiding in Jamaica and London. You hid it from me. Why? You don't do magic. You can't be a wizard. Why would a wizard not do magic?"

"Not doing magic does not mean one can not do magic. You should know that by now."

"You didn't answer my question Sir. Are you a squib?"

"No." Darius couldn't keep the edge from his voice then regrouped. "Far from it."

Adam didn't like the game of cat and mouse. "Mum?" His voice was small.


"With all respect Sir. I don't believe you. If you were wizards and from such fine families surely you would have gone to Hogwarts. You would do magic. Professor Dumbledore would know you. He would know who I am."

"Is this the point in the conversation I am to throw myself to my knees and pay homage to the almighty Albus Dumbledore? Shall I sing a few praises of the old fool for you Adam? Is that what you're after?"

Adam had never really met or spoken a word to the great wizard but respect for Hogwarts headmaster was contagious. Through Sidi and those he had come in contact with he had formed a great respect albeit a bit of jealousy of him.

"Be careful with whom you align yourself son. Albus Dumbledore however quaint, is not a man of excellence. Stagnation and mediocrity are not traits birthed by greatness Adam. When progress and vigor is discouraged, only incompetence and decay remain."

Adam felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over him.

"You're a Death Eater then? A follower of Voldemort?"

Darius flinched. "No. Adam, because one does not genuflect at the feet of Saint Albus does not automatically earn one the status of Death Eater. It does not make one brethren of, the pause was obvious as he searched for the words, the Dark Lord."

Adam was frightened and confused. "The Dark Lord? You can't even say it! You mean Voldemort? Say it. Voldemort."

His father's redirect was quick. "So. It's Hogsmeade is it? I wondered where you ran off to. You panicked Adam. There was no reason to panic."

Ready for Class...
Author: Prof Minerva McGonagall
Date: 12-16-03 10:05

After handing out the schedules to the students in the hall, I make my way out of the Great Hall and into the Castle. A quick stop at my office and then off to the awaiting first class!

Back to the Burrow
Author: Bill Weasley
Date: 12-16-03 13:19

Tuesday morning, Bill took time off work to go to the Burrow. He had the irresistible urge to visit his mum, to catch up on family gossip and to eat the kind of meal only his mother could make. Another motive prompted his leave from Gringotts as well. A rather delicate matter, which had remained buried deep within a mountain of thoughts and had only been brought to the surface during a few difficult conversations with Briar, needed to come to light once and for all.

Bill apparated outside the tall, rickety house and gazed up at its cozy appearance. How he missed this place! A small smile formed on his lips as he reached for the doorknob before letting himself inside his childhood home.

The mouth-watering smell of freshly baked cookies wafted throughout the entire house, and Bill knew at once that his mother must be in the kitchen. He walked away from the tiny foyer and found his mother standing over a tray of treats, decorating each one with icing, sprinkles and chocolates as she flicked her wand over them.

"Mum, it smells and looks delicious!" Bill exclaimed, reaching for a star-shaped cookie.

Molly slapped his hand and said, "Wait until they've cooled!" She couldn't help but smile radiantly at her son, and she enveloped him into a warm hug.

"You don't come nearly enough," she said, scolding lightly.

"Been busy with work, you know how it is," Bill replied, grinning. "Where's Dad?"

"At work, of course," Molly answered. "Very busy as usual. Would you like some tea?"

"Love some." Bill pulled a stool over to the counter and offered to help decorate the cookies. "I heard from Charlie last week. Says he might want to come home for the holidays, maybe sooner."

"I hope sooner!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed longingly. "I wish he hadn't run off to Romania so suddenly after what happened with Helena." She paused and furrowed her forehead. "Horrible tragedy––her death, I mean. I certainly lost all liking for her after what she did to Charlie but I'm shocked and a bit saddened by her death."

Bill nodded. "I know, and it bothers me that there haven't been any leads with the investigation of her death. We all know how she died. We just don't know why or by whom." Bill sighed deeply and revealed, "I've been thinking about approaching Julian Valentine and asking him if he'd like to collaborate and conduct our own investigation of the murder. Do you think I'm crazy to even suggest it?"

"Does this mean you'll bury your childhood rivalry once and for all?"

"Doubtful," Bill admitted.

"Why is it so important for you to discover the truth behind Helena's murder?" Molly questioned.

