Of All Days...
Author: Mary
Date: 05-04-03 15:24

Mary lay curled up in the fetal position on her four poster, eyes squeezed shut with pain. She felt like her stomach was filled to bursting with broken glass and thought her head might explode any moment. She would have dragged herself to the hospital wing if she thought she could move at all.

Of all days to be sick, it has to be Christmas! Mary thought mournfully. Chrismas dinner was happening that very moment, and she was missing out on the fabulous desserts.

Three agonizing hours later, the mysterious illness stopped just as suddenly as it had begun.

Although she could never be sure what happened that day, Mary's dislike for her sister increased considerably, and she put extra special care in her plans for the perfect revenge.

Christmas with my "Family"
Author: Nevvyn
Date: 05-04-03 16:29

Christmas morning dawned bright and clear. A light dusting of new snow covered everything in sight. From the front windows of the shop, the pristine blanket of white was unblemished, up, down, and across the narrow width of High Street. And, it was likely to stay that way, as everyone was indoors, enjoying their own celebrations. Which, in fact, we were about to do, ourselves.

I turn from my contemplations at the window, to be confronted by three smiling faces. "Well Lads! Are the dishes done up already?"

"And put away in their proper place," says Tom, with an extra-wide grin.

"Well, then! Let's be at those presents, shall we?" Before I can take another breath, the three Toms are racing each other to the back of the shop and into our living quarters. The normal, slow-burning peat fire has been supplanted by a cheerily blazing Yule Log. The tree, smallish but adequate for our needs, sits well back from the blaze. The sitting room is gaily decorated with various Holiday offerings, and the tree twinkles brightly through the judicious application of "fairy lights". A steaming mug of tea in my hand, I take my place in the big chair, which is drawn up close to the tree and the pile of presents beneath.

My Toms arrange themselves in a half-circle, as close to the tree as they can get without upsetting it. I summon the first round of gifts, three long cylindrical tubes, handing one to each of the lads. They hurriedly strip away the bright wrappings to find three different magical wall posters of Captain Electron and The Boomers. these are greeted with shouts of delight. Each is taken from one of his concerts in the Wizarding World, such that the backgrounds are different. And each has a musi-spell such that it plays a different tune. Fortunately, I had the forethought to ask the vendor to set the loudness to "LOW".

Next, it is my turn. Tom hand me a neatly-wrapped, rectangular package. Upon opening it, I find a copy of "Wizarding Through the Ages" with magical paintings of many of the famous (and infamous) Witches and Warlocks of history. "Thank you, Lads. This is, indeed, a marvelous gift."

And so it goes, back and forth, round-about. Most of the gifts are just between us, with only a few coming from far-off places. One, sent to me from an old business associate who had relocated to India, was a large wooden flute. A note attached simply said, "Just wanted to see how a pentatonic flute would sound in a largely diatonic Caileidh! Merry Christmas, Max". Well, we would have to give it a try. I have been trying to get the Lads back to their Celtic roots by gifting them with tin-whistles for each, a bodhran, a squeeze-box accordion, and a small harp. Tom is only slightly disappointed that the bodhran would not make all the strange sounds of the one belonging to Freddie Phelan. Howsoever, we are soon inundated with a barrage of tootles and tweets and raps and taps and wheezes. And thus we pass the rest of Christmas morning... and a goodly part of the afternoon.

The Holidays Weasley Style
Author: Blossom
Date: 05-04-03 19:49

Blossom oohs and ahs along with the others at the Burrow as each gift is opened. Dragons seem to be a definite theme for a number of the gifts. In addition to the dragon bookends from the Twins, Charlie receives an intricately detailed pewter dragon crouching on a jagged looking piece of dark granite full of sparkling crystals of smoky, topaz colored quartz. From Bill, George receives the figure of a stalking Chinese Fireball dragon and for Fred there is one of a crouching Chinese Fireball, the scarlet and gold on each glint fiery in the light and when learning each figure glows in the dark, the Twins promptly ran into a closet, shutting the door tightly. After yips of delight emanate from the closet, the Twins insist on everyone taking turns viewing their figurines in the dark.

