Saturday Morning Fun
Author: Toby Beck
Date: 05-31-03 12:11

Toby Beck took the stairs from the dormitories to the common room two at a time, grinning when the lovely sight of his beautiful girlfriend came into view. She was sitting in one of the over-stuffed armchairs with her legs tucked underneath her body for warmth. Her blonde hair hung loose about her shoulders, the only thing keeping the golden strands from falling into her face a plain and thin, silver headband.

She looked up when he approached, ducking his head over her shoulder to place a sweet kiss on her cheek. "Hey," she said softly. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Good morning, Sunshine." He kissed her temple this time and then sat down on the armrest, placing his left arm over the back of the chair. "We're missing the chess match, aren't we? Did you already have breakfast?"

"Yes, and yes," Bronwyn replied. She closed the book in her lap, and Toby noticed for the first time that it was a library book entitled Quidditch Rules and Regulations for Dummies. "Just boning up a little bit for the next match. Sometimes I feel like I sound like a fool."

"You?" Toby asked incredulously. "Never. You're a great commentator, even if you've only done it once so far." He paused, gently tugging one of her honeyed strands of hair. "And if anything, it'll get more natural in time." He flashed her a reassuring smile and asked, "Shall we move along so that we can see how Lawrence is faring?"

"Don't you want to eat first, Toby?" Bronwyn asked, "and besides, you just missed your brother. Said something about a snowball fight."

Toby grinned wider. "That sounds fun! Wanna play? And, I'm not that hungry this morning. I know, I know...breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You used to tell that to Kendra all the time, or was it the other way around?"

Bronwyn fell silent for a moment. "It went both ways," she finally said, and she managed a meager smile. She still missed Kendra very much, Toby could see it in her eyes. He, of course, missed his sister very deeply too. They had shared a great bond, but it had been so much different than the bond Bronwyn had shared with her. He could almost understand why sometimes Kendra's death seemed to bother her more than it did him.

"If you don't want to see the match," Bronwyn continued, "we can go play. Might be nice to get out of the castle for a while anyway."

"Then, it's settled," Toby exclaimed happily, climbing off of the armrest. He offered Bronwyn a hand as she untucked her legs from beneath her and climbed to her feet. "Let's grab our coats and go have a snowball fight!"

An Owl from the Ministry and Chance
Author: Casey Ross
Date: 05-31-03 12:13

It was breakfast time here (I still was not totally used to the time difference in the US...even though we have been here for some time now.) I went down the corridors from our dormitory and made my way to the hall for breakfast and in hopes of getting an owl from Chance when the mail arrives.

I sit down and begin to eat some scrambled eggs and bacon and some toast when I look around the hall and realize just how much I miss Hogwarts. Smith's School of Sorcery in Boston, Massachusetts was nice but it was nothing like Hogwarts back home in the UK. I wanted to go home so bad I missed it so much. I am so home sick. I sighed looking down at my eggs and pushed them around my plate with my fork when my boyfriend arrived and sat down beside me.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled at me...

I smiled ever so slightly and turned to look at him, "Good morning Blake..." He was the one good thing that came from being here in the US. If I left it would be hard to leave him behind. When I left home (England and Hogwarts) I left behind a boy (James Finley) that I was deeply in love with. He was a Muggle. He did not know I was a witch. He knew there was something different about me...and that I went to school far from home, but it did not bother him. Now the thought of possibly leaving Blake was plaguing my mind and breaking my heart.

"What's the matter m'dear? You're not your usual bubbly self."

"Oh, I uhhh, ummmm well I don't know how to tell you this exactly...but my Dad got an owl from the Ministry yesterday saying they need him back in England. It would mean us moving back there...We would not be back...I don't what to leave you, but I know you can't come with me. Part of me wants to leave as well because my cousin is there and my Aunt Elisa and my Uncle William." I trailed off and began to cry.

Putting his arms around me and pulling me close to him in a warm embrace he whispered in to my hair that it would be alright. "Don't worry, things have a way of working them selves out." He gave me a soft kiss on top of my head and just held me for a few more minutes.

A few minutes later the owls arrived bringing the days mail. I pulled away from Blake and sat up looking for my Aunt Elisa's owl Ariel and I didn't see her. I looked and looked. Finally the last owl to fly in was her. She was a small little owl that twittered a lot. She floated down to me gracefully and held out her leg for me to untie the letter.

Chance talked about Vincent Triegher the boy she has had a crush on for the last two or three years. She told me that she ran into him a couple times and was hoping to see him again soon...That the school was planning a Valentine's dance and that she hoped he asked her. She just talked about all the things going on at Hogwarts right now and how much she missed me.

