A Talk with the Headmaster
Author: Angelina LoganGryffindor
Date: 09-25-04 15:23

I had spotted Professor Snape leaving the Headmaster's office and wondered what was up. But still the well being of a student came first in my duties and I approached the Gryffon then held up my hands.

"Sherbet Lemon." I said and the statue moved to show the hidden staircase behind it. Stepping on a step I rode the staircase to the Headmaster's Office and knocked on the door. "Enter," a voice replied and I opened the door. I had never been in his office and only heard what the students said about it (those who did go there.) "Greetings Headmaster, I'm sorry if I am disturbing you. If you want me to come back later..."

Professor Dumbledore stood up and walked around his desk. "No, Professor Gryffindor, of course not. I always have time for the staff. Please have a seat." I sat down on the chair next to his phoenix Fawkes and saw how beautiful he was. "What seems to trouble you Angelina?" He asked and took a seat. I sighed and looked at him. "It's one of the students, Headmaster. She is not doing well. She was making high marks in Herbology but has since gone sour, since she received a letter from home. She hasn't eaten well and she has fallen asleep a lot in class. I talked to Professor McGonagall and I wanted you to know this as well. I am worried about her."

Professor Dumbledore folded his fingers and nodded. "Who is this student you are so worried about?" I looked into his eyes and sighed. "It is Miss Paul of Gryffindor. She had told me her family is in danger and that there are those who will harm them. She feels no one here can help. She has a great burden on her and I'm afraid she will hurt herself or someone else." Dumbledore looked at me with a slight note of concern on his face. "I have been reading the Muggle papers and heard of a big trial happening in London. The one who is prosecuting, it is the girl's mother?"

I nodded. "That is what she told me. Now her family has what the Muggles call bodyguards around them at all times. The child is in a right state Headmaster. Is there anything we can do to help?"

I looked at him in complete silence waiting for an answer.

Study Study Study
Author: Harry Potter
Date: 09-26-04 10:07

Like many others in the Great Hall, Harry eats a sandwich with one hand while using the other to flip pages through parchment pages and notecards and the textbook propped open above his plate. He never thought he'd be studying Potions with such fervor but NEWTs are so close and if Snape is to be believed, Harry is woefully lacking in what it will take to pass both parts of the Potions exam. Just this past Friday Snape had looked down that long nose of his, drawling, "Mr. Potter, unless you're planning to blow up the entire school I strongly suggest you pay attention to what ingredients are needed for the assigment. There is no excuse for such an idiotic mistake with a potion you learned in third year. For a moment there I thought Mr. Longbottom had returned to this class. Five points from Gryffindor."

Harry had immediately inventoried the ingredients spread before him and took a good, hard look at what was already bubbling in his cauldron. Sure enough he'd made a huge error on a relatively easy potion. A potion they were only making as part of the review for the NEWTs. Harry has no idea how he screwed up that royally. The two offensive ingredients weren't even part of that potion so why he prepared such a liberal amounts he has no clue. Obviously his thoughts were far away on something else. Harry just wishes he could remember on what.

Sighing softly, Harry turns a page in the text and reaches for another sandwich only to find himself holding a pincushion. Across from him Dean Thomas blushes though he's grinning hugely. "Sorry about that, Harry. I was turning this hedgehog back into a pincushion only I'm so tired I missed. Here, let me fix your sandwich."

Harry grins back, a moment later eating his once again sandwich, feeling a little better to know others are making odd mistakes as well.

Meet Your Captors
Author: Ethan Somerset
Date: 09-26-04 11:09

"How long are you going to keep him in this state?"

The voice belonged to a woman.

Ethan had just stirred from a deep sleep. His chin still rested against his chest and his eyes remained close, but his ears started to pick up the soft conversation going on in the chamber.

"He's waking up," said the same voice. Ethan recognized it, but felt groggy enough to be not able to place it to a name just yet.

"He looks asleep to me," came a man's voice.

"His breathing has changed."

Ethan felt a soft hand cup his chin firmly and hoist his head up. He opened his eyes and blinked. Through the blurry haze that seemed to shroud his vision Ethan saw the tall, thin figure of Morgain Noir. She raised his face to meet her eyes.

"Good afternoon, Ethan," Morgain said. She dropped her hand from his chin and walked a few steps away to stand next to the broad figure of the man.

"W-what day is it?" Ethan croaked. His mouth felt dry.

"Monday," answered the man.