Once a return to the normal chaos of the morning, to Blossom the laughter seems non-stop as various gifts from the Twins are opened. Everyone but Percy giggles gleefully at the clock Fred gave him for his office. Every time a person gets close to the clock to check its time, the little owl on top spits crackers in the person's face. Even Percy laughs though when Bill opens his own gift from Fred only to be squirted in the face with water from the trunk of the beautifully carved Mandarin ivory elephant.

When it comes time for Fred to open the two gifts she gave him, Blossom holds her breath, hoping he likes each. The first is a picture of the two of them together, in costume, at the Halloween party. Fred promptly announces he loves it and leans over to kiss her. When he opens the second present, Fred goes silent, gives Blossom another longer, deeper kiss, then reveals to everyone else a copper colored wallet made from the hide of a Peruvian Vipertooth dragon.

It's a short while later when Blossom is taking a sip of mulled, spiced cider that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley open the gifts she brought them. For Mrs. Weasley there is a brightly colored, hand woven Navaho shawl and for Mr. Weasley a copy of the Muggle book, The Way Things Work by David Macauley. After hugging Blossom and thanking her, Mrs. Weasley hands Blossom a gift. Not expecting a gift from anyone other than Fred, Blossom is pleased even before she unwraps her present to find a knitted, orchid colored jumper. Proclaiming she loves the sweater, Blossom immediately puts it on, as pleased as Mrs. Weasley that it's a perfect fit.

The best gift of all though is the one from Fred. Blossom can find no words. All she can do is sniffle and try not to cry while trying to get her mouth working to thank Fred for such a gorgeous gift. The glass carriage reminds Blossom of one out of a Muggle fairy tale. The carriage is complete with prancing, neighing glass horses whose manes and bridles gleam with gold.

The tiny figures inside the carriage wave and smile, the woman's ball gown of rose colored glass with gold trim. The buttons and boots of the man inside the carriage, the coachman and the footman are also of the same gleaming gold. Sitting in the Weasley's living room, her eyes bright with tears, the noise level that of a dull roar, Blossom can think of no better place on earth to spend Christmas day.

Visions of Sugarplums
Author: Viktor Krum
Date: 05-05-03 09:19

Fairly early Christmas morning, Viktor had donned Harry's invisibility cloak and headed to Hogsmeade. He didn't take it off again until safely inside Sirius's. The morning is spent in good company, including the house elves Dobby and Winky.

Sirius is in and out of the kitchen, seeing to the cooking of the meal. Viktor finds it interesting that one of the hobbies Sirius has taken up now that he's a free man is cooking. All those years at Azkaban eating tasteless mush followed by a few years of living on rats and bugs and whatever he and Buckbeak could scrounge, caused Sirius take an interest in the culinary arts. He even keeps a garden magically charmed with perfect weather all year round so that he can have fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs on a daily basis. Based on the aromas wafting in from the kitchen, Viktor is eager to sample every single dish Sirius is whipping up. Viktor is also looking forward to the desserts. Sirius bought a variety of them from Briar's and as much as Viktor enjoys her sweets, he'd almost be willing to give up the main meal just to get to the pastries. Almost.

When Sirius finally announces everything's ready, it's none too soon for Viktor whose stomach has started rumbling so loudly he's sure it can be heard all the way back at Hogwarts!

Soups On
Author: Briar Rose
Date: 05-05-03 12:15

Briar stands in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on several of the dishes for lunch with Julian, Chyler, and Lysander. As she stirs pots and arranges items on platters and serving dishes, Briar starts running down a mental check list to make sure she's not forgotten anything, including the handing out of various Christmas gifts.

To Dierna she'd sent what appeared to be only a card but when opened reveals that twice a week, every week for the next year, Dierna can expect a basket of freshly baked goods at her office or home. The various Weasleys also got such cards plus for Bill there is an assortment of essential kitchen wares for his new home. To Sirius Black, someone who's rapidly become one of her best customers and a good friend, went a cookbook dealing solely with meals for one or two. Just the thing for a bachelor who has his godson living with him parts of the year. For the sweet House Elf Dobby, Briar had made for him his very own bakery apron and chef's hat along with a thick booklet of coupons for him to use at his favorite stores in Hogsmeade and after finding out about his interests in learning to make pastries, she included a standing invitation for him to come take lessons from her. To Nevvyn went a Muggle style hydroponic garden and a book on its uses. Briar didn't forget the Toms. Hopefully each will be delighted to open their presents from her to each find three dozen assorted miniature sweets and a small capsule of what looks to be water. With each gift is also a note instructing that one drop of the "water" on one of the miniatures will cause the sweet to swell to the size of a serving for twelve.