Why? Bill pondered to himself. Because she knew so much more about Adriana's fall into darkness than I'll ever know. He didn't voice his thoughts and instead changed the subject. "How is Percy doing?"

Bloody Early Classes...
Author: Devo
Date: 12-16-03 13:20

The six Slytherins marched down the long hallways of Hogwarts, one by one they stopped and said good-bye to their fellow Slytherins as they went to their classes.

Soon Devo and Alexis were the only two left of the tiny group. "Stupid class it's so bloody early!" Devo said stomping her foot on the cool stone floor, they entered the outside path and soon found themselves walking down to Hagrid's cottage where they would be taught the first class of the year...

A Test Already?!
Author: Mary
Date: 12-16-03 14:53

A test on the first day back!? Mary glanced angrily up at Crispin who shrugged back at her.

"I can't believe it." She muttered under her breath.

"Silence, please, miss Black." Professor McGonagall chided gently.

Mary bent over her parchment. She glanced sideways at the new girl, Nora, with the pirate eye patch, and saw that she wasn't writing anything either. Mary's silver eyes then passed to Crispin's parchment, but she felt McGonagall's eyes on her and quickly turned back to her own test, scribbling something. She wasn't sure it was right, but at least it was something.

Mortimer, that hidden genius, was writing calmly and diligently. He made Mary slightly ill. She hadn't opened a book all summer.

Re: A Test Already?!
Author: Nora
Date: 12-16-03 15:11

Nora returned Mary's glanced and sighed, pushing her parchment off the desk. "Forget this! I didn't even go to this school last year! How the hell am I supposed to know what you covered last year?!"

Potions: First Years - Gryffindor and Slytherin
Author: Severus Snape
Date: 12-16-03 15:42

It was the same old routine every year.

Professor Snape strode into the room, pushing the door open so fast it nearly flew off of its hinge. The frightened Gryffindor and Slytherin first years jumped in their seats and swiveled their heads around, eyes-wide at the sight of their Potions master storming into the classroom.

"This is Potions, Gryffindor and Slytherin first years. If anyone is in the wrong class, I suggest you leave now."

No one moved.

Snape stepped up to his podium and peered down at the ashen faces of his young pupils. "You will not be using your wands in this class. Put them away."

The students didn't miss a beat. Wands vanished from the desks and disappeared from sight altogether.

"Potions is an exact art, and one I know most of you will fail to master. Nevertheless, it is my duty to instruct you in potion making," his eyes fell upon the Gryffindor named Sora Hearts, "regardless of your intelligence level."

The young boy gulped.

"I assume none of you have read the required reading for this class."

The students exchanged worried glances, and one girl mouthed "required reading?" incredulously.

"As such, I feel it necessary to punish you all with a pop quiz. Remove everything from your desks except for quill and parchment."

The students frantically followed Snape's request.

"Question one: Dried nettles, crushed snake fangs, stewed horned slugs and what other ingredient reverse the effects of the Furnunculus spell?

"Question two: Armadillo bile is an essential ingredient of what potion?

"Question three: What must one do to shrivelfigs for a Shrinking Solution to be successfully created?"

Most of the students looked absolutely dumbfounded, but a few wrote something down for each question. Snape smirked and asked for them to pass their parchments to the front of the classroom. Then, he officially began the lecture.

Potions with Snape
Author: Sora
Date: 12-16-03 15:57

Sora couldn't feel his insides. That look Professor Snape gave him was so cold. Sora felt numb. He did as Professor Snape asked the students and took out a piece of parchment and a quill. Once Sora heard the questions he was then stricken with confusion. I have no idea what he just said... I was right, I'm gunna fail!

Once Sora and the rest of his fellow classmates turned in their papers, Professor Snape begain his lecture. Sora did his best to listen to every word he said.

A Stern Warning to Nora...
Author: Prof Minerva McGonagall
Date: 12-16-03 17:16

I look up over my glasses, as the sound of the parchment hitting the floor echoes through my classroom. A crossed-armed, scowling Nora stares up at me, her test paper on the floor in front of her desk.

Without standing, I look intently at her, one eyebrow raised. "Do you wish to be the first in your house to lose points, Miss Nora Masters?" A few of the other Slytherins whisper harshly at her, though I cannot make out the words. "This test is required, no matter what school you attended last year. I strongly suggest you take up your parchment and sit quietly back in your seat. This is not a suggestion, Miss Masters. Your house's points rest in your hand now."