"My trial is Monday, today, the 11th," Ethan managed. He blinked his eyes but still his vision wouldn't clear.

"It's Monday the 18th," came the man's response.

Ethan tried to move his hands but they were bound tightly behind his back. His shoulders and back ached. "Where am I? Where's James Yao? What have you done with him?"

The man threw back his head and laughed. Morgain smiled evilly and waited for her accomplice to speak again, who drew closer to Ethan and continued to laugh. The smell of cigar smoke assailed Ethan's nostrils. He coughed, blinked and peered into the approaching wizard's face.

"You are in an undisclosed location," stated the man with a grin on his face. "James Yao is here with you now... don't you recognize me, Ethan?"

Ethan squinted in the darkness in an attempt to focus his blurred vision. The man before him was of Asian descent, tall, middle-aged and broad-shouldered.

"No?" asked the man, when Ethan didn't answer. "Morgain, the potion if you please."

Morgain turned and fetched a flask from the rolling cart in the corner. She brought it to Ethan, uncorked it and gripped beneath his chin to raise his face to hers once more. He tried to keep his mouth shut but Morgain prevailed and dripped several sips of the liquid into his mouth. She made sure he swallowed it, then stepped back into the shadows.

Ethan blinked and felt his head and eyes clear. He looked upon the wizard. "Who are you?"

"Don't you know, Ethan?" questioned the man. "You remember a lot that you shouldn't, but frankly it hurts that you should forget a face such as mine if you're to remember anything at all."

"Kep-Tian Zhongxun." Ethan didn't really remember. He spoke the name Viktor had mentioned with the hopes it might be the right one.

Kep-Tian grinned. "Yes. You do remember." He brought his cigar to his lips. "Well, Ethan, I must say I'm disappointed that we had to meet this way, but we can't let you run to the Ministry with what you have learned and with what you are learning everyday about your past. You're of special interest to us too for all you have done. We want to know why and how it's possible, which is why you'll be our guest for as long as we need you alive."

Ethan looked from Kep-Tian to Morgain. "And where do you fit in all this?"

"That is a story for another time," Morgain replied.

"Sit tight, Ethan," Kep-Tian said. "We will talk again soon."

"Wait," Ethan said, but Kep-Tian and Morgain left the chamber without another word, leaving their captive in the dark.

More Trouble for the Ministry
Author: Viktor Krum
Date: 09-26-04 14:36

Viktor paces outside the office of Amelia Bones, located in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. As he walks back and forth waiting to be called in, Viktor once again tries to make sense of things. A week ago he'd shown up here at the Ministry for Ethan's retrial only to be told by a very surprised clerk that no trial was scheduled. Viktor had been forceful enough in his claims to the contrary that the clerk finally spoke with someone higher up. Things cascaded from there.

One person was dispatched to Azkaban to find out what the officials and staff there knew. That clerk came back with signed documents from several of the prison employees. The documents attested to the fact that Ministry attorney James Yao had been meeting with Ethan Somerset in preparation for a retrial. Mr. Yao had presented all the proper paperwork required to remove Mr. Somerset from Azkaban on Saturday the 9th, as part of the pretrial work. James Yao was then summoned to Amelia Bones's office. He denied ever having met Ethan much less know of anything about a new trial. All he knew about Somerset is what he'd heard and read when that man had turned himself in and been sent to prison.

The rest of the week certain Ministry workers attempted to track where Ethan might be. Others intensely questioned James Yao. His story held up even under the use of Veritaserum. So many employees at Azkaban swore to Yao having been there to visit Somerset that the Magical Law Enforcement people concluded Yao had indeed been there but that he'd also been telling the truth as far as he knew it because he'd been under an Imperious Curse.

It's been a week and now Viktor is waiting to see Madam Bones again. She summoned him yesterday to come today for another round of questioning. Viktor is one of only two others to have visited Ethan (Michael Turin having been once) so Madam Bones is wanting to go over with him as much as he can remember about his conversations with Ethan. She's even hinted that she'll use a pensieve to objectively view those sets of memories for anything that might be a clue.

As Viktor is called into Madam Bones's office, he thinks that it's good that at least for now Ethan is considered a kidnap victim and not an escaped prisoner.

Morning Classes
Author: Desdemona Diamond
Date: 09-26-04 15:50

I woke up this morning early, even for me. Last weekend while I was in Hogsmeade I had gotten the weirdest idea. It had been months since I made a declaration to stay awake once in History of Magic. Last weekend I had finally figured out how to do it.