The gifts for the Stratfords, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine, and Julian had been much more difficult for Briar to figure out. At long last she'd finally settled on several items for Lysander's favorite hobbies, a very dressy maternity robe for Chyler as well as gift card for a shopping spree for clothes after the baby is born and two of the cutest little baby outfits Briar ever saw. For the Valentines Briar got a painting by one of their favorite artists in the Wizarding World, Paolo Von Rembrangelo. She also got one for Julian as well as getting him two sets of silk pajamas with matching dressing gowns, and a four-day trip for two to the newest Wizarding resort recently opened in Thailand.

Carrying the last of the platters to the table, Briar announces lunch is ready. She and the others have agreed not to exchange gifts until after they eat and Briar cannot wait to see what Julian got for her... nor to see if the others like what she got for them.

Gift Giving
Author: Dierna ní Cíaran
Date: 05-05-03 21:03

While Sirius (who I'd owled to let him know I'd be coming) hands out an impressive Christmas feast I pour the champagne I'd brought. I was surprised to find Viktor here - then laughed when Harry had explained about how he'd lent Viktor his cloak. "Worthy of your father!" I laugh and Sirius agrees.

Once thoroughly stuffed with Sirius' terrific cooking, we turn our attention to the large pile of gifts.

"Your presents, Sirius is a bit too large to wrap," I say, handing him a small box. "So I had to shrink it to fit into a box - the engorgio charm will get it to its normal size." He opens the box to find a miniature black motorbike. "I tried to trace the one you had way back, but I couldn't find any record of it. So I hope this one will do." I'd also included a dog collar and license as a joke.

To Harry, I give a year's membership to the Quidditch museum in Diagon Alley - which includes top-seats to the World Cup in France as an added bonus.

I'd sent the ancient Irish game of Fidchel to Nevvyn, who'd become a close friend and something of a confident. It was still hard to bevies that I should find my father's best customer here in Hogsmeade.

I'd sent to Dumbledore several pairs of thick, woolen socks. Lily and I had discovered the mirror of Erised and were caught looking into by Dumbledore. I'd asked the headmaster what he'd seen and was told "socks". With the socks I'd sent a note saying "In remembrance of a rainy summer afternoon and a certain enchanted mirror."

For Briar, I'd sent a set of teas and spices in self-refilling containers.

"This is the best Christmas ever!" exclaims Harry.

We all agree and toast, "May the roof above us never fall in and we friends below never fall out. Slainte!"

Christmas Bliss
Author: Mirai Schultz
Date: 05-05-03 22:31

She walked up to where the karaoke is, got the mic, and whispered her song to papa. He shook his head and chuckled softly at her choice of song but he gave her a smile of appreciation as he realizes to whom the song is dedicated to. She heard the first few chords of the song and waited for her time to utter the lyrics of the song. She looked directly into his eyes as she sang, looking at the others once in a while. But she always lingers to his eyes.

"You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault

She sang with her heart on her sleeves, baring her soul to her friends and family. Especially to him. The guy she loves. The guy who was her bestfriend for so long that she's already attuned to what he feels, even at times what he thinks. And now that they are more than what they used to be, she still can't believe how close they really are and how much they know each other. Maybe there are still things to discover about him and she knows that there'll always be something that will surprise her. And she can't wait to know them all.

She finished her song with a flourish, everyone clapping and mama dabbing her eyes. She grinned at her before going back to her seat and receiving a kiss from her boyfriend in front of everybody. She blushed at his sudden show of affection, even more so when he placed a kiss on her forehead. This is how he shows his appreciation for her, even before when they were only friends.

Papa stood up again and asked, "Who's going next?" and Christina raised her hand and stood up. She sang Wonderwall, emphasizing and making her voice louder on the last stanza of the song and looking at Kennard.