I handed the letter to Blake and sighed, "I guess she will be happy to have me coming home again. I will be happy to see her but..." I broke off and began to cry again... "Why does this have to happen again. Why when I finally find someone I care about do we have to leave?"

"Oh, Case," he cooed pulling me close to him again, "It will be ok I will come and visit you this summer if you like? I would love to meet your cousin as well. You're always talking about her. We will work it don't you worry about it ok. When do you leave?"

"I am not sure yet. My Mum and Dad said they sent an owl to my Aunt and Uncle and asked them if I could stay with I suppose I will be leaving soon. The Ministry wants Dad to come now...he leaves tomorrow morning. Mum will be staying here till things are in order and Mum thought it would be good for me to go home...and stay with Uncle William and Aunt Elisa...for a couple days and then go on to Hogwarts. But I suspect I will be leaving this weekend then. I will miss you so much. You have to write me all the time."

"I will, I will write you everyday." Blake cooed into her hair again. "I love you so much Casey...and I WILL come and see you this summer...that is if you haven't found someone else to take my place by then." He laughed.

"That's not funny! I don't want anyone to take your place."

The rest of our breakfast was spent just sitting in silence thinking about what was to come.

Let's Fight
Author: Brett Kingston
Date: 05-31-03 12:49

Brett hunches over the board, his eyes darting back and forth from it and the pad of paper he's holding, assessing what his next strategic move should be. Australia sits opposite, goading her brother to hurry up, hoping that if he rushes he'll make a bad decision. Ginny, sitting to Brett's right and Aussie's left, is once more reading over the rules to this Muggle game she's never heard of before and telling Neville to wait, she's almost done and he can have the directions again in a moment.

At last Brett moves his piece into the study and announces, "Professor Peacock in the study with the lead pipe."

Before the other three are able to react, Harry comes bounding through the portal into the common room. "Hallo, where have you all been? Anyone seen Ron or Hermione? I've been looking since I got up. Oh, Anthony Beck says there's a snowball fight getting started at the pitch. Want to come along?"

Brett and Neville exclaim, "Excellent!" at the same time while Aussie is suggesting they put Clue on hold and Ginny informs Harry that he slept in so late that it's no wonder he missed seeing everyone else. By the time the foursome have moved the game board so that it won't be disturbed, Harry's already left. They dash to their respective rooms for coats and the four head out of Gryffindor House, finally catching up with Harry about halfway to the pitch.

Snow Much Fun
Author: Ginny Weasley
Date: 05-31-03 13:12

Once Australia, Brett, Neville, and Ginny catch up with Harry, Ginny is more than happy to complete the rest of the distance hand in hand with Harry. They get to the pitch to find a good sized group already there and some of those gathered warming up by good naturedly splatting a few others with snowballs.

The Ravenclaw Kody Reese-Emerson calls out for everyone to gather around him. He suggests that while we wait a little longer to see who else might show up, those present start breaking into teams, with each team taking one end of the pitch to build snow fortifications and start amassing snow balls.

Anthony Beck suggests that since this whole thing is Kody's and Drake's idea, they head the two teams. Ginny thinks that's a great idea as does everyone else. The large group is quickly broken into two smaller ones and Ginny is ecstatic that she's with Harry on Drake's team. Brett is as well while Neville and Aussie are to be on Kody's. The two Kingstons start making such funny comments to each other about whose team will win, that Ginny finds she can't stop giggling, especially after Brett loudly quips, "Snow what, Australia? You'll be so overwhelmed by our superior, icy style that your whole team will be frozen with fear."

As much fun as this looks to be, Ginny begins working on a portion of the fort wall while hoping that Ron and Hermione will show up. She's also pretty certain that Brett would like it very much of Orei put in an appearance as well.

The Snowball Making Queen
Author: Australia Kingston
Date: 05-31-03 13:47

Australia runs and puts a large handful of snow down Brett's back for that last bad pun of his then makes a wild dash and dive for safety behind her team lines. Once tucked away where Brett can't retaliate until the snowball fight actually begins, Aussie joins those of her teammates who are crafting as many snowballs as they can before things start.

A familiar voice asks, "Mind if I help you or would you prefer I work on the fortifications?"

Aussie looks up from where she's scooping up snow and packing it into tight balls and grins, "I don't mind you helping at all, Maj, but you might want to ask Drake where he most needs you."

Majandra returns Australia's grin, nods, and goes in search of Drake. Aussie resumes making snowballs, intent on making sure her team has a far greater number of them to hurl than her brother's. Australia chuckles as she decides she'll crown herself the Snow Ball Queen.