I had sent an owl to my parents to go get me a thing of coffee. Of course I didn’t have a coffee machine so I would have to figure out how to make it. My mom sent me a thing of only the best, Starbucks Coffee. I had then spent last week figuring out how to brew it.

This morning I had gotten up early to brew the coffee. The smell had everyone in the dorm awake and trying to go back to sleep. I brewed several cups of coffee and downed them fairly quickly. I also quickly remembered why I don’t like coffee, it’s really bad tasting.

The coffee had worked! I was bouncing off the walls in the Great Hall during breakfast, and in class… I was awake the whole time! I’ve got the transcript that proved it, all six rolls of parchment of them. I had of course labeled them so I could easily find which one was which.

Bronwyn on the other hand didn’t see the humor in it all. She had been telling me to go to the Hospital Wing ever since the end of class. I kept trying to tell her that it was coffee, but I’m not sure it was getting through to her. All through lunch I was telling her, but she kept telling me to go to the hospital wing.

Would Be Spies
Author: Kody
Date: 09-26-04 16:28

Kody and Drake take their seats in the Charms classroom. They arrived with plenty of time to spare so sit talking, mainly about getting to stay with Professor Miller for a week over the summer. Kody had received an owl from his mother in the middle of last week giving the okay to their plans. She also wrote to Professor Miller who'd then gone this past Saturday to meet Kody's parents in person. Apparently the professor and Kody's dad had hit it off enough that next weekend Professor Miller is going to take his dad and teach him to play a Muggle game called golf.

When Emma arrives the boys' voices become hushed as Drake changes the topic of conversation to Miss Crusher. "I forgot to ask earlier. What did Emma say this morning when you talked to her?"

"Nothing. I approached her in the common room before breakfast and she actually told me to leave her alone. When I pressed, she snarled at me. I want to help but how can I when all she does is growl and snap every time I try to talk to her?"

"Yeah," is all Drake says to that.

"At one time I was hoping that by the time OWLs got here, we'd be steadies but now," with a shrug, Kody leaves the sentence hanging. Instead he says, "She's changed and not even her best friend knows what's up. Or if Ariana does, she's not talking."

"Ariana told me Emma hardly speaks to her either."

"Maybe we need to do some snooping. It's going behind Emma's back but could be that's what it will take to show her that friends can help if given a chance."

Professor Flitwick enters just then so all Drake can do as class starts is nod in agreement. As the good professor conducts a review of some of the charms that might be part of the OWLs, both Kody and Drake start thinking of ways to pry into Emma's business without her knowing.

The Headmaster's Reply
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 09-26-04 16:34

After a quiet morning in the office, tinkering with one and another of my wizarding artifacts, the afternoon had become rather busy. First, Minerva stopped by with a list of potential graduates. As she explained, the list was tentative, pending the outcome of the NEWT's.

She had not been gone more than five minutes when Severus arrived with a list of potion ingredients we seemed to be running short of. He was at somewhat of a loss to explain the abnormal consumption of these specific materials since, together they did not add up to any usable potion that either of us was familiar with. After sending him off with approval to purchase supplemental supplies, I returned to my tinkering.

I just barely had time to sit down at my desk, when Angelina appeared with a problem. I heard her out and then pondered the situation for several minutes.

Finally, Fawkes breaks my reverie with a loud squawk! "Yes!" I reply, gathering my thoughts. "This trial you speak of... I assume it is a purely Muggle affair. None of the Wizarding community is involved?"

"I believe that's true," Angelina responds. "Since I've seen nothing in the Prophet and heard nothing of it on the WWNN *, I must assume that is the case. Miss Paul was not specific on that point."

"Well then!" I begin. "If that is truly the case, there is very little we can do about the situation. I'm sure you are aware that the Wizards Code of Ethics prevents us from meddling in purely Muggle matters. Not to mention all the foolish rules and regulations the Ministry has set down in the past few years."

I pause for a moment while Londy sets out tea for the two of us. Seeing the disheartened expression on Angelina's face, I feel compelled to offer some little hope. "We could, of course, put a couple of friends on the case. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have an impartial observer in the courtroom... just in case there is trouble of some sort. We could also have someone keep an eye on Miss Paul's father. I think I know just the pair."

Angelina smiles a smile of relief. "I'll go have a talk with Miss Paul, and let her know we are at least doing something."

