Schedule for Astronomy this Term
Author: Belladonna
Date: 01-13-02 00:19


M midnight years 1-5 G&H

T midnight years 1-5 S&R

W midnight years 6&7 S&R

TH midnight years 6&7 G&H

All students are to dress warmly, wear shoes suitable for walking, and please inform house heads of class participation so as not to force me to explain late arrivals.

An Early Morning Fly
Author: Adriana Fairchild
Date: 01-24-02 06:42

Adriana woke with a start, hoping that last night's occurrences had just been a dream. But they hadn't been. It was the fifth night this month that these whisperings had plagued her. She could still her the awful voice cry Adriana...Adriana...

She shook her head of these thoughts, dressed quickly, and headed down to the Quidditch pitch, for flying lesson number two.

Oliver Wood was already there, waiting. "Good morning, Miss Fairchild, did yeh sleep well?"

You have no idea thought Adriana, but she smiled and nodded instead.

Handing her a broom, Wood winked at Adriana, "Yer first lesson went very well...are yeh sure yeh haven't flown before?"

"Well, yes, lots of times." Adriana answered flatly. "You know, in...airplanes."

Wood shook his head, "Those metals contraptions look dangerous ta me. Yeh couldn't pay me ta set foot in one of those."

Adriana was about to comment how unsafe she thought it was to ride hundreds of feet above the earth on a little stick, but then thought better of it. She stood to the left of her broom and commanded "up!"

As she mounted her broom, Wood smiled. "Now don'cha worry, Miss Fairchild. We'll just a take a quick trip over the forest and have yeh back before yer eight o'clock class.

"Thanks," smiled Adriana. They flew for about a half and hour, and this time, instead of being scared out of her wits, she was actually enjoying herself. When it was over, Adriana thanked Oliver and headed up to the castle for her first class of the week. Finally, she had something to look forward to. This week she was having her students read Shakespeare.

As she walked up the hill, the wind blew past her ear. Adriana... She thought she heard it. But she was just imagining things, for the whispers that haunted her came only at night.

8 AM Secrets in Transfigurations Class
Author: Hermione Granger
Date: 01-24-02 11:21

Harry sat in between Ron and Hermione during Transfigurations class with a knowing smile on his face. He knew it would be a matter of time before his two best friends would get together. Ron had already admitted his feelings about Hermione to Harry a couple weeks ago, now he was just waiting for Hermione to spill her feelings about Ron. If they didn't come clean to each other soon, Harry just might have to play matchmaker.

As Hermione took notes, her mind wandered to Harry. She was still waiting to find out what his big secret was. It had been a month and a half since Harry's fainting spell, and he had promised afterall to tell her and Ron what was wrong. He has to come clean before something more terrible happens, she thought to herself.

She sighed quietly and took out a clean sheet of paper and began to sketch out a diagram, which Prof. McGonagall had drawn up on the blackboard. Her thoughts drifted to Ron as she drew, and she found herself drawing little hearts on the parchment. She blushed when she realized what she was doing and scratched out the drawings before folding the paper in half and tucking it between the pages of her Transfiguration book.

8 AM Secrets in Divination Class
Author: Isolde
Date: 01-24-02 12:00

Isolde and Azaelia slipped into their seats in the Divinations classroom. Both girls were less than eager for the class to begin and could hardly keep their eyes open.

"It's too damn early," Isolde grumbled, resting her head on her arms.

Azaelia nodded in agreement and stifled a yawn. "Where's Pyrrhus?' she asked, looking around the room for him.

Isolde felt her cheeks grow hot, so she kept her head down and answered hastily, "I wouldn't know!" It had been two weeks since their first kiss, and she still was unable to tell her cousin about it. Since that kiss, Pyrrhus and Isolde had found themselves making out behind columns in the castle, behind trees on the grounds...anywhere out of sight from other students.

"Whoa! Freak out, why don't you!" Azaelia folded her arms and mumbled, "Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed."

Isolde raised her head and rolled her eyes, changing the subject. "So, you never did tell me what you did after you left me at Hogsmeade."