Author: Severus Snape
Date: 05-31-03 16:27

Professor Snape sat among the audience in the Great Hall watching with dreadful tedium as one pawn slowly moved after the next across both chessboards. Although his interest waned terribly, the Potion master's gaze remained intently on the board of Miss Brumby, a sixth year in his House. She seemed off her mark today; Miss Chang managed to pick off several of Faith's pieces in consecutive strokes.

Snape tried not to allow his mind to wander, although many a grave thought whirled through his head. He knew that the Dark Lord was angry with him; he could feel it. The dull burning on his forearm was a constant reminder of his duty to Dumbledore as well as the staged one to Voldemort. It was also a reminder of the seriousness of the situation––of the extreme danger involved.

Suddenly, the pain in Snape's arm erupted like a volcano, an echo vibrating through his head. He winced and clutched his skull, drawing his arm to his chest. A few seated around him turned towards him curiously, brows tightly knit together out of curiosity––and surely not concern.

Attempting to alleviate the situation, Snape inhaled deeply for a few moments, simultaneously wishing to detract all questioning eyes away from him. Nothing to see here, he thought to himself. Nothing at all.

Deciding it best to go somewhere more private, Snape rose from his seat clenching his teeth together as the sharp pain reverberated throughout his body. He managed to keep semi-normal composure until he slipped out of the Great Hall and quietly shut the door behind him. Thankful that the entrance hall appeared to be vacant, Snape refrained from trying to control his facial expressions and body language. He grimaced as his body doubled over, one hand massaging his temple as the other groped for support on the floor.

A few moments passed until Snape could stand upright again. He could still sense the aftershocks tingle throughout his tall form, a quite unpleasant and unnerving feeling. The professor moved for the staircase to the dungeons, but paused in mid-stride at the sound of a pair of voices emanating from the top of the grand staircase.

"Promise you won't throw one at me, Toby. You have a strong arm."

Laughter and "I thought you had a thing for arms, strong arms, Bronwyn," came next.

The Hufflepuff pair stopped at the foot of the staircase and gazed up at Professor Snape, who merely stared back sternly. "Going somewhere Mr. Beck, Miss Dewhurst?"

"Just outside," supplied Toby smoothly. "It's a beautiful day."

"Why aren't you lending support to your House," Snape asked, "and Mr. Masterson?"

"Well," "Uhh," were the less-than-suave responses, but suddenly Snape didn't seem to care. He felt another round of pain begin to beat dully against his temple. Swiftly, he turned on his heel and stole down the stairs to the dungeon where he sought out his chambers. Assuming he'd still be alive later on that evening, he'd treat himself to a large drink and go to bed early.

Giving In
Author: Hermione Granger
Date: 05-31-03 16:42

Finally agreeing to leave the library, Hermione let Ron escort her to the Great Hall where the wizard's chess tournament was already underway. Hermione had had two motives for spending so much time with Ron in the library that morning: One, to study of course! And two, to just be with Ron. She still felt a little awkward every now and again after everything that had happened with Gabriel on New Year's Eve and the following week thereafter.

Hermione had ultimately decided to refrain from telling Ron the whole truth; why stir up unwanted trouble when nothing serious really happened anyway? But to make up for her guilt at keeping something from her boyfriend, Hermione wanted to spend as much time as she could with Ron and only Ron. Since the majority of the students in Hogwarts were at the chess match or still sleeping (or so she thought), Hermione figured the library would be a great spot to go. Besides, why not kill two birds with one stone and get a little studying done too?

Ron's love for chess won over in the end, but as the pair descended the grand staircase they found Bronwyn and Toby halfway out the front door. "Hey," Ron exclaimed, "where are you guys going?"

Bronwyn pulled Toby to a stop and explained, "There's a big snowball fight going on at the Pitch. Want to come along?"

"Well, actually," Hermione started, but Ron interrupted with, "Yeah! Let's go, Hermione!"

"Well, what about chess?" Hermione asked hotly, placing both hands on her hips. "You said you wanted to leave the library, to stop studying so that you could watch the match!"

"Oh, come on, Hermione," Ron pleaded. He didn't have to finish his thoughts. He already knew that she was smart enough to figure out that they didn't leave the library for chess.

"Oh, all right!" Hermione exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

Author: Briar Rose
Date: 05-31-03 21:08

Briar is fiercely pounding on some bread dough when Bill walks in, a look of fury marring her features.

"Er, should I come back at another time?"

Briar gives the dough another punch, rolls it into a ball and places it into the bowl sitting nearby, then wipes her hands on her apron. "No, Bill, it's all right. Just taking out some frustration."