Having both finished with our tea, leaving nothing but empty cups and crumbs, she rises and I walk with her to the door. "You might keep an eye on Miss Paul," I suggest. "If she continues with this behavior, you might consider having Madam Pomfrey take a look at her."

Angelina thanks me for my time and steps onto the moving stairs. She wobbles a moment before catching her balance, just like everyone on their first trip up to see me. I walk away quickly, pretending I didn't see, but grinning all the way back to my desk. Londy POPS in to clear away the tea things. "Will there be anything else?" she asks.

"Please come back in about half an hour. I will have a couple of messages for you to take to the Owlery." She nods and POPS back out of the office, and I attend to my writing.

*WWNN = "Wizarding Wireless Nightly News"

It's OWL In Your Head
Author: Plum
Date: 09-26-04 18:40

As the fifth year Hufflepuffs and Slytherins settle into their seats for Transfiguration, Anthony Beck pulls out a list he's been making. "Do you think banishing charms will be on the practical? Professor Flitwick told me my aim's worse than Neville Chamberlin's was and rumor has it Neville's aim was bloody awful."

Kelly Green, sitting to directly in front of Plum, turns around to speak with Anthony on Plum's left. "I heard that sometimes they make you summon an object then turn around and have you banish it."

Nodding in agreement Plum joins in. "I've heard the same thing. I've also heard from a number of older students that Cheering charms tend to be on both the written and the practical."

"For Transfiguration I heard guinea fowl into guinea hens is a big favorite," chimes in David Morrison.

Stuffing his list back in his book satchel Anthony asks, "Do you think Professor McGonagall is going to make us learn something new today? Drake Bennett told me he heard that almost all the professors are mainly doing review between now and the OWLs. That's how it was today in Care of Magical Creatures and in Herbology. I sure hope that's the case here because I don't know if my brain can handle learning something new to transfigure."

Plum tilts her head towards the door as Professor McGonagall enters. "I guess we're about to find out."

Educating Adam
Author: Darius Sparrow
Date: 09-27-04 04:55

"Daddy, what are you doing here?"

The question was more an accusation than anything else.

"Please don't start anything. Its been so nice here with Adam and Sidi. We'd like it to stay that way." She sipped her coffee and cast a warning glance over the mug.

"It's great to see you again as well Genesis.!"

Darius scowled when met by his daughter's impertenance. Their almost-reunion during the Hogsmeade weekend had been interrupted by a Hogsmeade version of a pager going off. Horatia had sent an owl and Darius had apparated instantly to deal with a political emergency at St. Claires. He wondered if she had any clue that he'd visited his son and shrew-in-law frequently and was quite welcomed in their home ...more or less.

"For your information luv, I am no stranger to Pots & Pages."

Genesis made and effort to look unimpressed. "Why? Why Pots & Pages? You never visited him in Montego Bay. So, um, why now??"

Adam sensed a war. Genny was Darius' favorite. She knew that and actually loved her father dearly. It empowered her to stand up to him whenever she felt the need. Apparently she felt the need. Genesis would draw blood for Adam and he knew it.

"Genny Genny Genny!!" He wheeled himself out and around the counter. "Isn't it nice Dad came to visit? I'm so glad you both were here together! Right Sidi?"

Sidi glared.

Darius grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and pulled Adam back then with a flick of his wand sent him off rolling rather precariously toward the closed front door.

"Daaaaaaaad!" Adam could hear his father laughing as he was about to go sailing through the glass door for a second time in a year.

Darius chuckled, thoroughly amused to see Adam, off like a shot and as usual acting so like a muggle....perhaps squib-like better described the disgraceful behavior.

"I dare say you'd better do something quick Adam."

Genesis, not finding the scenerio amusing at all, already had her wand out.

"Expelliarmus." Her father caught the renegade wand. Yet another chuckle escaped him when her face blazed and with a deep breath opened her mouth. He thrust his finger in her direction.

"Uh Uh! The Cruciatus Curse is unforgiveable!"

Educating Adam
Author: Adam Sparrow
Date: 09-27-04 15:44

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Adam yelled as the door came closer and closer.

He yelled out the "breaking charm."

"Fool! That only works for brooms!" Darius bellowed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Adam's hand whipped out, releasing a jet of sparks as he yelled "The door opening charm" and the door opened.

Darius lean back against the counter sipping a triple latte. "I knew you could do it."

Genny looked out the door. Adam was zooming down the street, making up spells that he hoped would work to stop the chair.


"Dad...He's not stopping!! Give me my wand!!"