This time Azaelia blushed. "Oh, I just went to The Three Broomsticks and had a drink or two...alone." She avoided eye contact with her cousin and instead found herself staring at a tea leaf, which Prof. Trelawney had just placed on her desk.

"Oh, really? A pretty, single girl sitting at a bar alone?" Isolde raised a brow and smirked, "I don't think so. Who was he?"

Azaelia opened her mouth to respond, but luckily Pyrrhus' arrival saved her from making some lame excuse. "Hey Py!" she exclaimed, waving him over.

"Hey ladies," he smiled at Azaelia and Isolde, and took a seat at a neighboring desk.

Isolde squirmed in her seat a little, directing her attention to the tea leaf on her desk, while thinking about where the closest empty classroom was...

Perfect in Every Possible Way
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst
Date: 01-24-02 15:04

"It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?" Bronwyn threw open the curtains in the dorm room, much to the disagreement of all the sleeping roommates.

"Rise and shine! It's Monday!"

She proceeded to pull back the covers from each sleeping girls' bed, but when she got to Kendra's, she had to struggle. Kendra clamped her hands onto the comforter and refused to let go.

"Now, come on Kendra. It's 8 AM, we have Transfigurations in one hour." Bronwyn pulled with all her might, but was unable to remove the blanket from Kendra's bed.

"Just five more minutes," Kendra mumbled.

"You know, for someone who's practically the perfect person, you sure like to sleep late."

She heard Kendra giggle at that remark. Bronwyn admired Kendra for the person she was. Her best friend was bright, hardworking, and would no doubt be successful in life. There wasn't anything she hadn't attempted that she couldn't handle. Well, talking to boys was the only thing she couldn't do well. Her cheeks would turn as red as a tomato and her heart would beat so loud one would think a bass drum was being played somewhere. Kendra's good habits kept Bronwyn on the path to success. Therefore, Bronwyn found her best friend to be perfect in every possible way, save those sleeping habits of hers.

"Someone who's practically the perfect person, eh?" Kendra climbed out of bed and laughed.

Bronwyn smiled, "Well, I think so anyway."

Cheery Morning
Author: Nessiah Wenton
Date: 01-24-02 17:46

Around 8 AM Monday morning, Nessiah opened her eyes to sunlight shining into through the window. She had a smile on her face as she climbed out of bed.

"G'morning!" she said to all her roommates, who sort of grumbled a 'mornin' as they pulled their comforters over their faces. Nessiah laughed. "Oh come on...I know some of you have class today!"

"Oh quiet, Nessi!" was the response she got. "Jus' cause you don't got class..."

Nessiah just smiled and threw the curtains open. She proceeded to get dressed before leaving the house. She laughed as she heard her friends grumbling...How Nessi can be so cheery every mornin' is beyond me...

After leaving the Hufflepuff house, Nessiah went to the Great Hall to grab a bite to eat before heading outside and sitting by the lake. Having no classes that morning, and having her homework done, there wasn't much for her to do.

The Cottage
Author: Briar Rose
Date: 01-24-02 17:56

Briar pokes her head out of the bakery kitchen long enough to establish that the morning rush is well under control. In the two weeks since the grand opening, since becoming so easily unnerved by one friendly, old woman's casual comments and by one intense, young man's simple questions, Briar has stayed close to the bakery. She makes periodic rounds to the tables inside and out to greet customers but for the most part Briar rarely strays from the kitchen. The only times she's seen either Bill or Charlie Weasley have been the few occassions one or both have come into the shop. In the instances when Briar was in the dining and service areas, she quickly found some reason to retreat back to the kitchen.

Briar is starting to feel cooped up so after catching one employee's eye, Briar motions that she's taking a break outside. Briar steps outside into the cool, crisp October morning air and starts walking without any real destination in mind. After seemingly meandering aimlessly for awhile, Briar stops and really looks at where her feet, and her subconscious, have led her.