"I said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my wonderwall

Mirai felt like giggling with the giddiness she felt as Christa sang, the way she glances at her boyfriend is enough to make her feel euphoric. Even Marga, who keeps grabbing her hand at intervals, and shares smiles with her.

Then it was Diether's and Kennard's turn to sing. Red sang With a Smile. She likes the part where he sang

"And baby you don't have to worry
'Coz there ain't no need to hurry
No one said that there's no easy way
When they're closing all their doors
And they don't want you anymore
This sounds funny but I'll say it anyway
Girl I'll stay, through the bad times
Even if I have to fetch you everyday
I'll get by if you smile
You can never be too happy in this life

Kennard's song was Perfect and before he sang it, he said that it was dedicated to Christa, who in turn, smiled brightly albeit a little red from her blush, which grew redder as Kennard sang his song.

"Perfect it's everything you are to me"

Over all, she could say that her Christmas was... perfect. She's surrounded with friends, her second family, and the person she loves most in the world. Everyone had laughed when the winner of the karaoke tradition was Raymond. It was a unanimous decision. And he just kept scratching his head in wonder. They had bid each one a "Good Morning" and "Happy Christmas" and she and Marga and Christa slept soundly on their bed, hugging one another.

OOC: I've compiled everyone's posts that's why it's a bit long. "Head over Feet" is by Alanis Morisette, "Wonderwall" by Oasis. "With a Smile" by Eraserheads and "Perfect" by True Faith are Filipino songs and by Filipino artists.

Ho, Ho, Ho
Author: Fynn Greenleaf
Date: 05-06-03 06:24

Christmas. He recalled previous ones, when it had been snow, not just any snow but Kentish snow, which fell differently and tasted he swore, of his mother's special icing for holiday cakes. But he was still in Hogwarts, didn't intend to go anywhere. And it brought Fynn refuge, within these sturdy stone walls and graceful turrets. He was wearing a sweater today, his only concession to festiveness- dark red and black, and which his mother would've chided him for, as it smelt of the two small sticks he'd had outside, behind the Quidditch bandstands. Christmas. Fynn carried a small package in his hand, the product of a last minute shopping expedition with Golbez. He'd only gotten a few people gifts- but this one had taken the most consideration.

He knocked on the dorm door, and it was opened by a timid Ravenclaw with dank brown hair and circles under her eyes. "Hi," Fynn said, giving her his best Holiday Smile. "Er...Merry Christmas." Merry. Very merry. She stepped aside, and there Cho was, curled up on the couch reading some very thick and very intimidating looking volume. "Hi," he said, smiling genuinely. "Just thought I'd stop by. And I felt really bad from not going to the concert with you, Miss Chang." She beamed, and strolled over for a hug. "Mistletoe!" He said, to the ceiling.


Too late, he'd kissed her.

"Thought there was some just now. On the ceiling...I think I'm seeing things."

"You idiot."

That lovely smile.

"Here," he said, taking up the small box and giving it to her, suddenly shy. Would she like it? It was a small token, a pendant, which he'd found in the corner of a tiny shop of antique oddments and trinkets. He wasn't good with remembering designs, but this one stuck - it was a rare, cloudy garnet stone held in a delicate carving of strange metal, which glinted from certain angles like a captured rainbow. And at the back of it, a carving which the shopkeeper had obliged him: je t'aime. Nothing more and nothing less; he wasn't that good at French, but he hoped it sufficed in what he meant. Cho's face was lit up, as she took off the ribbon from the top of the box...

Je t'aime Aussi
Author: Cho Chang
Date: 05-06-03 16:06

Cho slowly unwrapped the ribbon, knowing she liked it already or, rather, deciding she liked it, she would never let him down. However, as she opened the box, she genuinely giggled, throwing her arms around him, "Oh Fynn! It's absolutely wonderful!"

He grins, arms encircling her waist, picking her up and spinning her gently, "You are wonderful..."

She kisses him intensely as he sets her down, having missed him sorely, still in his arms she looks at the back of the pendant and reads it, she looks up to him and smiles again, "Je t'aime aussi."