"You sure? You look pretty pissed."

"I'm sure and yes, I am fairly ticked at the moment. Julian and I are arguing a lot lately. I know the reasons he's so touchy and quick to anger is the grief he's still working through."

Briar sighs deeply, and gestures for Bill to follow her upstairs. She continues speaking as they go up. "I remain patient and calm when he gets riled, and he does that a lot these days. Sometimes about the most insignificant or imagined things. I need an outlet for all my emotions that build up. Taking it out on bread dough is the one of the ways I've been venting of late."

By this time they have reached Briar's flat and Briar points Bill to the couch while she moves to the kitchen to brew a fresh pot of the coffee she knows Bill loves. When she enters the living room area, tray with coffee and an assortment of tea cakes and cookies, Briar settles in across from Bill. As she pours him a cup, she asks, "What is it you've been wanting to talk to me about?"

"Adriana. You're the only person who might be able to give me some insight about your similar pasts and where she might be now."

Briar thinks about this a moment then shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Bill, but I have no notion of where Adriana may have gone other than perhaps You-Know-Who was able to call her back into his fold. If that's the case, I know it will sound selfish to say so, but it makes me worry about how safe I am."

Missives and Mental Muscles...
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 06-01-03 09:34

Having finished most of my administrative work for the morning, I decide to look in on the progress of round two of the Wizards' Chess tournament. I am shocked to see that the Great Hall is so sparsely populated. A few dozen students are sitting around the edge, watching the four at the tables in the center. One quick glance at the board of the Misses Chang and Brumby tells me the latter does not have her heart in the game, and that her mind is elsewhere. The match between Masterson and Paul seemed to be more of an even contest. I observed for a few minutes to see if I could discern their individual strategies. I chuckle as Paul's knight dispatches Masterson's bishop. On the surface, it does not appear to be a sacrifice. However...

I turn and look at Professor Logan, raising an eyebrow. "Where is everyone?" I whisper.

She shrugs and looks toward the entrance door, where several students are scurrying past, headed for the large front doors to the Castle. "I've heard rumors that there is to be a snowball fight," she grumbles. "It seems to be drawing much more interest than the tournament."

I nod an acknowledgement, watch the matches for a bit more, then decide I should see what transpires outside. I slip out of the hall and go back to my office for a warm scarf and a warm, waterproof cape to go over my woolen winter robes.

...and Missiles
Author: Albus Dumbledore
Date: 06-01-03 09:30

Back at the front door, I survey the wintry landscape... A pristine blanket of white covers all the lawns and vegetation except the path to the quidditch pitch. This has been thoroughly trampled by innumerable happy feet. I follow the well worn path until I hear the glad voices and laughter ringing out. Inside the pitch, great frozen fortresses have been erected about forty feet apart. Students are stockpiling great hoards of snowballs and planning their strategies. A warm chuckle, a remembrance of winters past, surges up from my middle and erupts as a broad smile beneath my whiskers. From long years of practice, I step to the middle of the battlefield and tap my wand to my throat while saying "Sonorus!"

I clear my throat for the attention of those few who have not seen my approach. "Ahem!" I begin. "The rules of engagement for The Hogwarts Snowball Fight are as follows: First and foremost, there shall be no enchantment of the snowballs to make them harder, fly faster and farther, or to hit harder. Second, there shall be no snowballs larger than six inches in average diameter. Third, the use of catapults, slings and the like is specifically prohibited. And fourth, if anyone should be injured, they will be considered a casualty of war! They must retire from the battle and seek emergency aid from Madam Pomfrey. Lastly, when you tire of this sport, you might consider congregating near Hagrid's hut where, unless I miss my guess, there should be an ample supply of hot chocolate awaiting you."

I back away to the sidelines and announce, "May the battle begin, and may the best team win!!" I back off further, just in case someone finds the headmaster's hat an irresistible target.

Joining In
Author: Majandra
Date: 06-01-03 13:52

Majandra had learned of the impending snowball fight simply by chance. She'd been on her way to the library to double check a reference for a paper due next week when a mixed group of Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws whisked passed. She'd overheard in their animated chatter a reference to the snowball fight and that anyone interested was invited to join in.

Normally preferring solitude to large, noisy crowds... such crowds being the only real drawback the enjoyment of watching Quidditch... Majandra decided it wouldn't kill her to be more social, possibly improve upon some friendships or start building friendships with students she is only slightly acquainted with.