Briar stands in a small clearing not far from town. Directly in front of her, surrounded in a light, morning mist, the delapidated frame of a cottage slightly lists pathetically to one side. Briar had been expecting the cottage to be run down after years of abandonment but the falling down state comes as a shock. Briar sinks down to sit on tree stump taking in the scene before her. Charring on the right side of the house indicates fire touched the cottage though if that night or at some later time Briar can't be sure. Every window she can see has at most a few shards of glass hanging at odd angles. Only patches of roof are still visible. The front door seems to be hanging so precariously from one hinge, Briar is sure that the next good burst of wind will send it crashing down. With a heavy hearted sigh, Briar pushes herself up from the stump and slowly approaches.

Stepping onto the broken, uneven path to the house, Briar's memory calls up images of a neatly cobbled walkway of grey and black stones flanked by a profusion of whatever flowers and shubs were in season. The two steps up to small porch seem to Briar to take hours rather than a few short seconds. She pauses at the threshhold, eyeing the dented and cracked door that in her mind's eye used to be a bright, cheery blue. Carefully moving so as not to ruin the fragile balance of the hanging door, Briar steps into what used to be a cozy living room.

Stepping over furniture that appears to have been deliberately ripped apart and the shattered remains of knick knacks that used to grace tables and shelves, Briar moves toward the short hallway and comes to stop in the doorway of a small bedroom. As with the living room, the furniture here has been broken and gutted. Littered around the room are pieces of toys smashed by angry hands.

Briar walks to the far corner and kneels down. She removes debris from one area, disturbing some small mice making their home in a bit of bed stuffing. Next she works loose a piece of the molding at the base of the wall and then pulls up the floorboard. With great care Briar lifts the wooden doll from its resting place. After years of being hidden under the floor, the doll's dress is falling apart in spots but the doll herself is just as Briar remembers.

As Briar walks back through the house only then does she see the some of the walls are covered in graffiti. Much has faded with age but she can make out enough of what's written to get the gist of the hate-filled messages. Suddenly as weary as if she'd walked for days with no rest, Briar walks without thought, doll held tightly in one hand, back outside to the stump to sit once more.

Monday Morning Ha's
Author: Pyrrhus
Date: 01-24-02 22:14

Pyrrhus took a seat near the girls, grinning at how cute Isolde is when she's got the tiniest bit of a blush on her cheeks. But then, she's cute when she's not blushing, when she's laughing, when she's angry, and so very cute when she's scheming. With it being Monday and with it being the dreadfully stuffy (and weirdly smelling) Divinations class, Py makes it through the hour by stealing looks at Isolde and thinking about when they might have a chance to be alone again.

Py also spends a little time thinking about how well things have gone with the scheme against Majandra. A pattern had developed in when she was falling out of love with one mark and into love with another so Isolde, Azaelia, and Pyrrhus had not done anything in the two weeks since Majandra stopped thinking that Peevesie Poo was her one true love. Today though... today was the day sister dear would find herself in love again. Then there's Py's scheme against Granger. If all goes well, Clara and Tempest will be pulling it off this week. Py finds it difficult to keep from snickering aloud as he goes over everything in his head. Another glance at Isolde as well as at Azealia and Py can tell they're also thinking of more devilish things than the newest melodramatic divination being made by Trelawney.

The three practically bolt down the trapdoor when class is over, glad to be away from the stifling confines of Trelawney's classroom and eager to get to Transfiguration in time to see Majandra. They round the corner of the hallway to the Transfiguration classroom just in time for Py to accidently bump into his sister. "Oh, sorry. Gotta rush to make it on time from Divination. Just didn't see you."

Majandra simply nods and in her own rush to be elsewhere, hurries off without a word. Py and the two girls exchange grins as they enter the classroom. All three can't wait to see how Dobby's going to react when he soon learns he's got a new fan.

"Get up!"
Author: Sykra Sawyer
Date: 01-24-02 23:38

"Sykra...UP!" was the first thing the young Ravenclaw heard Monday morning.

"Go away..." was the response Cho got.

"'re gonna be late for History of Magic if you don't get up!"


Cho sighed, then grinned. "If you don't get up now you're going to miss breakfast..." Sykra was out of bed within the next few seconds.

"That's not fair..." Sykra had a playful scowl on her face. "You always get me out of bed..."