St. Mungo's Director of Staff and Head Administrator looked out from behind her.

He handed Genesis her wand back. Armed with the wand, her hand shot out. "Immobulus!"

Adam stopped and took a breath and finally tried unsuccessfully to turn around and start back home.

"The boy is a damned nuisance! Finite Incantatem!"

Adam's chair was released and he was able to start pushing himself back up the street.

Darius, impatient for his arrival flicked the wand one more time. "Mobilitotalis."

Adam and his chair levitatated just a bit above the ground and returned to Pots & Pages.

"Finite Incantatem," he mumbled then proceeded to push himself into the shoppe and transferred himself to the couch. He looked up excitedly to no one in particular.

"Do you think I could get a wand?"

Taking Action
Author: Julian Valentine
Date: 09-27-04 19:16

Julian, leaning against the wall behind the counter with arms crossed, states with only a hint of emotion, "I'm going to do it. Today."

Lysander, counting out money from the register for a midday deposit at Gringotts, looks up briefly. "Good! You've put it off far too long though I very much understand why that is."

Lys hands Julian the money bag. "Go make the deposit first then take however much time you need."

Taking the bag, Julian heads off to the bank, using the walk to once again go over the little speech he's had prepared for several months now. After making the deposit, Julian shoves the now empty bag into one of his many robe pockets, takes a deep breath and marches to the bakery. Upon entering, he sees Maggie working the front. He approaches.

"Is Briar here yet?"

"Hi, Mr. Valentine. Briar's in the kitchen."

Julian thanks her then breezes past, pushing open the kitchen door to find Briar manually punching recently risen bread dough. He drawls, "The Wizarding way is much quicker, easier, and not so hard on the hands."

Briar, a dusting of flour across her nose, looks up from her task. She gives a shrug but doesn't stop what she's doing. "You know I've always preferred hands on cooking. What do you want, Julian?"

"Shared custody of Grace or I'll fight you for full custody."

Briar goes stock still though only for the space of a blink. She quickly finishes getting the bread dough ready to rise again then steps away from the work table, wiping her hands on her apron. She absent mindedly pushes back a stray curl and brushes at the flour on her nose before looking him straight in the eyes. "What makes you think Grace is yours?" Her tone is just shy of being defiant.

"I've suspected for a long time now. You can continue to deny it and we have a long drawn out battle resulting in being embarassed to be caught in a lie, possibly charged with lying to the court, and helping to make a better case for me to take full custody. Or"

"Or I admit it now and agree to your terms. I suppose it's in Grace's best interests not to go to court on this. Have your solicitor draw up papers and send them to me. I'll read over them and if I agree, I'll sign."

"And if you don't agree?"

"Then we sit down with your solicitor and mine and figure out whatever compromises are needed."

"She'll take my last name."


"May I see her now?"

"She's napping but come back in about an hour and you can take her for a walk. Grace quite likes being strolled around town. She especially likes watching the little waterfall in Maisie's and Minnie's front yard."

Julian nods, thinking this has gone much better than expected. Deciding it's best to leave while things are going so well, Julian says, "See you in about an hour then."

As he's pushing on one of the kitchen's swinging doors, Briar quietly, firmly, and very emphatically states, "If you try to pull something like vanishing with her, I will find you, Julian."

The underlying threat doesn't have to be voiced. Julian just nods then takes his leave knowing he's got an ace up his sleeve should Briar decide to give him any grief over the custody. A little card named Rosalyn Burnshire.

Author: Angelina LoganGryffindor
Date: 09-28-04 05:13

I knew the Headmaster was right. It was strictly a Muggle affair, but the welfare of one of our students was where my main concern was. But after tea and talk he agreed to see to it for a little bit of help. Who it was or what it was he did not say, for he was going out on a perpetutal limb for this and I knew he was taking a risk, as was I.

"You might keep an eye on Miss Paul," he suggested. "If she continues with this behavior, you might consider having Madam Pomfrey take a look at her." I nodded in agreement, though the girl would be quite difficult about it. I wondered about talking to the Gryffindor prefects and the Head Girl about this, so they can keep an eye on her if any trouble arises.

I managed a small smile and thanked the Headmaster for letting me talk to him. I left the room and put a foot on the steps, losing my balance for a moment. Going up was easy but going down got me. I made it to the hallway below and quickly went to my offices. "Twinkle, Twinkle, a word please." I said as I entered my office and sat down.