Being so near the library, Maj went ahead and checked the information she needed then returned to her room long enough to get bundled up. Once outside at the pitch, she spoke first with Australia and then with a boy she'd only seen in passing, Drake Bennett, and was assigned the job of shoring up the part of the fortifications before moving on to snowball making.

A great cheer had gone up when Professor Dumbledore suddenly appeared and by setting the ground rules endorsed the snowball fight.

The only thing that seems to be missing as far as Majandra can tell is the presence of a set of mischievous, freckle faced, brightly red headed twins. This would have been right up their alley were they still at Hogwarts!

Author: Lucius Malfoy
Date: 06-01-03 14:46

Lucius exits the cell where Karkaroff is being kept, well satisfied that another session has gone well. Too bad this site wasn't known to Voldemort and his devoted followers when they were holding the Potter brat.

Each cell a nook in a subterranean cave system. Each nook so secure that a special spell has been put in place to recycle the air.

Each nook's entrance spelled so that the doorway is not evident from inside or outside the cell. The spell for opening requiring a special talisman, in Lucius's case worn in a signet ring.

The talisman looking like nothing more than a gemstone and giving off no odd projections an auror might detect. Lord Voldemort is of course very selective in passing out the talismans, or for that matter in whom the information about the caves is trusted. Even Crabbe and Goyle know nothing about it.

Lucius moves to the only spot in the main cave not charmed to prevent apparating and with a POP. He's got an early luncheon with some of his Ministry of Magic cronies and then a meeting later in the day with Lord Voldemort. Lucius knows the master will be pleased to hear that Karkaroff has revealed the location of another on Lord Voldemort's most wanted list. Very pleased indeed.

Private Dobby Reporting for Duty
Author: Dobby
Date: 06-01-03 15:40

Dobby sits and watches some of each of the two chess matches but both games seem to be moving slowly and the House Elf is antsy and full of energy. When he can no longer sit still much less remain quiet, Dobby jumps up and makes a hasty exit from the Great Hall.

Bedecked in thick, colorful socks and mittens as well as a brand new, equally colorful parka, Dobby skips down to the pitch after hearing about a friendly snowball fight taking place.

Asking the first student he meets how he might get involved, Dobby is directed to a boy from Ravenclaw House. Approaching Kody Reese-Emerson, Dobby asks, "Dobby be wantin' to play. Mr. Kody sir be havin' a spot for Dobby?"

"Oh sure, Dobby. We're trying to keep the team numbers even. I put the last person before you on my team so you'll be on Drake's. Drake Bennett. That's him there."

Kody points to the boy he's identified as Drake. Dobby thanks him and runs over to Drake who then tells Dobby that the snow fort is almost done so everyone still not working on the fort is making snowballs. Dobby snaps a mock salute and hurries over to help his teammates.

Author: Saffron
Date: 06-01-03 18:16

Saffron drains her teacup, picks up a quill and her lesson plan book, then exits the Divination's tower. She'd been in the middle of figuring out lessons for each class when she remembered something about a chess match. Saffron thinks it's probably a good idea to put in an appearance, be seen outside of the classroom at some function other than the evening meal. Based on information Saffron has gleaned in the short time she's be on staff at Hogwarts, her predecessor Professor Trelawney was so rarely seen by any students other than those who took her class that many had never laid eyes on her their entire school careers.

Saffron reaches the doors to the Great Hall and as quietly as possible enters the room.

Too Lazy to Get Up
Author: Mirai Schultz
Date: 06-01-03 19:27

She watched as several others of her schoolmates slowly vanish from the hall, all trying to join the snowball fight that is to be held outside the pitch.

"Are we going?" Christina asked her quietly, nodding to the latest batch of students going out of the hall.

She thought about it and answered, "If you want. But I'll just stay here and watch."

"Why?" Diether asked her.

"I don't want to get up," she said.

"Besides, I don't think the headmaster is going to be happy about that," Margaritte said. "He went out," she added.

"Oh..." Christa muttered.

"Let's just continue to watch, alright?" she told them, and focused her attention to the games happening before her.

A Watchful Eye
Author: Angelina
Date: 06-01-03 19:43

As I watched the games in progress Miss Chang was mopping the board with Miss Brumby and it looked like Miss Chang would be the clear winner. As for Miss Paul and Mr. Masterson it was too soon to tell. The two were evenly matched.

As I walked back down the hall I noticed Snape and saw he'd parted in quite a hurry, his arm clutched to his chest. I knew that position. It was either a heart attack... "No, stupid. He'd have to have a heart to have an attack," I thought, or it was his brand. I knew about that since he showed me last year. I shook my head taking that thought from my mind as the doors closed shut, and turned back to the games.