"I just know you too well!" Cho laughed at her friend. "Now Hurry!" With that Cho went to the common room. Grumbling, Sykra got dressed and followed.

"Mornin' girls..." She collapsed on the floor in front of the chairs Aradia and Cho had been sitting in.

Aradia rolled her eyes. "Mornin' Sykra" And with that Cho and Aradia pulled Sykra to her feet and dragged her to the Great Hall for a quick breakfast before heading to class.

8 AM Charm-ing Notes
Author: Clara Devaki
Date: 01-25-02 00:09

Clara and Tempest hurried to Charms the next morning after a quick breakfast. They took the usual seats next to each other. After a few minutes Tempest passed Clara a note.

You never did tell me 'bout what happened with you and Draco after I got you two alone...

Clara read the note, shook her head, and replied.

All we did after you ditched me was go sit in The Three Broomsticks, drink butterbeer an' talk. Nothing big...

Tempest read the reply.

But what did you two talk about? Oh and I DIDN'T ditch you.

Clara laughed.

Wouldn't you like to know? And yes, you did!

Clara had to try her hardest not to laugh at Temp's reactions. So, she sent another note.

Anyways....don't forget...tomorrow...heh heh

Tempest grinned at this note.

Oh, I won't...

Re: Secrets in Transfigurations Class
Author: H Potter
Date: 01-25-02 10:29

Harry sat between Hermione and Ron in Transfigurations class. They were acting strange as usual. Harry tried to pay attention to McGonagall but the weekend trip to Hogsmeade was unforgettable. All the kissing and emotional drama and odd feelings was so unlike the Hogsmeade trips of the past. Everyone was growing up and things would never be the same...something just then halted Harry's thoughts...

He saw Hermione drawing hearts and a name that looked like Ron's! Before Harry could see any more, Hermione tucked the paper back into her book. Harry was about to do something he would later regret. Harry chuckled loudly as Prof. McGonagall was teaching!


Harry began to blink nervously.

Soon the Ravenclaws were smiling and the Gryffindors were frowning at Harry.


Harry could only say, "Erm...Erm."

McGonagall took off her glasses and said, "Mr. Potter, I'm very disappointed in you! I have no choice but to take five points from Gryffindor! I suggest you don't try me further!"

Hermione gave Harry that "It's your fault" look.

Harry whispered, "It's your fault, Hermione! I saw what you drew!"

Ron interrupted, "Can we continue this in the common room before we lose any more points?!"

Everyone agreed.

Not Just Another Monday
Author: Majandra
Date: 01-25-02 10:38

Majandra hurries back to her room after Transfiguration. She doesn't have class again until Ancient Runes at ten but since getting over the crush on Peeves she's been spending most of her time on her bed with the curtain pulled. When not there, she's outside alone somewhere away from the laughing stares of others.

Majandra concentrates on an essay due that week in History of Magic but her mind starts drifting to ideas for socks she could knit. She mutters to herself to stay focused but by the time Majandra is heading down to Ancient Runes class all she can think about is making socks for Dobby.

After Ancient Runes there are three hours before Defense Against the Dark Arts. Rather than even taking a few minutes to get lunch, Majandra spends the entire time sitting on her bed knitting one chartreuse sock with magenta stars and one that's alternating stripes of day-glo yellow and neon blue all for that cute Dobby Wobby.

10-11 AM Love in Herbology Class
Author: Fred Weasley
Date: 01-25-02 11:25

Fred and Sammi had been going steady for two whole weeks and two days by the time Monday, the 16th of October rolled around. After Sammi's Ancient Runes class, Fred and George escorted her to Herbology class. Fred was ecstatic. He hadn't felt so good in years, not that he every truly felt bad. He had a good life. A great family and wonderful friends...a promising career in joke merchandise. But now, he had a beautiful girl by his side. A girl who made him feel as if he were the luckiest man on earth.

Fred and Sammi held hands as they walked out to the greenhouse. The air was crisp, and there was a slight wind.

"'s getting cold out 'ere," George commented, wrapping his arms around himself. "I think winter will be 'ere soon."

The trio stepped into the greenhouse, and immediately started to thaw out a bit.