I began to write some notes to Miss Paul, the Gryffindor prefects and to the Head Girl. As I wrote a small pop sounded and a very small house elf stood before me bowing. "Yes Professor Gryffindor Miss, how can Twinkle help?" I sealed the notes and handed them to her. "Please give these to the following people and make sure they go to the right people." Twinkle nodded and left.

That was a few days ago. I sent a message to Miss Paul, who was aprehensive, but I told her it concerned the safety of her parents and herself and left it at that. She seemed to brighten up and went to her class.

Fears Allayed
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 09-28-04 12:08

Having done my best to calm Professor Logan (I still have trouble thinking of her as a Gryffindor), I dashed off a pair of notes to two members of The Order, requesting a little "assistance". Fletcher owled back just this morning, that he would be able to shadow the girl's father. Tonks replied via "fire-talk" that she was tied down with Ministry work, but promised to enlist the aid of a VERY good friend! He has, she told me, a great interest in the Muggle legal system, and would welcome a chance to "observe".

With that behind me, I return to my "tinkering". I have had this one particular device for over forty years, and still have not discovered its purpose. Seven golden balls, mounted on a framework of wires which seem to be connected at random intervals. The balls are able to slide along the wires with the mere touch of a finger, until they hit one of the junctions. At that point, there is a slight bit of resistance, then the ball will continue on its original path, or slip over onto one of the branching wires. The strange thing is, if I push a ball onto a wire segment which is already occupied, the original ball will go "skittering" off to a new place in the network.

Years ago, I discovered the secret of HOW they manage that trick. The balls are not truly solid, although they feel hard and round and smooth to the touch. They are instead, a type of very thick liquid metal which, because of it's special properties, draws itself up into a ball. Another of the special properties is that each of the "balls" repels ALL of the others. Almost like matching poles on magnets. The closer they are together, the greater the force to keep them apart. I have tried blocking the progress of one ball and then pushing another up close. Even using all my strength, I cannot force them to less than half their diameter of each other.

For several weeks now, I have been trying to puzzle out the WHY of this thing. I feel there must be some purpose behind it. It's much to complex and involved to be a mere bauble or a child's plaything. I sit at my desk, pushing the balls about the network... trying new paths and patterns, and taking careful notes as I go along.

Push, turn and jot. Push, turn and jot. Quite suddenly, all of the balls start moving at once. The wires seem to be vibrating, giving off a humming sound like a hive of contented bees. Above the hum, I clearly hear Professor Logan's voice. Looking about the office, I see that I am still quite alone. I listen to a complete reprise of her concerns regarding Miss Paul. There is a pause, then I hear my own voice, replying to her request for assistance.

Strange! VERY strange! I seem to have acquired some sort of a recording device!

Author: Ethan Somerset
Date: 09-28-04 12:16

"We are considering giving you more comfortable quarters," Kep-Tian said as he came up behind Ethan. He brushed passed his captive and approached the table against the wall, where a series of parchments were stacked. "But that all depends on your cooperation," the Death Eater finished, when he turned around with a few of the leaves in hand.

"What is considered comfortable quarters?" Ethan asked, failing to hide the hint of sarcasm that laced his question.

"What you're long since used to, of course. A cell, a cot, a latrine. Room to stand and stretch your legs. Really, you must be aching sitting in that chair for so long."

Ethan made no comment and glared.

"Well, let us get started." Kep-Tian pulled a stool over to where Ethan sat and climbed upon it. He took the first piece of parchment in hand and skimmed it silently to himself.

"What, pray tell, are we starting, and what is that you're reading?" Ethan asked, his patience wearing thin.

"This is an interrogation, Ethan, surely you are familiar with what that entails," Kep-Tian answered, somewhat condescendingly. "And this," he shook the parchment in his hand, "is a part of my notes."


"From my visits with you at Azkaban. You'll recall we discussed a great deal about your memories?"

Ethan let this information sink in. Kep-Tian had used his James Yao identity as a ploy to milk Ethan for everything he could remember... everything he wasn't supposed to remember.

"Why is that information so important to you?"

"Now, now. I'm the one that's supposed to be asking the questions here, not you. Now, tell me Ethan. Tell me exactly what you can remember about your transformation."

"It's all there in your notes, isn't it?" Ethan spat. "Why should I have to repeat myself?"


Ethan grimaced as pain ripped through his spine.

Morgain Noir stepped forward from where she stood behind his chair with an evil grin on her face.

"Play nice, or I'll play rough. What's it going to be, Ethan?"